Friday, February 24, 2023

perfume week: daisy eau so fresh by marc jacobs

I've heard a lot about Daisy over the years. From rave reviews to must have lists, this is without a doubt one of the most popular fragrances of late. Though there are various versions of Daisy out there (take a peek at this list for some examples) never occurred to me to add it to my collection. This is because a lot of the fragrances that I enjoy are not from designer brands. Generally speaking, I tend to prefer scents that are sweet, light, and playful. In the past, I've found that a lot of higher end perfumes are too musky, too rich, and too serious. When I won a bottle of Daisy Eau So Fresh (on a bus trip in the fall) it was a real surprise. Partly because I never win anything and partly because I never imagined actually owning one of the Daisy perfumes from Marc Jacobs. The bottle and topper were obviously beautiful, but what about the scent itself? Was it a wow or was it another high end miss? Keep reading to find out as the perfume week reviews continue. 

First off...the bottle. The Eau So Fresh version of Daisy comes in a clear glass bottle that curves in at the front and back. It is an interesting shape but not too dramatic. As for the topper, this is the star. It features lots of daisy designs in white, pink, and yellow. This makes a statement and stands out from other perfume bottles on my shelf. I can certainly understand why the different Daisy perfumes have become so popular, based on the bottle designs alone. Everything about this screams: spring. Even though the weather outside is cold and dreary, this fragrance offers a visual escape from the winter conditions.

There is no doubt that the bottle is a breath of fresh air...but what about the scent itself? It is described as being "sophisticated but not too serious...a spirited incarnation of the original Daisy scent." Other words to describe it tend to be sweet and playful. Based on that description alone, it certainly seems to be the kind of fragrance that I like. This has top notes of green notes, raspberry, pear and grapefruit. The middle notes are violet, litchi, apple blossom, rose, and jasmine. The base notes are musk, plum, and Virginia Cedar. An interesting combination, for sure. To me, Daisy Eau So Fresh smells warm, floral, and well, fresh. It has a rich scent but that richness is balanced with the fruity and floral ingredients. I can certainly understand why this is described as being sophisticated but not too serious. It absolutely has an air of sophistication and poise, but it also has a whimsy that cannot be denied. Though this isn't necessarily like the other perfumes on my shelf (since I really love bright and sweet scents) there is something uniquely beautiful about it. Eau So Fresh feels like a picnic at the park on a warm spring day. There is something picturesque about it all. It is not my favourite perfume ever, but it is different in a good way.

Have you tried Eau So Fresh or any of the other Daisy perfumes? What did you think? 


  1. I used this perfume for a period, years ago: it's very nice and fresh, perfect especially for warm season!
    The bottle is super cute! :)

    1. Oh wonderful! Glad you've enjoyed this one in the past! The bottle is so pretty.

  2. I have a bottle of Daisy on my shelf, and think it's a perfect Spring and Summer scent! xxx

  3. The bottle is super fun. It sounds like the perfect scent for spring and summer. Like spicy scents and don't like when scents are to sweet but this sounds like it is light enough that I would like it.

    Leanne Thompson of

    1. Definitely check it out if you can. It might be something you enjoy!

  4. I have never tried this perfume and no other perfume with a daisy scent but I would love to try it.

    1. I hope if you try it, this is a perfume that you love!

  5. Hello :)
    I haven't had this perfume, but I've heard a lot about it. Great review dear! The bottle is beautiful, the smell is definitely too :) I will have to check it out :)
    Greetings from Poland :)

    1. Thank you so much! I really love the bottle design.

  6. I haven't tried this one, but the bottle is so cute! The notes seem interesting, I think I would like it

    1. It is! I really like the design. It's super pretty! Hopefully you'll be able to try this one <3

  7. I also have a Daisy perfume. I love its scent and find the bottle cute too. :)

  8. "sweet and playful" sounds nice for a scent. I love the top of the bottle as well :)


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