Tuesday, December 13, 2022

recent holiday themed reads.

What is better than reading? Not much. Unfortunately, it can be difficult to make time for this beloved pastime. In an ideal world, it would be possible for me to finish all of the books on my shelf and still have time to reread lifelong favourites. The reality is drastically different. Most of the time, I find myself squeezing in a few minutes of reading before bed or at lunch. I miss days spent curled up with a good book. Who knows...maybe there will be more of that in the new year. For now, I will have to settle for stolen moments of escapism. Over the last little while, I have been focused on holiday themed books. Some are mysteries and others are more romantic in nature. Here are some recent reads and mini reviews. 

Seasonal Cozy Mystery Novels. Oh, how I love a good whodunnit. When it comes to cozy mysteries, there are a few authors that I look to over and over again. This includes Joanne Fluke (who was included in my Seasonal Book Recommendations last year) and Leslie Meier. Both authors tend to write about the holidays and Joanne Fluke always writes about food. In fact, her books include lots of different recipes inside. One of her books, "Christmas Cupcake Murder," is a semi-recent read. It is part of the Hannah Swensen series of novels (there were even Hallmark movies based on the earlier books). This one centers around a man found near death that has amnesia. There is lots of mystery solving and delicious seasonal recipes. I'll be trying a few of them out this season! The second book on my recent holiday themed reads list comes from Leslie Meier and is called the "Turkey Trot Murder." A lot of her books are centered around holidays or seasons. Though I have read a lot of Christmas themed books, this is my first Thanksgiving themed read. It was part of the Lucy Stone series and centered around the death of a young woman. Of course, there she needs to find out whodunnit it before Thanksgiving! Both of these books perfectly represent the cozy mystery genre. They are page turners that still feel light, fun, and well, downright festive. 

Christmas Books with Lots of Romance. Maybe I've watched too many Hallmark Christmas movies over the years, but I believe that Christmas is a time for miracles and romance. This is true even when it comes to seasonal reads. Many of the books that I enjoy during this time of year have to do with falling in love, finding a new sense of purpose, or creating magical traditions. The books shown above check off all of those boxes. If you are someone that loves a romantic holiday themed book with a twist (getaways to England a meeting the Queen's private secretary) then "Royal Holiday" is your best bet. Looking for something Hallmark-esque? "Home Sweet Christmas," has it all. A handsome hotelier, a meddling mother, and a Snow Queen. Another fantastic option this holiday season is "The Christmas Room." This particular book centers around love stories and family connections. It is a heartwarming tale that will stay with you long after you finish the last chapter. 

There are so many wonderful books to read around the holiday season. Though there are more on my to-read list...these are some of the ones that have been adding joy to my life lately. Thank goodness for cozy mysteries and heartwarming romances.

Have you read any of these holiday themed books? What are you reading at the moment? 


  1. Very interesting books.


  2. These sound like wonderful reads for the holiday season, Shannon. In fact, I've got a book called Christmas at the Cupcake Café, by Jenny Colgan, in my reading pile, so I guess that now is the time to read it! xxx

    1. Ooh that sounds like the perfect book to read during the last few weeks of December! I hope it's a good book!

  3. The rose gold box is really cute, I love to use it for storage at home :D Yes it's a little bit sad that there are no holiday products inside. An ornament would be absolutely nice =)
    Thanks =) This box has so many nice items, and it's nice that there's something for Christmas inside.

    Great holiday themed books =) On tuesday I had breakfast with a friend and I gave her a Christmas book for Christmas eve. She loves to read books =)

    1. Oh, that is so wonderful! What a thoughtful gift. I'm sure your friend loved it :D

  4. I haven't read them yet. Thanks for sharing those books!

  5. I have a few in the Amazon basket and bought my 4 year old plenty kids christmas books!

  6. I have got to try and read a Seasonal Cozy Mystery Novel! That sounds so awesome, and I honestly don't know why I've never thought of checking out that section of the book store :D

    1. Oh, they are so great to read. I love them! Please let me know if you find a good cozy mystery!


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