Wednesday, September 7, 2022

pros and cons: rimmel wonder extension mascara

Ready for a little more drugstore? Today, it is time to take a look at a mascara from Rimmel. I'll be honest...this brand makes me ultra nostalgic. That is because it is one of the first makeup brands that I ever used. There was this eyeshadow that looked like the Union Jack and I was obsessed. (Take a trip down memory lane with me by checking out a very old blog post here.) I used that little eyeshadow set consistently, along with plenty of other Rimmel products. In fact, my go-to foundation for many years was from Rimmel, before it was discontinued. This is one makeup brand that has been part of my life for a very long time. Now? It is time to find out how the Wonder Extension Mascara from Rimmel performs. 

When it comes to mascara, blackest black is always the option that I choose. I love a little drama! I love a little contrast! However, since I work from home at the moment, it made sense to branch out a little bit and try a brown black instead. Something a little subtler that would work for those casual at-home makeup looks. So, the mascara that I chose was the Rimmel Wonder Extension Mascara in Black Brown. According to the brand, this mascara creates full, long, and defined lashes. In fact, the brand claims that the mascara will extend beyond the tips of the lashes. This also claims to be clump-free, long-lasting, smudge-proof, flake-proof, and easy to remove. Did the performance match the claims? Here are some pros and cons...


  • The packaging is beautiful. I love all of the different colours on the outside of the tube. So vibrant and fun! The shape of the mascara tube is also excellent. This is really stellar from a packaging perspective. 
  • The price point is fairly affordable. The Rimmel Wonder Extension Mascara is $9, which is about the same price as other drugstore favourites, like The Super Sizer from Cover Girl. 
  • When it comes to length, this mascara really delivers. It separates the lashes well and adds a noticeable amount of length to the lashes. This mascara certainly lives up to the name of Wonder Extension. 
  • The brand claims about the wear were accurate. This didn't smudge or budge all day long! 


  • This mascara does a wonderful job of adding length to the lashes, but unfortunately, it doesn't add any volume. Since I need a mascara that can provide both, this isn't necessarily a new favourite. However, if you are someone that is really only looking for length, the Wonder Extension Mascara is certainly something to consider. 

Overall, the Rimmel Wonder Extension Mascara is a noteworthy option for anyone that is looking to add lots and lots of length to their lashes. This mascara lasts well, is comparably priced, and has beautiful packaging. Though the Wonder Extension Mascara doesn't provide the volume that my lashes need, this is a product that I can see a lot of other people enjoying. 

Have you tried the Wonder Extension Mascara? Do you enjoy Rimmel products?


  1. I don't use mascara because of blepharitis but I guess I missed it... Thanks for your review:)

    1. I can understand missing it! Mascara can be a fun add on, but it's certainly not a necessary item!

  2. I have never tried this one but I do like their nail polishes :-D

  3. I have never used this brand before but would love to try it cuz my lashes already have volume and would need some more lenght and separation. Thank you for your presentation.

    1. Oh, then this would be great for you! Glad the post was helpful!

  4. Hi dear, how are you? I use often the Rimmel's mascara but this in the specific no. Thanks for the information 👍

    1. I am doing well. I hope you are also! Of course. Thank you so much for stopping by <3

  5. Yes it sounds so delicious =) Thank you <3

    Great review =) We don't have Rimmel in stores anymore just online. This mascara sounds pretty interesting and have many Pros.

    1. Oh really? That is too bad! But I'm sure you have other brands that are just as fabulous!

  6. The Rimmel brand makes me feel quite nostalgic too. Like you, it was the first make-up brand I ever used, as they sold it in the local supermarket :-) xxx

    1. Yes! It is amazing how some of those classic brands can bring back all the feels.


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