Monday, November 14, 2022

skin care week: mission luxereve regimen set

Welcome to another theme week here on Mansa Fashion. This time? It is all about skin care. With fall well underway and winter on the is more important than ever to focus on all things skin related. There have been a handful of additional skin care products in my routine lately. This includes serums, cleansers, and makeup remover wipes. And this week, all of those items will be reviewed as part of skin care week. Kicking things off is the Mission Luxereve Regimen Set. This was gifted to me by my mom a while back, but it wasn't something that I actually put to use until somewhat recently. Being completely honest, my skin care routine was, well, a routine over the summer. I focused on the basic steps and nothing more. Now that the temperatures are starting to drop, it is essential to refocus my efforts. Ready to start off skin care week? Here is everything you need to know about this skin care set from Mission Luxereve. 

So...what was included in the Mission Luxereve Regimen Set? It came with mini versions of the Foaming Wash, Essence, Serum, Cream, and Eye Cream. All of the products came in basic plastic packaging with a navy blue bottle and a soft gold cap. The design was simple and classic, but nothing extraordinary. As for the quality, this varied from product to product. 

  • Mission Luxereve Foaming Wash. The first product included in the Regimen Set was the Foaming Wash. When it comes to cleanser, my absolute favourite is the Foaming Face Wash from Kylie Skin. It is something that I have repurchased a few times. Why? It works. That being said, I had an open mind and hoped that the Mission Luxereve Foaming Wash would be a good one. There were some pros and cons. The pros? This clear liquid foams easily and makes my skin feel nice and clean after use. The cons? The scent. This has a really strong perfume scent and that smell lingers. It is not my favourite product to use as a result. I am trying to use up this Foaming Wash, but I much prefer the Kylie Skin face wash. This would not be something that I looked for on my own.
  • Mission Luxereve Essence. The second item included in the set is the Essence. This is supposed to be used after cleansing and is designed to hydrate and smooth. Unfortunately, this was another product that was not a favourite. It had the same strong perfume scent as the Foaming Wash. It also was difficult to actually get to the product, because of the bottle . This was designed like an essential oil bottle. Definitely different. Due to the bottle design and the overwhelming scent, the Essence is not a product that I enjoyed using. It also did not seem to make a difference in terms of making my skin smoother or adding extra hydration. 
  • Mission Luxereve Serum. Sometimes, all you need is a standout serum. When it comes to the Serum from the Mission Luxereve Regimen Set, there was a lot to enjoy. This was designed to improve elasticity and firmness. Did it do that? It's hard to say, but this was certainly more pleasant to use. Unlike the first two products, this had a sweeter scent that was far more pleasant. The product was easy to use and applied well. It came in a tube and application was simple. Though I'm not sure this is something that I would purchase in full size, it is something that I will happily continue to incorporate into my skin care routine for the time being. 
  • Mission Luxereve Cream. Since dry skin is something that I have always had to deal with, creams and lotions are a must. I love thicker creams that really hydrate and soothe! Thankfully, this is a thicker cream that goes on easily and makes my skin feel wonderful. It has a light and pleasant scent. The only drawback is that the amount included is so small. The Mission Luxereve Cream included in the set only had enough for a few applications. 
  • Mission Luxereve Eye Cream. These days, eye creams seem more important than ever before. I am getting older, and it certainly shows around my eyes, but I suppose that is to be expected. As for the Eye Cream included in the Regimen Set, this works well. It goes on easily, has a light scent, and absorbs into the skin quickly. Whether it actually makes a difference or not remains to be seen. The fine lines around my eyes are still there, after all! 
Have you tried anything from the Mission Luxereve Regimen Set? What skin care products do you love most?


  1. I need a this set :) thanks for your sharing...

  2. I could certainly do with polishing my skin care regime!
    Thank you for another honest review, Shannon. I'm hearing you on the overpowering scent of some of the products included. That would put me off as well. I'm glad the other products fared better in that direction.
    Being quite a bit older than you, I cannot stress enough the benefits of eye creams. However, whatever product you use, there just aren't any miracle creams, and fine lines are just ... fine :-) xxx

    1. I love this! Fine lines are just fine will be my new motto. I try to do what I can for my skin, but at the end of the day, what matters is that I enjoy my life <3

  3. First time seeing this set. Looks great, I'd like to try it :) Wonderful review Dear!
    Greetings from Poland!


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