Saturday, October 8, 2022

journal prompts and affirmations for the fall season.

Ahh...the crisp fall air. There is truly nothing like it. What could be better than a morning walk with a warm sweater while the leaves change colour? Autumn is special. No doubt about it! Since this is such a wonderful time of year, it is important to take a moment to appreciate it all. Something that I like to do as one season shifts to another is journal and recite targeted affirmations. This can really put things in perspective, make it easier to set goals, and ensure that your mindset is positive. Here are a few journal prompts and fall-themed affirmations to make sure this season is fabulous from beginning to end.

Journal Prompts for the Fall Season. There is no better way to enjoy the fall season than with a little introspection. Grab a notebook, a pen, and set aside a bit of time this autumn to answer the following fall-themed questions. 

  • Everyone has a favourite time of year. How do you feel about the fall season? Write down the things that you love most about the autumn months, like the weather, the colours, and the clothes.
  • What are you looking forward to most this month? Do you have anything special planned? What will you wear? Who will be with you? Take some time to plan and focus your mind on the good things in your future. 
  • Do you have a to-do list or bucket list for the fall season? If not, take a minute to write down some important activities that you are interested in. Some examples include: drinking a pumpkin spice latte, going apple picking, spending time with friends, hosting a Halloween themed party, or writing an autumn themed poem.
  • There are an awful lot of songs, quotes, and books centered around the fall season. Brainstorm some of your favourite forms of seasonal media (or look some examples up online) and write down your favourite lines. 
  • What have you not been making time for lately? Schedules can be busy, especially when one season transitions into another. Are you spending too much time focused on work? Have your hobbies been a little neglected? Write down areas of your life that need a little extra attention and create a plan to make sure you shift your schedule.

Affirmations for the Fall Season. Always remember that a little positivity goes a long way. There are many benefits to positive affirmations. This season, use them as a way to infuse the next few months with hope and happiness. 

  • I handle times of transition with ease. I love the fall season and embrace everything it has to offer.
  • This fall, I will take time to appreciate nature, because nature allows me to heal and grow.
  • I love who I am becoming. I believe that this will be a wonderful month and a wonderful season.
  • Hope fuels me. Even when my days feel like too much, I always have hope for the future.
  • I make time for what matters most this season. I prioritize my happiness. 

Are you excited that the fall season is here? How will you make sure it is one to remember?


  1. This very informative and the photos are beautiful.

  2. Oh I love those autumn photos! it's a shame we don't have a proper autumn like that here in Brisbane! I don't journal but there are nice prompts, thank you for sharing :)

    Hope you are having a wonderful weekend :) Quiet Sunday for us as it's cold and rainy today!

    Away From The Blue

    1. It is a shame! But at least you have much nicer weather throughout the year! <3

  3. Such a beautiful and inspiring post! The thing I do the most in this season is going for a pumpkin spice latte with a friend, we're both addicted to it ^^ And my affirmation is that I love the person I'm becoming, because I'm working on reaching my goals and finally I start to see the results :')

    1. Thank you so much! Oh my goodness...I love anything pumpkin spiced. So glad you are enjoying them and making the most of the season. I love that affirmation so much!

  4. Autumn brings such wonderful colour for sure :-D Good prompts :-D

  5. What a nice pic :) thanks for your sharing...

  6. I'm a big fan of Autumn myself, and in fact, I've just gone on the first of hopefully many Autumn walks this afternoon. It's also the season that inspires me the most in terms of writing, photography and even in terms of creating outfits. A lovely post, Shannon, thank you for sharing and spreading the joys of Autumn! xxx

    1. Oh wonderful! That sounds like a great way to enjoy the season. <3


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