Sunday, October 2, 2022

review: too faced light my fire on-the-fly eyeshadow palette

Nothing wows me more than an eyeshadow palette with lots of warm and wearable colours. Or Too Faced Cosmetics. It is no secret that I have a total obsession with this brand. I've written about Too Faced over and over again here on Mansa Fashion. Their products are always nicely themed and add a little extra light to my makeup routine. Sometimes, items from Too Faced are purchased from Sephora, sometimes loved ones gift me things from the brand, and other times, Too Faced products are found at Winners. The latter is always a thrill. Not only do I love makeup, but I love makeup with a more affordable price. A few months back, the Light My Fire On-The-Fly Eyeshadow Palette caught my eye. Since a different On-The-Fly Eyeshadow Palette wowed previously, I was especially eager to try the Light My Fire version. Ready to take a look inside?

Okay....first thing is first. Can we talk about how cute the packaging is?! Obsessed. That adorable cartoon flame in the 50s style dress was actually what sold me on the palette. Since this was at Winners, the palette was stored inside of a clear plastic box to prevent theft. That meant I had no idea what eyeshadow shades would actually be tucked away inside of the palette. It was a blind buy! But based on that oh-so-cute cartoon flame, I decided to take the plunge. This was $16.99, which is a great price for a Too Faced product, so that was another reason that it seemed worth it to add to my cart. Something to note is that this claims to be cinnamon scented. I do not like the smell of cinnamon at all, but there have been other cinnamon scented items from Too Faced in the past, and they smelled sweet. Thankfully this is sweet smelling rather than cinnamon scented. Something else to note about the palette? This comes in a small tin. It is super travel friendly (hence the on-the-fly part of the name) and durable. I love that this can be thrown in a purse or packed in a carry on. It is compact and sturdy. 

Though I didn't know exactly what would be inside the eyeshadow palette, based on the Light My Fire name, I had a sneaking suspicion that the shades would be on the warm side. This was a correct assumption! As you can see from the photo above, there is a combination of matte and shimmery shadows. Each colour suits the theme well and there is a nice variety. The eyeshadow names also suit the theme, with names like Sparks Fly, Flaming Hot, and Fired Up as a few examples. 

As for the quality of the shadows? This is where things fall apart a bit. Some of the eyeshadows perform really well. Others do not. Unfortunately, there is a lot of inconsistency within this palette. This is a letdown, because the packaging is great, the theme is wonderful, and the shade selection is fabulous. Here is a breakdown of how the eyeshadows perform. The first shade, Munchies, is a very light brown. It is almost a cream colour and works really well as a way to blend out some of the deeper colours included in the palette. Next to that is Smokin' which is a warm matte brown. This performs really well and is a standout. Then there is Fired Up, which is a pretty shimmer, but it is really light. It can be layered on top of another shadow but won't make much impact worn alone. Flaming Hot is more of a cherry red colour. It can look really beautiful, but the texture is a bit on the dry side. As a result, this requires a good amount of building up in order to achieve a bold and colourful look. 

On the bottom row, it started with Sparks Fly, which is another shimmer. Just like Fired Up, it is unlikely that anyone would wear this alone. It is more of a topper than a standalone shadow. This is super sparkly and just doesn't have a ton of colour payoff. Next is Cheez Wiz, which is a warm yellow shadow. This shade definitely intrigued me. Sadly, it isn't very colourful. This requires an awful lot of building up in order to see the colour. Cheese Louise is another reddish colour, but it has that same dry texture and can be patchy during application. Old Flame is a deep red brown and the same is true. It's not that these colours can't create something beautiful and over the top. However, the texture for some of them makes application more difficult than it needs to be. The first two mattes in the palette have a totally different texture and work beautifully. 

It is definitely possible to create a look that is warm and wearable using the Light My Fire On-The-Fly Eyeshadow Palette. That being said, there are some inconsistencies with the formula that are really disappointing. Though this wasn't an expensive palette since it was purchased at a discount, I don't feel cheated at all. However, if I had paid the full $38 CDN price, my feelings might be somewhat different. Though this is certainly a travel friendly item, it is not something that I would take.

Have you tried the Light My Fire On-The-Go Eyeshadow Palette? Are you a fan of Too Faced?


  1. I love Too Faced-makeup and the palette is gorgeous. You created a super beautiful look :)

    1. Thank you! I love Too Faced products as well. Definitely one of my favourite brands!

  2. Ah, that's such a cute palette, and what a gorgeous choice of colours! xxx

  3. You created such a good look with these shades although it's frustrating that not all of the shadows are easy to work with.

    Hope you had a lovely weekend :) It's a 3 day one here which is awesome.

    Away From The Blue

    1. It is definitely frustrating. I really wanted this to be a wow. But there are still lots of ways to put this one to use. I hope you enjoy your three day weekend!

  4. I loved this colors :) thanks for your sharing...

  5. So cool palette, those colors really suit you!
    And even the packaging is very very nice!

    1. Thank you so much! Yes, I love the packaging. It is really cute!

  6. Gorgeous colours and love the packing :-D Great makeup too :-D

  7. This is really exciting, I'm so happy about that <3 And I can't wait for December to open it :D Thank you. It's really sad, my grandfather is from Lithuania and it would have been amazing for sure. I love "The Vampire Diaries" a lot and I rewatch it for 10th time or something like this :D
    I like rain but not so long :D But today the sun is shining <3
    Theses masks are so cute, I love the packaging and scents. Thank you =) I like the shirt dress too, super comfortable and perfect for autumn.

    Great review =) This palette looks interesting and beautiful, I like the colours, especially the red one in the right corner.
    I like your make up look as always =) Perfect for October and Halloween <3 :D

    1. It is such a good show! I have a lot of it on DVD and keep meaning to watch it all again, but life is so busy, it seems! Thank you so much! <3


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