Tuesday, August 23, 2022

fab or fail? so gloss heat activated nail wraps

I am no stranger to nail wraps, nail stickers, and at-home manicures. Since I do not enjoy getting my nails done professionally (social interaction and small talk? No thank you...) take home products are my favourite kinds. My drawer is overloaded with nail polishes, nail stickers, and nail wraps from various brands. When my mom gifted me the So Gloss Heat Activated Nail Wraps, I was extremely excited. The pink and gold design was beautiful, there were lots of nail size options included, and I was in the mood for something different. So, it is time to take a closer look at this set. Was the So Gloss Heat Activated Nail Wraps set fab or a total fail? Here is everything you need to know about this at-home nail product. 

Spoiler alert: this is a total fail. But let's start with some of the positives. This specific design is called Lucky Girl and I adore it. It has a soft baby pink on most of the nail wrap with golden glitter on the bottom. The design is perfection. Definitely my style! I also like that there are clear instructions for application and the fact that there are many different nail sizes included in the set. That makes it so much easier to find an exact match. Other nail stickers and wraps that I have tried have been a little more limited. It's nice to have plenty of options to choose from and more than one application per package. 

Okay...now for the not so great stuff. These nail wraps are heat activated and while that made them adhere to the nails better in some ways, it didn't seem to do enough. For example, most of the nail wrap is fully adhered to the nail. I cannot remove them currently. However, the tips of the nails are ragged, no matter how much I file and buff the edges. It is extremely frustrating. Another issue? The wraps did not apply smoothly and don't smooth out completely either. I think the issue is that these nail wraps are a little too thick. In my experience, when the nail wraps are too thick, they don't smooth out well and have difficulty adhering completely. The best option was the Sally Hansen Salon Effects, but they are unfortunately discontinued. So, I've been trying out lots of different options. Some work better than others, but none have worked as well as Sally Hansen. 

As you can see from the photo above...from a distance the nails look decent, but when you look at the details, they are not good. There are bubbles and creases everywhere. I am not a nail expert by any means, but I have used a lot of similar products in the past. If there is one thing that I know how to do, it is apply nail wraps and nail stickers! The fact that there are so many creases and the fact that the wraps don't file well makes me not want to use these again. I have lots of So Gloss nail wraps left in this package, but given the way my at-home manicure looks, it seems pointless to use them. This just doesn't look good. For me? The So Gloss Heat Activated Nail Wraps are not just a fail. They are a disaster. I'm super disappointed. 

Rating: 1 / 5

Have you tried anything from So Gloss? Share your nail wrap recommendations in the comment section below!


  1. When the products did not deliver what was expected, I feel very sorry for the money you gave.

    1. Well, I appreciate that! It was a lesson for sure, that this brand is not for me.

  2. Ohh, it's sad that it's a fail because the design looks so pretty! And I totally understand you, I also dislike getting my nails done because of the same reasons, lol! Small talk and social interaction with strangers is a big NO for me, I've only gone to a nail salon twice in my life (last time was last month actually.. And the nails were perfect but I don't feel comfortable at all there!)

    1. Absolutely! The design was totally up my alley. Ha! I am so glad I'm not the only one who avoids that. Even though the end result is so pretty, the experience itself makes me want to avoid it.

  3. They look nice but seem poor quality. I have never used nail wraps and don't really fancy them. I'll stick to polish haha!

    1. Definitely a smart move! Sometimes, I am too impatient to wait for nail polish to dry, and so nail wraps are a nice alternative.

  4. Sorry to read these nail wraps turned out to be such a failure. They do look nice at first sight though. xxx

    1. They do! From afar, these look quite nice. Ah well. Live and learn!


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