Friday, September 23, 2022

kim chic chic beauty: teddy kim girlfriend (review + #FOTD)

It is time for a little more Kim Chi Chic Beauty! My last post included a mini haul of some items from the brand and also a review of the High Key Gloss in the shade Natural. Today? It is all about the Girlfriend Eye and Cheek Palette. This is described as a merch and makeup hybrid, because it is literally shaped like a pink teddy bear and can stand on its own. There is also makeup tucked away inside. Such a cute idea and absolutely adorable to have on display. Bonus? The Teddy Kim set comes with stickers so you can personalize your own bear. It is a great way to feel like a kid again and get creative. Clearly, the packaging is outstanding...but what about what is on the inside? It is time to take a look at the eye and cheek products.

Ta da! There is a lot happening inside of the Girlfriend palette. The upper portion has lots of cheek products and the bottom portion has a nice selection of eyeshadow shades. Let's start with the cheek products. There are two blushes and two highlights. What is interesting is that the cheek products are a little bolder in the Girlfriend palette than the Boyfriend palette (which will be shown in the next blog post on Mansa Fashion.) but the opposite is true for the eyeshadow shades. Unfortunately, none of the products have names, but the two blush shades include a classic bright pink and a darker pink. Both are gorgeous and are nicely pigmented. They add such a lovely flush of colour to the cheeks. As for the highlights, there is a white highlight with a pink sheen and a rose gold highlight. These are blinding and really make an impact. If you are someone that likes a bold highlight...these will be right up your alley. The cheek products are stellar. 

The bottom portion of the Teddy Kim Girlfriend palette has all of the eyeshadows. There is a really nice selection of mattes, shimmers, and glitters, which makes this ultra versatile. The colour story here is on the warm neutral side and has more matte shades than the Boyfriend palette. There are lots of browns, cream colours, a soft pink, and some shimmery metallics. It is ideal for work or those quick and easy everyday kind of looks. The mattes have a nice texture and a lot of colour payoff. They blend easily and work well. Unfortunately, there are three cream colours that are very similar. To me, that is a bit of a waste of space within the palette. As for the shimmers? Wow. These are intense. I am obsessed. They perform so well and have such a stunning finish. There is one shade that is my absolute favourite: it is on the left side in the ear section. (Oh, how I wish these had shade names!) This is so glittery and has a beautiful finish. I love layering it on top of a simple matte look to infuse a little extra glamour. While I love the eyeshadow themselves and think the teddy bear design is ridiculously cute...I don't like that all of the eyeshadow pans are different sizes. Some of them are pretty small. I would love the shimmers to fill up some of the larger spaces in the palette, since those are especially beautiful. The design is cute but not necessarily the most practical. 

Ready to take a look at my latest #FOTD featuring the Teddy Kim Girlfriend Eye and Cheek Palette? To create this look, I made good use of the matte shades through the crease and in the outer corner. Then it was that beautiful copper shimmer all over the rest of the lid. The champagne shimmer was applied on the inner corner and the darkest shade in the palette was applied along the lower lash line. Mascara and eyeliner finished off the eyes. The deepest blush was used on the cheeks and then the rose gold highlight was layered on top. To complete the look, the High Key Gloss in Natural was applied to the lips. 

All in all, the Teddy Kim Girlfriend Eye and Cheek Palette is a star. I love the adorable and unique packaging, the theme, the fact that you can customize the teddy bear with stickers, and the quality of the products tucked away inside. The only drawback is that the eyeshadow pans are different sizes and there are some repeated shades. Loving this Kim Chi Chic Beauty content? Be sure to check back in the next couple of days for a post dedicated to the Teddy Kim Boyfriend Eye and Cheek Palette. 


  1. Cute pallete:) thanks for your sharing...

  2. That is gorgeous and love the colours :-D

    After posting about not knowing the show, I was reading in the News today that a Drag Queen died at 28. He did the UK version of the show. Cherry Valentine. I donno if you knew of him?

    1. I heard that. So upsetting. I do watch all of the international versions of Drag Race as well, so I am familiar with Cherry Valentine. </3

  3. Cute pallete and colors are son beautiful :) thanks for sharing <3

  4. Hi dear 😘 this packaging is very cute 😍 and I love your makeup 👍

  5. I like the color palette. I could imagine myself wearing the gold eyeshadow. :)

    1. You can never go wrong with a gold shadow! It is so pretty!

  6. What a cute palette, and I'm absolutely loving the colours of the eye-shadows! xxx


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