Monday, September 5, 2022

review: maybelline lifter gloss (lip gloss with hyaluronic acid)

Oh, how I have missed Maybelline. This is a brand that I used to buy from on a pretty regular basis, but then the pandemic happened. I stopped leaving the house as often and that meant there were only very occasional stops off at the drugstore. However, the Lifter Gloss was recently recommended to me. It has been described as a dupe for the Gloss Bomb. Of course, this makes it intriguing. A drugstore version of a beloved high-end product? It was worth a shot. So, the Maybelline Lifter Gloss with Hyaluronic Acid came home with me. There were several different shades to choose from, but 020 Sun really stood out to me. Ready to find out how this drugstore lip gloss performs? Here are all the details...

There is a lot that stands out about the Lifter Gloss from Maybelline. First of all, the packaging. I love that this is kind of chunky and rectangular. (It certainly will not be lost at the bottom of your purse!) The overall design has a simple but clean aesthetic that I really enjoy. Plus, there is an oversized doe foot applicator that makes application quick and easy. Another bonus? This lip gloss smells like vanilla icing. If you ask me, it is always nice when beauty products have a pleasant scent. 

According to the brand, the Lifter Gloss delivers glossy and full lips. The hyaluronic acid is meant to smooth the lip surface and add hydration. This certainly delivers on those promises. The end result is an ultra glossy finish and fuller looking lips. As I mentioned, there were several different shades to choose from, but 020 Sun seemed like a good place to start. It is an ultra light golden colour...but it has a ton of sparkle. This is so glittery and fun. Since there is so much glitter in the gloss, this is ultra reflective, and makes the lips look absolutely fabulous. This particular shade doesn't have much colour payoff, but it is a great topper to other lip products. Want to see it in action? Below is a recent makeup look with the Maybelline Lifter Gloss.

It is always nice to find high-end dupes at the drugstore. The Maybelline Lifter Gloss has cute packaging, an easy-to-use applicator, and is overall an excellent product. The only downside is the cost. This is $12 CDN. That makes it $14 CDN less than the high end alternative.  

Have you tried the Maybelline Lifter Gloss? What did you think of the formula?


  1. This gloss sounds great, Shannon! Thanks for the heads up, and for the comparison with Fenty (which I must admit I've never tried before). I love that it's so much more cheaper than the Fenty one. I'm gonna look for this next time I go to Shoppers. I must admit, Cover Girl and Revlon are brands that are bit nostalgic for me coz they were the first makeup brands I ever bought:)
    Hope you're having a great Labour Day so far.

    1. It is always nice to find cheaper alternatives! Yes, those are definitely nostalgic brands. It's amazing how certain brands can take you back to different times! Thank you. I hope you had a great long weekend <3

  2. I love maybelline, but never tries lifter gloss lip, i would like to buy for sure. Thank you for sharing.
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