Wednesday, October 12, 2022

one/size + disney fantasia week: everyday beauty essentials

One/Size theme week is officially underway here on Mansa Fashion. In case you missed the introduction post yesterday, this week is all about the Disney Fantasia collection from One/Size. Since I love Disney and love beauty products, this really is the ultimate collaboration. There are six items in total, but today will be focused on three of the more everyday essential items. This includes the Versatile Complexion Brush, Ultimate Mickey Mouse Puff, and the Point Made Waterproof Liquid Eyeliner Pen. Curious about how their performance? It is time to take a closer look at these themed products.

When it comes to the packaging, these all fit perfectly into the Fantasia theme. Everything has stars, music notes, and Mickey Mouse shapes all over it. Super cute! The brush and the makeup puff come in shiny resealable bags. (They remind me of sandwich bags, only much fancier.) Though I certainly understand the intention....I don't love the resealable bags. I would much rather something come in a recyclable box. The eyeliner comes in a cardboard box and it has a Mickey Mouse cartoon character printed on the side. Overall, everything is nicely themed, but I don't love some aspects of the packaging.

Versatile Complexion Brush. What better way to start things off than with the cutest makeup brush ever? The resealable packaging may not be much to write home about, but the brush inside is wonderful. The handle is hollow and on the inside there is a ton of glitter shaped like moons and stars. You can shake it a little to watch the glitter shift. This makes me feel like a kid in the best possible way. It is fun, sparkly, and imaginative. The top of the handle is navy with silver shapes. The bristles themselves are ridiculously soft. This is easily the softest makeup brush in my collection! It feels really luxurious. I'm not sure if One/Size has other brushes in their line, but this is certainly something that I want to look out for in future. This brush can be used in a lot of different ways, but it is ideal for blush, in my opinion. It picks up just the right amount! 

Ultimate Mickey Mouse Puff. This is so stinking cute! It is an oversized complexion puff in the shape of Mickey Mouse himself. It has a red ribbon on one side, which makes it really easy to hold onto and use. The puff is really soft and is intended to apply powder products to the face. Here is a moment of honesty: I have absolutely no intention of using this puff. It definitely feels more like a collectors item than anything else. This is just so adorable that I don't want to ruin it by using it to apply powder products. Is that crazy? I just love the Mickey Mouse shape and since this is limited edition, it isn't something that can be repurchased. I might change my mind in the future, but for now, it is for display purposes only. 

Point Made Waterproof Liquid Eyeliner Pen. The last product to discuss today is the Point Made Waterproof Liquid Eyeliner Pen. Now, I love a good eyeliner pen. They just make application so much easier. In the past, I have tried some that worked well and some that were only so-so. When it comes to this One/Size eyeliner, it falls into the latter category. Let's start with the good: the packaging is really cute. This has a navy lid with silver stars, music notes, and Mickey Mouse shapes all over it. The pen itself is red with the Disney and One/Size logos. The liner stays put all day and doesn't move. It has great longevity and is a nice rich black. The downside? The pen tip is fairly long and has a good amount of bend. Personally, I like a liner pen that is sturdy. Sometimes, too much flexibility makes the product far more difficult to control. That is what happened with this particular eyeliner pen. It was difficult to create the winged shape that I wanted because it bent far too much. Though the packaging is cute, it is unlikely that I would purchase another pen liner from the brand in future. 

Have you tried any of these One/Size products? What do you think of the Fantasia themed collection?


  1. Cute details , thanks for your sharing...

  2. I haven't heard of One/Size products before, but this collection looks great. Everything is so cute. :)

    1. Right? Everything is so adorable and well themed!

  3. Replies
    1. I hope you'll be able to try something from the collection!

  4. Hello,

    I think you have amazing blog :)

    Do you want to follow me and I will follow you? Thanks

  5. That brush looks amazing :-D Nice stuff :-D

  6. very cute items! i am in love with the mirror! It is SO cute!

  7. Replies
    1. Thank you for the support! I really appreciate it!

  8. I'm hearing you on the resealable bags, I wouldn't like these very much either. That makeup brush is gorgeous though, and the Mickey Mouse shaped puff super cute. I don't think I would use it either. Way too cute! xxx

  9. Oh I am loving that brush with the glitter! this looks like such a great collection, even if you're not a fan of all the packaging, it's just so pretty! :)

    Hope you are having a great day :)

    Away From The Blue

    1. It is really pretty! Definitely a fun set of products to use!


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