Sunday, November 6, 2022

fall inspired #FOTD (featuring beauty bakerie sweet potato pie)

My obsession with the fall season continues. November is here and that means my mind is slowly starting to shift to what lies snow, winter coats, and the holiday season. For now? It is all fall all the time. To be honest, I have been hesitant to take down the fall themed decor items in my home. They are so warm and welcoming! Similarly, I have been hesitant to move away from fall themed makeup looks. There are certain colours associated with this time of year and each one seems to fill my heart with joy. Well, several months back, Winners had the Sweet Potato Pie Bite Size Eyeshadow Palette from Beauty Bakerie on sale for a mere $5. Given the warm fall shade selection and low price point, it came home with me. It also inspired this #FOTD. Keep reading for a mini review of the Beauty Bakerie palette and a fall themed makeup look.

Where to begin? Let's start with a mini review of this fall themed palette. Though this was my first time trying anything from Beauty Bakerie, it was not my first time hearing about the brand. I've seen lots of rave reviews online and specifically remember hearing positive things about the Sweet Potato Pie Eyeshadow Palette. So, imagine my surprise when the palette was an absolute failure. There are some positives, like the theme. I love the Sweet Potato Pie concept and the beautiful colour story. Stunning. However, the packaging is cheap and flimsy and the eyeshadows do not perform well. The matte shades feel dry and require a lot of building. The shimmers feel creamy to the touch but lack pigmentation. The teal shadow is easily the worst, because even though it looks bright and bold in the palette, it barely has any colour payoff at all. Some of the shadows are usable...but these are certainly not user friendly. It takes a lot of primer, a lot of layering, and a lot of work to create a decent makeup look. This was really upsetting, especially after hearing such good things about the brand in the past.  

I have purchased an awful lot of makeup from Winners in the past and have never experienced something like this. Random makeup purchases are always a bit of a gamble...but this was really disappointing. The fact that the palette was reduced to $5 and I still feel ripped off really says it all. At any rate, my intention was to create a fall themed makeup look and I was determined to do that. It took much longer than it should have and it didn't turn out exactly as planned, but at the end of the day, it was fall inspired at the very least. Ready to take a peek at this #FOTD? Here goes...

For this fall themed makeup look, I did my best to make the most of those warm yellows and oranges. I started with the third shade on the top row (none of these eyeshadows have shade names, unfortunately) and blended it through the crease. Then it was the lighter yellow on the top row applied liberally all over the lid. I tried to add a bit of depth with the warm orange on the bottom row. It took a lot to layer the shadows enough that there was actually colour payoff, but in the end, it did look decent. I added on some liner and mascara to finish off the eyes. On the cheeks, there was the blush from The Emily Edit - The Needs Palette. On the lips was the recent favourite, Kim Chi Chic Beauty High Key Gloss. Despite the fact that it was a frustrating application process, the end result was okay and it certainly looked fall inspired. I suppose that is all that I can ask for! As for purchasing something else from Beauty Bakerie? That remains to be seen. It really was a disappointing experience. 

Unfortunately, the Sweet Potato Pie Bite Size Eyeshadow Palette from Beauty Bakerie is not a winner. On the plus side, there is still time to create lots and lots of beautiful fall themed makeup looks. Just maybe not with this particular palette! 

Have you tried anything from Beauty Bakerie? Did you have a positive experience?


  1. I'm so sorry that you disliked the palette so much that you felt like it was overpriced even if it was only $5. I adore the mint green shade, but I have to admit that it does look less pigmented than expected. I think you took out the maximum with this look, I love it! <3

    1. It was definitely a disappointment, given the beautiful shade selection. Ah happens!

  2. Oh it's a shame the formulas are so tricky to work with! You did create such a good look and it's nice it was only $5 so you didn't waste too much money, but it's such a shame this isn't really a useable product for you. That teal is so pretty in the pan too, very frustrating it's not as pigmented when you wear it!

    Hope you had a lovely weekend.

    1. Well, thank you. I appreciate that! It was definitely a letdown overall, but it was worth a try.

  3. The palette looks gorgeous, but what a shame the shadows do not perform well. In the end, that is the only thing that counts, doesn't it. I do admire your perseverance to at least create an Autumn inspired look with them! xxx

    1. Right? It looked so beautiful. I wish it performed better.

  4. The palette looks great, it's a pity that the eye shadows did not work. Your makeup looks beautiful, you have great talent and I think that you will conjure up beautiful and inspiring makeup from each palette!
    Greetings from Poland!

    1. Aww thank you! What a lovely comment. It definitely wasn't a great palette, but I did my best with it.

  5. Absolutely this rose gold reindeer is really beautiful. I can't wait for christmas <3 :D The food will be delicious.
    It was a pretty nice experience =) Nice that you're in the Christmas mood too. I will start watching christmas movies soon, can't wait <3 :D

    Great review =) The eyeshadow palette looks really beautiful, I like the packaging and the colours <3 I love the turquoise one a lot. You're make up look is so lovely, I like it.

  6. Omg this palette is a must have for this autumn! All the colors are amazing and I love the fact that they shine so much.
    Orange looks amazing on you. My favourite tones are the one in the middle and the blue one :)
    Nice post, as always

    1. I definitely love the colour story. It is wonderful for autumn. If only the shadows performed better!

  7. Ohh it's sad that the palette doesn't perform well, it has a beautiful color selection and your look with it is really beautiful! I haven't tried anything from this brand but I'll avoid this palette, thanks for sharing!


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