Wednesday, October 26, 2022

nightmare before christmas (charmed aroma review + reveal)

Tis the season to embrace all things spooky. Some say Nightmare Before Christmas is a Christmas movie. Some say it is a Halloween movie. I'm on the fence. There are years where I watch it around Christmas and there are years where it feels like a Halloween must watch. It is definitely the latter this year. I've listened to "This is Halloween" more times than I care to admit! Something else fueling my Nightmare Before Christmas love? A Charmed Aroma candle, of course. This decor piece and candle in one has been making the season especially spooky. Ready to find out more? Here is the latest review and reveal....

As you can see, the packaging is ideal for this time of year. It is something that will be packed away with all of the Halloween decorations at the end of the season and brought back out holiday after holiday. This Nightmare Before Christmas candle is coffin shaped and features Jack Skellington on the lid. If you flip the lid over, there is the Nightmare Before Christmas logo. Either side can be displayed depending on how you want your decor to look. The base has stripes down the side and is ultra sturdy. This candle has a black matte finish and an incredible level of detail. There have been a lot of beautiful and intricate Charmed Aroma candles in the past, but this Nightmare Before Christmas candle stands out among them. The quality of the materials, the details, and the overall appearance is really impressive. This is so much more than a is a fantastic Halloween decor piece. At the moment, this coffin shaped candle is displayed on my living room table. 

As for the scent? Obsessed. I love this. According to the brand, it is dark and woodsy, with notes of dark plum, red apple, midnight vanilla, and sandalwood. The candle scent is warm and earthy. It just fills the room in the best possible way. There are two wicks inside this candle and it burned fairly evenly. There were five possible necklace designs hidden away inside the candle. I'll be honest...a few caught my eye more than others. I really wanted the Zero necklace (because Zero is my favourite) but the coffin necklace was also appealing, as was the necklace with the Jack and Sally silhouettes. Though all of the designs were intriguing in some way, I preferred the more unique designs. It's not that I didn't like the Jack necklaces, but it is fairly easy to find something with his face. Ready to see what was inside? It is time for the reveal part of this review and reveal...

Well, it wasn't the Zero necklace that my heart was longing for, but it was one of the necklaces I had my eye on. I love the unique design and the fact that the pendant mimicked the look of the candle itself. This is so different from the other Jack Skellington inspired jewelry I've seen out there. It will certainly pair well with my nightmare before Christmas shirts. This necklace is in the shape of a small coffin, it has Jack inside, a small sparkly stone, and a deep purple background. I did the Charmed Aroma appraisal and according to the brand, the necklace is worth $80. Though I always take the appraisal with a grain of salt, it is fun to see what the brand believes the piece is worth. This was definitely a unique item.

All in all, this was a really positive Charmed Aroma experience. I love my new piece of Halloween decor, the warm candle scent, and the necklace that was hidden away inside. There is no better way to enjoy this oh-so-scary time of year.

What do you think of this Jack Skellington necklace? Are you a fan of Nightmare Before Christmas?


  1. Interesting details, thanks for your sharing...

  2. Halloween fascinates me a lot! Many say it is not a true festivity because it is was created and invented by men and actually this is why I like it. I love the creativity that people show when this moment arrives, not only for what they can do but also as they can modify and adapt objects otherwise used as normal. I for one, would love to get my hand on those candles...

    1. Oh interesting! I also really love how creative people are at this time of year. It's pretty impressive that people can make different costumes and decorations!

  3. That is amazing! I love this idea and the necklace is soooooo cool. Just can't have candles due to one of the cats being allergic! And since having my daughter, my sense of smell is very good too, might have said before but I rarely wear perfume as I often get headaches! OMG Shannon I am soooooooooo excited about Hallowe'en <3

    1. Oh, that is too bad! But definitely better to prioritize the health of your pets and your own comfort. Yes, Halloween is such an exciting time. I hope you're watching lots of movies and are enjoying all of the festivities.

  4. What an unusual candle. It's lovely that you can re-use the coffin shaped holder and the necklace is a lovely extra. Halloween isn't really big here, so I'm not really into it. Loving some of the decorations, though. xxx

    1. It's definitely unlike anything I've seen before. Halloween seems to be growing more and more popular where I live. It's always been popular, but now, there are stores everywhere and all kinds of decorations!

  5. Replies
    1. It's definitely really different and great for this time of year!


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