Monday, October 10, 2022

one/size + disney fantasia week: collection haul

This is easily the most thrilling makeup collection of the year. One/Size recently released a six item Disney Fantasia collection to serious fanfare. The packaging and the theme instantly caused a lot of stir online...and for good reason. Since my mom is totally obsessed with Disney (and passed that love down to me) she decided to purchase the entire collection for both of us. It was extremely unexpected but so very appreciated. Thanks to her generosity, the entire One/Size + Disney Fantasia collection will be reviewed here on Mansa Fashion. Yes, all posts this week will be dedicated to the collection. 

To kick off the latest theme week, it is time for a sneak peek at the collection itself. My apologies that the photograph above is not the best. The packaging is stunning in person (everything is a dark blue with silver Fantasia themed accents) but it really does not like to be photographed since there is so much shine. On the plus side, everything feels so authentic to the theme. From the Mickey Mouse, star, and music note shapes on the packaging to the cartoon Mickey Mouse conductor and everything in between....this is so wonderfully Disney. As for what is part of the collection? The One/Size + Disney Fantasia set includes:

  • Lip Snatcher Velvet Flex Cream and Cushion Gloss Lip Duo
  • Versatile Complexion Brush
  • Ultimate Mickey Mouse Puff
  • Point Made Waterproof Liquid Eyeliner Pen
  • Bit of Magic Highlighter
  • Storybook Mickey Face and Eye Palette

So, what will the rest of the week look like here on Mansa Fashion? It will all start with a look at some of those essential everyday items, like the brush, Mickey Mouse shaped puff, and the waterproof eyeliner pen. After that, there will be a full review of the magical highlight and the lip gloss duo. Then to finish off the week, there will be a full review of the face and eye palette. There will be an awful lot of One/Size and Disney in the next several days. Stay tuned! 

Have you tried anything from One/Size? Are you excited about this Disney themed collection?


  1. The Fantasia collection sounds pretty cool. :) I've always enjoyed reading about the Disney themed make up you try.

  2. Oh yes this facial serum sounds pretty nice. Thank you =) I hope that too.
    More holidays are always better :D Especially when the holidays are on mondays, that's perfect :D Sometimes lazy days were nice, but my Friday was a little bit too lazy - I think ^^ Thank you.

    Great haul =) I don't know "Fantasia" but it looks pretty interesting and nice. This palette has so beautiful colours, I like them. And the mouse buff is so cute <3

    1. I love anything Disney, so this collection has been a lot of fun to use!

  3. What an amazing collection, and how generous of your Mom to buy the entire collection for you! xxx

    1. It really was. I have been feeling extra spoiled lately!

  4. This collection looks fabulous, Shannon! Thanks for the heads up. And that's so awesome your mom got this for you too....that's great that you guys can share the love of Disney:)
    PS Belated Happy Thanksgiving:)

    1. Disney has a way of connecting families and friends, for sure! <3

  5. Omg this pallet is amazing... I like the colors... kisses

    1. It is fabulous! Thank you so much for stopping by!

  6. such a cute collection! I am positively crazy with the theme and colors chosen. To tell the truth, i want to purchase it for myself

    1. It is definitely a really cute collection! I hope you're able to pick up some of the items!


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