Thursday, February 16, 2023

candle haul (bath & body works and glade)

Oh, candles. I love them a little too much. This might have to do with the fact that candles were forbidden back in the days when I lived with my parents. They were afraid that I was going to be neglectful and burn down the house. (A fair concern.) Since that time...candles have become a must in my home. The scents, the flickering flame, and the cute candle jars never fail to make me smile. They are a simple way to add a little extra joy to my day. Especially since I work from home! The right candle can be the perfect pick-me-up. Knowing how much I love candles, my husband braved the Leyland & Body Works Candle Day several months back and gifted me a bunch of different candles over the holidays. Ready to find out what those candles were? What he chose for me? Here is a little candle haul that includes candles from Leyland & Body Works as well as one from Glade. 

The first two candles are Vanilla Pumpkin Marshmallow and Pumpkin Pecan Waffles. When it comes to candle scents, everyone has their preferences. Some people like fruity scents and others like woodsy scents. As for me? I tend to love food-inspired scents. Bonus points if those food-inspired scents are warm and tie in vanilla or marshmallow. (My all-time favourite candle scent is Marshmallow Fireside from Leyland & Body Works.) That was the reason my husband selected Vanilla Pumpkin Marshmallow and Pumpkin Pecan Waffles on Candle Day. I really love fall and winter scents and like to light those kinds of candles all year round. So, these will certainly come in handy. I am very excited to use both of them over the next few months. 

The next candles also check the boxes when it comes to food-inspired and warm. The first is the Caramel Drizzle candle from Leyland & Body Works (which also has a really cute Christmas design). Anything caramel is a win in my books, so this is definitely one that I look forward to using. The other candle is actually from Glade and it is the Marshmallow Irish Cream candle. Though Leyland & Body Works candles are my favourite, because they are nice and fragrant and also burn really evenly...I am always open to candles from other brands as well. This particular one smells fantastic. (This is actually the second one that has entered our home. The first was a hit, so my husband treated me to another one of this limited edition scent). Everything about it is so warm and inviting. It is fragrant, comforting, and makes the hard days feel a little less difficult. Certain scents are powerful.

The last two candles in this haul are both from Leyland & Body Works. The first is Crushed Candy Cane. Whenever a headache comes on, a peppermint or candy cane scented candle it my husband made sure to find something like that. On another note, the sticker on the side of the candle is ridiculously cute. I love the holographic snowman design and all of the little snowflakes. As for the last candle, this one has caused a bit of stress. It is Merry Cookie, which is a candle scent that I have used and enjoyed before. (In fact, it is one of my favourites.) It smells amazing and I love the design. Unfortunately, I noticed recently that part of the glass is actually cracked. I can't return it, since it was purchased so long ago now...but I really want to light it. Not to worry: I've been watching videos on YouTube to find out how to burn this candle safely. 

What candle scents do you like best? Is there a brand you like the most?


  1. HI! all these candles are cute! my favorites are always the Yankees Candles 😍

    1. I've had a few of those in the past and they are great because they last SUCH a long time. And smell good, too!

  2. I love scented candles too! And use them a lot!
    My faves are those from Yankee and Diptyque: since my fav scent is Vanilla and pretty often it smells strange on candles, with these I'm sure that I like the perfume!
    Anyway yours sounds very nice , and I didn't know the brands, maybe I could get a try!

    1. Ooh those sound great! Vanilla is always a good idea.

  3. Thanks a lot =) I like my costume too, the colours are so nice and it looks super cute.
    Everything is really great, I love the oat bars <3 I tried the one with white chocolate yesterday and it was great as the others =)

    Nice candle haul =) It's so sad that we don't have Leyland and Body Works in Germany because a friend of mine has some products and they're so good. This candles look all nice especially the one with roasted marshmallows and irish cream <3 :D

    1. That is too bad, but at least there are lots of other great candle brands to choose from. I do love anything that smells of marshmallows!

  4. These seem cool. I like the sound of the Pumpkin ones, they sound as if they would smell wonderful when lit.

  5. Omg! They look beautiful! I am a candle lover and I would looove to try the ones from Leyland and Body Works so bad! I really have to order some :)

    FRENCHSTYLE | Sleduj ma na instagrame ♥

    1. They are my favourite brand when it comes to candles! The scents are always fantastic and the candles burn really evenly.

  6. I do love a scented candle, and these look and sound absolutely delightful. Such a shame about the cracked glass but glad to hear you're on to a solution! xxx


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