Sunday, February 12, 2023

current obsession: kate spade earrings (light amethyst studs)

Several months back now, there was a short trip taken to the Frankenmuth area. During that little getaway (which you can read about here) there was a stop off at an outlet mall. Though I was not shopping for anything in particular, a pair of Kate Spade earrings caught my eye at the outlet. There was just something about them. The sparkle! The shine! The colour! It really was love at first sight. To be fair, there were quite a few items at the Kate Spade outlet store that I fell in love with...but the earrings were within my budget. They cost about $20 CDN and offered a little taste of luxury for less. These are definitely an obsession.

There is a lot to love about Kate Spade accessories. Some are whimsical and others are totally over the top. Then there are the oversized studs, which are always a hit. There are a few different versions of these in my jewellery collection currently: a pink pair and a white pair. Both are super sparkly! Well, when I saw the cubic zirconia studs in that beautiful purpose shade...there was no doubt that the earrings would come home with me. The colour was so beautiful and the studs had such a gorgeous shine. Unlike the other studs that I have from Kate Spade, these are not sparkly or glittery, but are super reflective.

According to the brand, these Brilliant Statements Tri Prong Studs came in the shade Light Amethyst. There were two other versions shown on the website as well (clear and multi-coloured) but the light amethyst is without question the standout. I love how reflective these are and the fact that the colour is so different from the other earrings in my current collection. I have lots of white, pink, black, and even pop culture inspired items...but this particular shade of purple was different. These earrings are fairly sizable and definitely make a statement. The quality is nice, the design is beautiful, and thanks to shopping at the outlet, these were quite reasonably priced. I love a lot of Kate Spade items, so it is always a real treat when I am able to add something special (and sparkly) to my life. These earrings were the perfect addition to my jewellery collection and my life.

What do you think of these earrings? Are you a fan of Kate Spade items?


  1. I will write about the movie this days =) But the last "Magic Mike" was really nice, the beginning was amazing and the story through the movie was so cute. Thanks a lot, it was really frustrating. I'm okay now, thanks <3
    Thanks a lot =) Yes I really hope that 2023 will be excellent and that hope will change something in this world.

    Great post, this earrings look so cute <3 I love the colour of the Amethyst <3

    1. Oh, wonderful! I can't wait to see it! Thank you :D

    2. You're welcome <3

      It was a really nice girls night =) Yes this was a big shock moment but I think she drank too little or something like that. The movie was absolutely nice, the beginning was so hot <3 :D I wish you much fun.

  2. I love these earrings, Shannon! I can see why they are the perfect addition to your collection. The colour is just awesome, and you can wear these for pretty much any occasion. I do love Kate Spade but have not bought any accessories from the line. Glad to know they are fab:)
    Have a great week ahead!

    1. Aww thank you! I really do love the colour. I hope you're doing well and your week is excellent so far!

  3. Wow, was für schöne Ohrstecker, der blaue Stein ist ein richtiger Blickfang. LG Romy

  4. I love Kate Spade accessories too!
    Those earrings look so cute and the color is really awesome!

  5. These are absolutely delightful, Shannon, I totally get that they caught your eye! xxx

  6. Oh, they're so cute! I love Kate Spade, even though I don't own any of their jewelry. Lots of purses tho :D

    Krissi of the marquise diamond

  7. These are so cute! I can see why they caught your eye, and they are so fun! I have a pair of blue bold and colourful studs like this too - my mum and sister have a pair so we all match, and it's nice to wear a little bit of hidden bling as you don't notice studs at first when my hair is down! :)

    1. Thank you! Ooh those sound lovely. Definitely a great way to add a subtle pop of colour.

  8. These are cute earrings. I wanted to get similar I just walked out of the

  9. Prześliczne kolczyki! Jestem pod wrażeniem :)


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