Tuesday, November 1, 2022

vacation highlights part one (legoland california)

Travel is an important part of life. Whether you are headed to a different city or a different country altogether, there is something magical that happens when you leave behind routine and focus on making memories. In the past, travel was significant to me. I would spend months and months eagerly looking forward to some sort of vacation or special experience. Then the pandemic happened. Suddenly, travel felt unsafe. It felt like something to be avoided at all costs. Honestly, it has been really difficult to shift that mentality. The way I viewed travel previously and the way I view travel now are so drastically different. I often wonder if things will ever return to 'normal' for me. Despite all of this uncertainty and fear... despite the fact that the way I think about travel has shifted...I did do some traveling recently. Some of my family members went to California to visit Legoland and Disneyland. Over the next couple of days, I'll be sharing some vacation highlights.

Day One. The first day of the vacation was not all that thrilling. In all honesty, it was a very long travel day! We were all up early to drive to the airport and take our first flight since the pandemic. Airports, flying, all of that kind of stuff makes me anxious, so those are always my least favourite days on any trip. It was a long flight (five hours or so) but we all arrived safely. After that, there was a long wait for a rental car and a long drive from the airport to Carlsbad, where Legoland California is located. Since we were all drained by the time we actually checked into our rooms at the Castle Hotel...all we did was look around the hotel area (which was really neat and very well themed) and have dinner. Then it was off to bed to prepare for the next day. Unfortunately, the jet lag made it difficult to stay on a normal sleep schedule, so my ability to sleep for any decent amount of time was kind of all over the place. It's amazing how three hours can make such a difference. 

Day Two. The second day of the vacation was our first day in the Legoland California park. It was very exciting! Though I had been to Legoland as a child, there wasn't much that I remembered, so it felt like a new experience for me. My brother and my husband both love Lego stuff, and well, so do I. This was definitely a chance to be a kid again. There was a lot there. Lots of rides (for adults and children), lots of hands on exhibits, a miniature Lego village, and shops. Best of all? Everything was decorated for Halloween. It was amazing to see all of the decorations everywhere. I'm talking spiderwebs, figurines, characters, Halloween dance parties, and music. It was really well done and made the experience feel extra special. The Legoland hours weren't too late, so after we left, we headed to a diner that was nearby and had milkshakes and burgers. Yum. Definitely a busy, full, and fun day. The weather was nice and cool that day, which was definitely a bonus. 

Day Three. This was our second and last day at Legoland California. We spent the morning repeating rides that we liked (like the Deep Sea Adventure and The Dragon rollercoaster) and heading on some of the rides we hadn't had a chance to ride yet. After that? We went to the Legoland Aquarium, which was on site. The online map led us to believe that it was massive, but it only took an hour or so to walk through. There was a touch pond and some large aquariums with Lego figures inside. It was neat to see, but not as extensive as we anticipated. After that, we purchased some last minute souvenirs, and drove from Carlsbad to Anaheim. We stopped at Sonic on the way, because I have always wanted to try Sonic. (Lots of American TV commercials aired in Canada growing up and I loved the Sonic commercials.) It was delicious and exactly the kind of greasy fast food I had my heart set on. We checked into the hotel in Anaheim and prepared for the next day, when our Disneyland adventure would begin. Oh, and there was a stop off at Target as well. Because Target is the best! 

Ready for more vacation highlights? Stay tuned, because the next post here on Mansa Fashion. will be dedicated to lots and lots of Disneyland content as well as a theme park merchandise haul video from my YouTube channel.

Have you done any traveling lately? Do you have any special events planned in the next little while?


  1. Sounds so fun and interesting!!!
    I'd love to visit it one day!:D

  2. Ohh I love the pics, seems a fun place! I also enjoy travelling a lot, I miss to do it more often.

  3. Oh this is really nice =) I think my first CD was from Jeanette Biedermann - a German singer / actress :D But Backstreet Boys were one of my first CD's too. They were really a big part of my childhood too and the concert was amazing <3
    I can't wait to open this calendar =) It's pretty nice to have some digital surprises too.
    Oh yes this candles smell really nice, love them <3
    It was a nice movie night =) Hope you will see the movie soon, it's pretty nice.
    Thanks, we had a really great time in Hamburg <3 With sunny weather and some nice trips through the city.
    Yes it was pretty important to relax a little bit, we walked so much in Hamburg :D Oh yes "Frozen - The Musical" was amazing <3 Great singing & dancing. This was so nice, it was a pleasure to meet them =)

    Nice post =) Legoland Germany is 1 hour away from my home :D I was there many years ago and it was pretty cool. Legoland California looks and sounds great too =) Love the Halloween decoration <3 =)

    1. Oh how wonderful! I hope you're able to visit again sometime! Yes, I loved all of the Halloween decorations. They were really fun.

    2. I think I will visit it again =) Halloween is so much fun <3

      I'm really happy about that too =) I hope November gets also nice :D

  4. I'm so hearing you on the travel issue. I was very wary at first but after a couple of short - and one longer - holiday, it is starting to feel a little bit normal again, even if not yet 100%.
    Anyway, I am glad to hear that you were able to go on this trip, and Legoland does look and sound fantastic! xxx

    1. I'm glad it's starting to feel normal again for you. It's still such an adjustment. Thank you so much <3

  5. It's great you have been able to travel again! It's a shame we don't have a Legoland here in Australia as I know my kids would love to visit it one day! :)

    Hope you're having a great day :)


    1. It is definitely a place that kids would love! :)

  6. I love Legoland! I have only been to the one near London. And we all had a good time. Great for both kids and adults :-D

    1. Oh, how fun! I haven't been to that one, but I'm sure it is really exciting :D


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