Tuesday, January 3, 2023

rank and review: laneige midnight minis five piece set

Another holiday season has come and gone...but there is an awful lot of holiday-related content on the horizon. Over the next several days, there will be some holiday highlights posts, dedicated to some seasonal moments and releases. Until then, here is a little rank and review of the latest Laneige Midnight Minis Five-Piece Set. Over the last several years, the Laneige lip mask sets have become a bit of a tradition for me around the holiday season. It is a wonderful opportunity to stock up on lots of different Lip Sleeping Masks for a more affordable price. Last year, the Midnight Minis set came with scents like Gummy Bear, Sweet Candy, Berry, Mint Choco, and Lemon Sorbet. There are a few repeats this year and a few different offerings as well. There is always a lot to love about this seasonal release. Ready for the latest rank and review? Here goes...

When it comes to the formula, the Laneige Lip Sleeping Masks are stellar. They add a nice amount of hydration to the lips, are nice and thick, and are truly a must during the winter season. I would love to use these all-day-every-day, but a full-sized Lip Sleeping Mask is $30 CDN. Way too steep for me! At least there are these Midnight Minis sets that are released around the holiday season each year. The set cost $25 CDN and included five minis (0.10 ounces). The scents included in this particular set are: Berry, Gummy Bear, Mango, Vanilla, and Mint Choco. Here is how each one ranks...

  • Number Five: Mango. The lowest rated on this rank and review list is the Mango scent. Despite being ranked last, this is not unpleasant to use. The scent is fairly light. It is bright and pleasant. However, when it comes to scents, mango is not necessarily a favourite of mine. I tend to prefer fragrances that are warmer or sweeter. That being said, this works well and adds lots of hydration to the lips. It will not be an issue using up the entire mini. 
  • Number Four: Mint Choco. The next Laneige Midnight Mini in the set is Mint Choco. This is one of the Lip Sleeping Masks that I have tried a few times before. It smells like mint chocolate chip ice cream. It is a wonderful and bright scent, but there are a few others that I happen to prefer in this collection. 
  • Number Three: Vanilla. This is a classic scent that always manages to delight. Vanilla is warm and comforting...but is also nicely suited to this time of year. This was not in the set last year, so it was a welcome addition this year. The vanilla fragrance was fairly light, so you get all of that warmth without the scent being too much.
  • Number Two: Berry. By far the most well known scent in the Laneige Lip Sleeping Mask line, Berry is a must. It is sweet, subtle, and pleasant to use. Despite using this many times in the past, I have not grown tired of it. The Berry version is one of the absolute best that the brand offers. It just wouldn't be a holiday set without it.
  • Number One: Gummy Bear. This is another repeat, but one that I was excited to see in the Midnight Minis Five Piece Set. The Gummy Bear scent smells fabulous. It actually smells more like grape soda or a grape popsicle than a gummy bear, but I love it just the same. It is sweet, nostalgic, and downright wonderful. It is always a joy to use! 

Another year...another Midnight Minis Five Piece Set. It just wouldn't be the holiday season without a little Laneige under the tree. There were a lot of wonderful scents included in this particular set. Not a single one was a letdown. Honestly? It has been fun getting reacquainted with some old favourites and trying out a few new to me scents as well. 

Have you tried the Laneige Lip Sleeping Masks? Are you a fan of the holiday sets?


  1. This looks like such a cute set and I love the description of the Gummy Bear one! I always hear good things about their lip masks but I haven't tried them yet!

    Hope you have a great start to the new year :)


    1. The Gummy Bear one is so fabulous! Definitely a great scent. Thank you so much <3

  2. The packaging looks super cute, thanks for sharing!

    1. It is! I love how colourful and fun everything is.

  3. Ooo this looks GOOD! I have that lippie balm it is really good. I would love this. Happy New Year!

    Leanne Thompson of

    1. It is so great! Definitely a good option! Happy New Year!

  4. I've never used a lip sleeping mask! Wouldn't mind trying out those minis, though! xxx

    1. They are very useful, especially during the winter months!

  5. I'd be happy to try them all, my lips could really use these and I'd be thrilled to sleep with something that helps them and smells so nice! <3


    1. I hope you're able to find them or something similar! They are super helpful!

  6. Everything was really delicious =) Thanks for your lovely words <3

    This packacking is super cute, I like it a lot. The lip masks sounds all great, my favourite would be the pink one :D Because I love pink and Berries. Mango and Mint Choco sounds also nice =) But I know many people who don't like those flavours ^^

  7. I love the vibrant colors of the masks, they look as if they'd be fun to wear.

    1. Yes, the packaging is so cute and bright! Definitely fun to look at and use.

  8. Looks so lush! i would absolutely LOVE to try it in this form. I have only had one at the time, I think it might work even better if you mix and match


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