Monday, August 1, 2022

new in: juicy couture shoes (sneakers and slides)

Stuck in the 00s? Most definitely. I have to admit, it is kind of strange seeing the brands and trends that I love come back into style again. Even though Juicy Couture tracksuits and accessories were considered 'uncool' a few short years ago...they have suddenly become popular once more. This is excellent news for me, because I never stopped wearing any of it. I still have my Juicy Couture tracksuits, shirts, purses, and bracelets from the 00s! While I appreciate trends and think they are a lot of fun, at the end of the day, I wear what I like. If something I like is no longer trendy, that doesn't mean that I throw it all away. After all, fashion is not just about wearing the latest and greatest. It's about what makes you feel like your absolute best self. Thankfully, this Juicy Couture resurgence makes it a whole lot easier to find new items from the brand and fill in some gaps. Ready to take a peek at some Juicy Couture shoes? One is a new pair of sneakers and the other is a pair of slides for summer.

Juicy Couture Wynnie Flat Slip On Pool Slides. When it comes to seasonal shoes, there aren't a whole lot in my closet at the moment. A lot of my favourite sandals have fallen by the wayside over the years. They became totally worn out, broken, or too uncomfortable to continue wearing. So, for summer shoes, I have been sticking with slip ons from my beloved Toms collection or a pair of sneakers. Recently, these Juicy Couture slides were added to the mix. These are great for those short little tasks. For instance, heading out on the balcony, running to grab the mail, or taking the garbage down. They slip on easily, are comfortable to wear, and still look sparkly and stylish! I find them really convenient for those quick kind of needs.  

Juicy Couture Bright Pink Logo Dyanna Platform Sneaker. Personality wise, I am most often described as shy. I have always been really shy, timid, and kind of afraid of people. Despite this, my footwear is often on the bold side. I like things that are fun and make a statement! My shoe collection has glitter shoes, brightly coloured shoes, patterned shoes, and well, a little bit of everything. These Juicy Couture shoes check off all the boxes. They are bright pink and white, have a mesh detail at the front and side, and definitely stand out. These are really fun, colourful, and instantly add interest to a look. There is nothing subtle about this style...and I guess that is what I like best about the shoes. Life is serious, but footwear doesn't need to be. 

What do you think of these Juicy Couture shoes? Are you a fan of the 00s trends coming back?


  1. I loved pink Sneaker :) thanks for your sharing...

  2. lately I see Juicy Couture everywhere. It reminds of how badly I wanted them in late 00s. may be it's time for me to finally own something from them

    1. Right? It's amazing the resurgence they've had lately!

  3. Replies
    1. Thank you! I like them because they are so fun and colourful!

  4. Oh those pink trainers look amazing :-D

  5. These shoes are so great 👍 I love so much the sneakers 😍

  6. Thanks a lot my dear =) Oh yes this moment was really incredible, I was so excited and my hands were shaking. Thanks that's really cute from you <3 Oh yes I'm a really big fan, I love her so much. I don't like my pose there but in that moment I didn't know how to stand next to her :D
    Thanks, I like this shirts too =) Oh yes the Abba Museum was so much fun.

    Great post =) I had some Juicy Couture products in my teen time - especially perfumes.
    This shoes are nice, I like the slippers with the glitter and I love the pink sneakers <3 =) I would wear both of them.
    I love the 90's and 2000's, so it's nice that some trends come back =)

    1. Thank you so much! I agree...the trends are fun and I'm glad some of them are back!


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