Sunday, September 11, 2022

charmed aroma: review and reveal (alice in wonderland)

Over the last few years, there have been several Charmed Aroma posts here on Mansa Fashion. My friend introduced me to these accessory candles and it was love at first light! Ready for another review and reveal? The latest is an Alice in Wonderland themed candle. It is no secret that I am a Disney fanatic. Though there were many cartoons that I loved growing up, but Alice in Wonderland was always a favourite. I loved Alice, her world, and my personal favourite, the glasses bird. There were so many fantastic characters! So, it was especially thrilling to light this Alice in Wonderland themed candle. Ready to see what was inside? Here is everything you need to know about this Charmed Aroma release.

As you can see from the photo above, the candle itself is in a themed mug. There are three different "layers" that create the appearance of tospy-turvy cups stacked on top of one another. This is a wonderful reference to the tea party and ties in the theme well. There are different patterns on this unusual mug as well as an Alice silhouette and illustrations of the signing flowers. In terms of the design itself, this is really well thought out. The mug is beautiful and can be used afterwards in a lot of different ways. I will be using this as a makeup brush holder, since it looks cute and will easily hold lots of different brushes. 

While the design itself is beautiful, the actual scent of the candle is not my cup of tea. (Pun intended.) According to Charmed Aroma, it is an "enchanted garden party scent, featuring notes of lemon tea, blooming jasmine, and blush violet woods." That all sounds fine and dandy, but the blend of scents is pretty horrible. This candle smells like a glue stick. No joke! It smells just awful and I really hated having it lit. Unfortunately for me, the necklace was actually buried really low in the candle, right near the bottom. So it had to be lit for ages. It was not an enjoyable process and I was quite frustrated by the end of it. Luckily, there was a wonderful necklace hidden away inside. There were five different designs that could have been inside, including a few tea themed ones and a few that showed Alice and the Drink Me bottle. The design that I really wanted was the doorknob. Such an iconic character! Ready to see what was actually inside my Charmed Aroma candle? Here goes...

Hurrah! I was honestly so thrilled to see the doorknob necklace inside that little foil packet. I did not want to see one of the tea-related necklaces, since I am not a tea drinker, so the necklaces wouldn't make a lot of sense without a full blown Alice in Wonderland outfit on. The doorknob though? Perfection. It is instantly recognizable and just so stinking cute! I love the design, with the doorknob and the key. This is gold coloured and there are lots of sparkly sections as well. It is a small and delicate necklace, but definitely makes a statement. I absolutely love it. Want to see the unveiling process? My latest YouTube video includes some first impressions, shows the burning process, and of course, that necklace reveal.

Are you a fan of Alice in Wonderland? What do you think of the doorknob necklace that was tucked away inside this candle?


  1. I love the locket, it's so adorable! I also can't help but wonder what the candle smells like, I'd love to smell it if I could! <3

    1. Right? It is so cute! I was definitely happy with the necklace.

  2. Omgggg this is so cute!! I would buy it even though I didn't like the smell just to keep the beautiful cup hahahaha. The necklace is another beautiful detail. Thanks for sharing it with us
    Kisses from

    1. Haha that is the saving grace: the cute cup and the cute necklace!

  3. Oh my gosh! That doorknob with the key necklace is just tooooooo awesome, Shannon! I can see why you love it:) That sucks that the candle itself smelled like glue stick, but this necklace is so worth it. Thanks as always for sharing these charmed aroma candle posts with us. I always love seeing your reveals:)

    1. It is so cute. I love it a lot! Oh, I'm so glad you like them. They are really fun to do!


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