Friday, October 28, 2022

autumn themed nail wraps (heypop review)

It's hard to believe, but autumn is in full swing, and Halloween is just a few days away. This is such a special time of year. There are chunky sweaters, trees changing colours, and a fun holiday that everyone can enjoy. Since the countdown to Halloween is officially made sense to add a little seasonal splash to my nails. The HeyPop Super Cute Nail Wraps are not new to me. I've tried them in the past with varying results. Some designs worked well and lasted while others did not want to adhere to my nails completely. It is always a bit hit or miss when it comes to nail wraps. That being said, these autumn designs were too cute to ignore. I simply had to try them for myself. Find out how these performed and take a look at my latest nail look.

This set of HeyPop Super Cute Nail Wraps comes with three different fall themed designs. The first is a design with a purple background and sparkly orange pumpkin. The second has a warm yellow background with small glittery pumpkins scattered throughout and the last design has yellow, black, and glittery orange stripes. The latter reminds me of candy corn! There are 42 wraps in total, which means it is possible to create a few different looks. This set also came with a little nail file to make application easier. At a cost of $6.99 CDN, these were really reasonable. Since the price point was decent and the designs were so sparkly and fall was impossible to resist adding this to my cart. Glitter and fall designs? Sign me up.

As you can see, from the nail look that I decided to do, my focus was on those warm yellow colours. I mixed the small pumpkin design with the striped design to create something that was fun and fall themed. (Since I have a Hufflepuff costume from Harry Potter to wear on Halloween, it was a bonus that the yellow colours would also compliment my outfit.) These were easy to apply and went on really well. Some of the other HeyPop nail wraps that I have tried in the past have applied this way, but some were difficult to smooth out. There seems to be a bit of inconsistency based on the products that I have tried, but it was a relief that these autumn themed designs applied well. In terms of longevity, this really seems to depend on what I am doing. For instance, if I am cleaning or using an excessive amount of Lysol wipes (which I am known to do)...the HeyPop nail wraps tend to wear off along the edges of the nail. If I am typing or putting away laundry...the nail wraps tend to stay put for at least a week. It really depends. Since Halloween is still a few days away, I will do my best to avoid cleaning-heavy days. 

At the moment, I am very much enjoying my Halloween and autumn themed nail look. It is so much fun! I love that there is lots of glitter and shine. The designs are gorgeous, the nail wraps are affordable, and there are enough wraps included to create several different looks. My next nail look will most definitely make use of those purple designs. I love the glittery pumpkins. Since fall is such a special time of year, it feels especially wonderful to incorporate autumn into my beauty routine as well.

Have you tried any of the nail wraps from HeyPop? Do you like autumn themed beauty products?


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