Thursday, August 25, 2022

smiley x h&m (mini smiley face haul)

It was only a few months ago that I shared a post about my obsession with happy faces. Growing up, I absolutely loved them. To me, happy faces represented simple joys and optimism. They still do! Now that there is a resurgence in all things 90s and 00s, it seems that the happy face has returned to popularity once again. This is excellent news for me, because I have been able to find some really special and nostalgic items. Case in point? The Smiley x H&M collaboration. My mom needed to return something at the mall not too long ago and we did a bit of quick browsing. My eyes locked on the Smiley x H&M collection and it was all over. Though there were a lot of pieces that I would've loved to take home with me, only three ended up in my wardrobe. Ready to take a closer look? Find out more about these items? Here is a mini happy face haul....

Smiley x H&M - Small Twill Shoulder Bag. The first item in this mini haul is this adorable smiley face purse. The purse itself is fairly basic. It has a short strap and is black. The material doesn't feel super luxe, but to be honest, the real reason this purse is exciting is the chain detail. It falls down the front and spells out SMILEY and then there is an adorable happy face on the end. Though the actual purse is not the greatest, the smiley face chain is a lot of fun and really makes this basic feel special.

Smiley x H&M - Pink Tie Dye T-Shirt and Sweat Shorts. The next two items in this little haul are worn together. The Smiley x H&M collection had a lot of fabulous tie dye items and it was difficult to know which ones to choose. I debated over a pink tie dye hoodie, but ultimately chose a pink tie dye shirt that said: Positive State of Mind with a giant happy face, and a pair of sweat shorts with a smaller logo. I think this outfit is so fun, colourful, and whimsical. It is perfect for lounging around the house. Or any time you want to incorporate a little fun into your wardrobe. After all, fashion should always be fun.

Are you a fan of happy faces? What do you think of the Smiley x H&M collaboration? 


  1. These are very cute :-D

    I got myself a Christmas jumper and Tshirt and got my daughter several Hallowe'en items! Picked up my order today and they all look great :-D

    1. Ooh really? I love holiday items so much. I hope the seasonal stuff will bring you and your daughter lots of joy!

  2. You are so right, the smiley face just brings happiness and joy! This collaboration is so cute! xx

    1. It does! Sometimes, it is the little things that mean the most.

  3. Thank you, that's really annoying =( I hope the company writes me back soon with a good solution.

    Great haul, I like smileys a lot =) This small bag is pretty cute, perfect for a shopping day. And I love the shirt and shorts <3 The look is so beautiful, I would wear it too.

    1. Yes, it would be so great for a quick shopping trip. I love the design!

  4. I agree with everyone, these are cute. :)
    I love the smiley face bag.

  5. I am fan of everything that brings joy and takes away worries. Fun logos are a simple but effective thing to obtain that. The purse is so cute and could bring a sparkle of joy to any outfit.

    1. Oh too! There is too much sadness in the world. Sometimes, fun fashion is the perfect remedy.

  6. Boa tarde de sexta-feira. Aproveito para desejar um bom final de semana. Seus trabalhos são lindos e maravilhosos.

    1. Thank you so much! I hope you have a great weekend <3

  7. What with everything that has been going on in the world, I could definitely use some cheering up. The smiley faces and 'Positive State of Mind' graphic on the very pretty, fashionable and comfortable H+M Pink Tie Dye T-Shirt and Sweat Shorts are helpful (and very fashionable).
    Love them.

    P.S.: Kudos to you for your conscientious support on Twitter of Amber Heard and of the many other other victims of misogynistic violence, abuse and sexist discrimination, and for your having taking conscientious action as a consumer!

    1. Wow. Thank you so much. I can't even explain how much your comment means to me. Speaking up for Amber and other victims of abuse is important, even if it is not always easy. I have been threatened, bullied, and harassed on various social media platforms, but I believe it is vital to speak out against injustice. Again, thank you for your kind words. You made my day!

  8. Oh what a fun collection! the tie dye pieces in particular are adorable and look so comfortable! Great haul :)

    Hope you are having a good weekend :)

    Away From The Blue

    1. It is definitely a lot of fun! I love outfits that are colourful, whimsical, and comfy! Thank you. I hope you're having a great weekend as well <3


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