Monday, December 5, 2022

seasonal favourites for 2022 (movies, decorations, and music)

Christmas time is here...happiness and cheer. Can you tell that I am in the holiday mood these days? It is no secret that the month of December is my favourite. I cherish each and every day leading up to the main event. For me, the days and weeks before Christmas always feel extra special. There are traditions to enjoy and decorations to look at. There is music to listen to, movies to watch, treats to enjoy, and opportunities to see loved ones. Though this is without a doubt a busy and hectic season, there is so much happiness thrown into the mix as well. Speaking of happiness, there are some seasonal favourites that have been making me smile lately. Though there are holiday staples (like John Denver records, Little Debbie Christmas Tree Cakes, and Food Network holiday baking shows)...2022 has seen some new favourites added into the mix. 

A Christmas Story Christmas. This list would not be complete without mentioning the new sequel to the iconic holiday movie, "A Christmas Story." My family has always played "A Christmas Story" in the background all day long on Christmas Day. I was raised on the movie and must have watched it a thousand times at this point. It is a meaningful part of my life because it is amazing and because it represents a special family tradition. When it was first announced that there was going to be a sequel movie made for HBO Max, I was excited but nervous. Would it meet my expectations? Would it honour the original? All of my hesitation was for nothing. "A Christmas Story Christmas" is best described as a triumph. It was clearly made with love, care, and an incredible amount of thought. Most of the original cast returned and there were nods to the source material. It was so well done. The new movie showed Ralphie mourning the loss of his Old Man while desperately trying to create Christmas magic for his family. It was heartwarming, touching, funny, whimsical, and relatable, all at the same time. "A Christmas Story Christmas" feels like an instant classic. This movie is overloaded with magic and wonder. It is simply unforgettable. 

Quality's Treasury of Christmas Cassette. No, your eyes are not deceiving you. That is a cassette tape. Though it seems that everyone streams music these days, my tastes are a little more old-school. I love physical media. Records, cassette tapes, and CDs rein supreme in my household. Streaming feels so cold and disposable. There is something to be said about owning an album and holding the case in your hands. Several months ago, the Quality's Treasury of Christmas cassette was added to my collection. It was such a wonderful find. I love all things Christmas, so it was an easy decision to take it home with me, but I had no idea what wonders awaited. This compilation cassette is an absolute delight. There is such a great assortment of songs! Instrumental songs, iconic songs from Bing Crosby and Andy Williams, and even some new-to-me holiday songs. I love to play this cassette while I do holiday reading or wrap presents. It just encapsulates the Christmas season to me. 

Grinch Inspired Holiday Decorations. The Grinch is a classic. I remember watching an old VHS copy of the cartoon growing up. It was a favourite and I loved to watch it over and over again. I loved the music, the colours, and the adorable characters. I also loved the idea that people could change and become better versions of themselves. Over the years, the cartoon (and various other version of The Grinch) have made me smile. The Grinch is an essential part of the holiday season. This year, it seems that an awful lot of grinchy things have made their way into my home decor. For my birthday, I was gifted the Grinch wreath, shown above. I absolutely love it. There is a sparkly red bow, a grinchy hand holding a red ornament, and there is a battery operated light string all over the wreath. It it adorable and creates such a warm glow. Another Grinch inspired decor piece that has been added to my home this year? A fabulous Grinch tree topper. I purchased this at Retro Festive and it is now sitting proudly on top of our Christmas tree. There is also a giant plush Grinch hand reaching out from the middle of the tree.

Blue Snow Yetti Print TOMS Shoes. I like to have fun with footwear. That being said, I still tend to prioritize comfort. During this time of year, Ugg boots are an absolute must, because they are comfy, warm, and come in lots of fun colours. I also have a great pair of Christmas Sweater printed sneakers that are ideal for winter days without snow. My latest seasonal favourite? An incredible new pair of TOMS. Though there are several different pairs of TOMS in my collection already (TOMS are my favourite brand of shoes because they are so comfortable and cute)...this pair is a little bit different. First of all, unlike other TOMS, these are lined with a soft and fuzzy material. Winterized TOMS! Talk about a Christmas miracle. These are really warm and cozy. Plus, the print is absolute perfection. It has a little cartoon yetti, pine trees, and Christmas lights all over. So adorable. 

Delicious Seasonal Treats. There is a lot to love about this time of year...including the food. As someone with a serious sweet tooth, all of the seasonal goodies make me very happy indeed. Some favourites include Turtles, chocolate balls, Little Debbie Christmas Tree Cakes, and yule logs. The latter always thrills me. It doesn't matter if the yule log is made of ice cream or cake...or whether it has icing or jam inside...I love them all. My husband bought a Traditional Festive Log from Vachon at the grocery store and it was such a nice treat. This is a soft cake with lots of icing. It is sweet, but not too sweet, and certainly did not last very long in our household. This was a delicious treat and certainly has made the early days of December special. 

There are many other seasonal favourites on my list...but these are the ones that stand out most at the moment. 

Do you have any seasonal favourites so far? Share them in the comment section below!


  1. Oh my gosh! A cassette! Totally brings me back:) I still have my old Walkman, and my daughter listens to it now. And that's great to know the Christmas Story sequel does not disappoint. I'll be watching that for sure! December is also my fave month of the year, and TBH, I think it goes too fast!

    1. Oh my gosh, that is amazing! I love that your daughter uses it. And yes, it seems to be zooming by already! I wish I could slow down this month a little.

  2. Surely Christmas wouldn't be Christmas without Yule logs ... yummy!
    I love that you've still got cassettes! They're such blast from the past from me as I grew up with them! xxx

    1. Agree! They are so tasty! I love a good cassette! :D

  3. Oh I do need to watch Chrismas story! Thank you for the reminder! I absolutely love your shoes as well: so pretty and so festive! I definitely see myself wearing such a pair as well. as for yule log,... don't hate me! but I don't really like them. I normally go for stollen or pantone myself and absolutely LOVE it (it's the latter this year for us, we are lazy to cook)

    1. It is SO good. I'm sure you will love it! Ha! That's okay. Not everyone loves all holiday treats. There are a few that I am not a fan of!

  4. OMG that log looks good and would probably kill me!!! Cannot find a dairy-free one!

    Between working and being busy I haven't had time to put the tree. Been listening to Xmas music though and found a good channel on YT that plays the oldies Xmas tunes which I have been enjoying.

    1. Oh no! There need to be more dairy free options. I'm sorry that life has been so busy lately, but it's nice that you are listening to Christmas music whenever you can! How lovely!


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