Wednesday, August 3, 2022

review: abh norvina mini pro pigment palette vol. 3

An eyeshadow palette with red, blue, green, pink, and glitter? Well, there certainly isn't an expected colour story in the Anastasia Beverly Hills Norvina Collection Mini Pro Pigment Palette Vol. 3. This release shares some similarities to the Mini Pro Pigment Palette Vol. 1, which was reviewed on Mansa Fashion. not too long ago. (In case you missed that review, you can check it out here.) There are nine eyeshadows in total, a variety of finishes, and the palette itself is quite compact. There are also some pigments and some eyeshadows. Five of the shadows are traditional eyeshadows and the other four shades are pressed pigments. With lots of variety and some unexpected colour combinations, this is certainly a unique beauty product. Ready to take a look inside? Here is everything you need to know about the Mini Pro Pigment Palette Vol. 3. 

Colour, colour, and more colour! The Anastasia Beverly Hills Norvina Collection Mini Pro Pigment Palette Vol. 3 has some pretty bold and unexpected colours. On the top row, there is an iridescent pink, a multi-coloured glitter, and a blue glitter. The glitters are chunky and would work well layered over top of another shadow or alone if there was a glitter glue involved. On their own? They are not my favourites. The second row has a warm cherry red, a bright baby blue, and an 80s pink. The pigmentation levels are impressive and these can be built up to create a look that is bold and over the top. On the bottom row, there is a deep berry shade, a medium green, and a bright red. These are boldly pigmented, ultra colourful, and stand out from the rest. Personally, the standout shades in this palette are the reds and that bright pink. They make it possible to create something really dramatic! It could be holiday themed, grunge, emo, or even retro inspired. 

There are a lot of standout shadows included in this palette. However, the glitters are not that impressive, and the iridescent shadow doesn't do a whole lot to work with or elevate the other shadows.  The top row is not my favourite, but I do like that there was a desire to include a variety of finishes. Something that I do like about this product? The compact size and the adorable packaging. I love the turquoise colour and cherry design on the front of the palette. It is so cute and retro inspired! This is certainly an ambitious release with some hits and misses. All in all, there is a lot to work with.

For this particular makeup look, the focus was on the red colours in the palette. It started with the cherry red all over the lid, with the bright red tapped in the center, and the deeper berry shade through the crease for added depth. That was blended out with the pink colour for a little bit of a transition. The deep berry shade was applied along the lower lash line for a look that was smokey and colourful. Some liner and mascara finished off the eyes. Since the eyes were so dramatic, the rest of the makeup look was kept pretty minimal and neutral. I really wanted those reds to pop as much as possible.

Overall, this is an interesting palette. Not all of the eyeshadows are stellar, but many of them are outstanding. The colour story is unique and the packaging certainly speaks to me. The Mini Pro Pigment Palette Vol. 3 is definitely memorable!

Have you tried this eyeshadow palette from Anastasia Beverly Hills? What did you think of it?


  1. Oh wow! I love the look you created, Shannon! You look stunning in these colours. Not a lot of peeps can pull off the red eyeshadow (including me) but you certainly can. Thanks for the honest review as always. I love that turquoise shade too. Too bad the quality of all the shadows are not too fab.

    1. Thank you so much! I love a red eyeshadow. It can be fun to play with colours that are really bold.

  2. I enjoyed reading your review of the makeup kit. :) The makeup looks amazing on you. :)

  3. Thank you, I love to use coupons :D Oh yes Nivea is really good, I love the products. The Garnier sheet mask is one of my favourites =) Thanks.

    Great review =) This palette looks so cute, love the cherry design. Your look is pretty cute, I like it a lot <3

  4. I loved this makeup palette:) thanks for your sharing...

  5. Gorgeous palette and amazing makeup :-D

  6. What a gorgeous palette, and I absolutely adore your make-up! xxx


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