Saturday, March 4, 2023

mini haul, review, and nail look (sinful colors nail polish)

Painted nails always make me feel a little more put together. A little more confident. A little happier. Whenever the mood strikes, I browse through my (modest) nail polish collection and choose a colour that reflects my current state of mind. Sometimes, there is glitter involved. Other times, the vibe is a little more subdued. It is amazing how beauty products, fashion, and all sorts of other things can express how we feel inside. Fairly recently, there was a little display of Sinful Colors nail polishes at the dollar store. This is a brand that I have tried in the past (check out those reviews here and here) to some success. I love the different colours, finishes, and of course, the affordable price. Though there was an impressive Sinful Colors display at the dollar store, a few nail polishes stood out among the rest. Ready for a mini haul and review? Here goes...

Ta da! Here is this little mini nail polish haul from Sinful Colors. There were actually a lot of really beautiful and interesting colours available, but I decided to choose one that I needed and some really unusual offerings. From left to right, the nail polishes shown above are: Eucalyptahhh from the Essenchills line (scented like eucalyptus), Chamomile Calm from the Essenchills line (scented like chamomile), Pinky Glitter, and Clear Coat. The first two nail polishes came from the Essenchills line and were supposed to smell like certain essential oils. I thought that idea was really smart and loved the idea of a nail polish that smelled like something other than nail polish! Unfortunately, both of the nail polishes smelled just like all the other nail polishes in my collection. There was no eucalyptus or chamomile whatsoever. That being said, those particular nail polishes were chosen because the colours were so special. Eucalyptahhh is this incredible grey-blue. It was unlike anything else in my collection. Then there was Chamomile Calm. It instantly made me think of the KKW Fragrance in Nude Suede. 

As for the other two nail polishes in the mini haul, these were a little more expected. The shade Pinky Glitter is just that...a pinky glitter. This is a fairly basic glitter. The pink colour isn't bold enough that this can be worn on its own. Pinky Glitter is definitely more of an add on than a standalone. The last item in the mini nail polish haul is Clear Coat. That is obviously just a clear nail polish. Nothing overly exciting, but it was needed, because I actually ran out. So, this little haul had a bit of everything. Some fabulously unexpected colours, a glitter add on, and a clear nail polish. 

The nail polish shown above is the Sinful Colors shade Chamomile Calm. This is honestly the best nail polish that I have worn in ages. Not only is the colour really different...but the formula is ridiculously good. Though it took a while to dry completely, once it did dry, it stayed put. It was about 10 days before there was any sign of wear whatsoever. I could not believe how well this lasted. Especially because it was purchased at the dollar store. Being honest, this nail polish is still on my nails. Though there are some chips at this point (it has been three weeks or so) this is still holding on pretty well. It's good to know that there is a nail polish that will look good and stay put. Overall, this Sinful Colors haul was a good one. I really love all of the polishes that were added to my collection. My favourites are definitely the shades from the Essenchills collection though! 

Are you a fan of Sinful Colors nail polishes? What do you think of these nail polishes?


  1. Thanks, it was really nice to have such a nice weather for the last day of carnival =) I really watched a lot great stuff.
    My February was busy and nice <3 :D I love Miley Cyrus too, she's adorable.
    Thanks a lot =) My birthday was so nice, I had such a great time and so much fun. My friends are the best <3

    Great mini haul =) I like nail polishes, I have over 300 :D
    This colours here are beautiful as well, my favourite would be the blue and the rose one. Your nails look super, perfect for winter time =)

  2. What gorgeous shades, Shannon! I particularly love Chamomile Calm. Even its name is lovely :-) I am, by the way, absolutely hopeless at painting my nails, and only paint my toenails (very clumsily) and only when it's sandal season. xxx

    1. It is such an unusual colour and that's why I like it so much! I'm not great at painting my nails either (I can't do anything fancy like some people) but it's nice to have a little colour on.

  3. Was für ein toller Farbton, gefällt mir sehr gut. LG Romy

  4. Oh that is such a great yellow and I'm so impressed with how long it lasted on your nails! I am wearing my favourite polish - finally found the time to paint my nails for the first time in months - but it's chipped so quickly :( I think I should have tried a top coat with it, but it's so pretty on it's own!

    1. I was so surprised that it lasted that long! Ooh I'm so glad you were able to wear your favourite nail polish, but I'm sorry that it chipped. It is so frustrating when that happens.

  5. That is such a great pop of colour! I love that yellow so much. It is eye catching and looks like great products.

  6. Oh what a fun mini haul. All these colors are super fun and this sounds like a great brand. Yes nice nail is great pick me up and does make on feel more pulled together.

    Leanne Thompson of

    1. Thank you! It's such a small thing, but a little colour on the nails can be such a nice treat!

  7. Hello Shannon! I actually have two nail polishes by Sinful Colors and I like them a lot. I know they have a big selection of colors, at affordable prices. I really like that mint green and glittery pink that you showed us here!
    Have a great Sunday!
    xo from Croatia

    1. The formula is so impressive! I love that the polishes are affordable as well!

  8. I haven't heard about that brand before. Thanks for sharing

  9. I know exactly how you feel: My nails are always painted :D Great haul! ♥

  10. Never tried this brand but I love the colors you chose and I'll check on the other reviews. The nail manicure you are featuring here is awesome, I'd love to try it!

    1. Thank you so much! The formula is really impressive.

  11. These shades are so lovely! I don't paint my nails anymore but I did when I was younger, I did enjoy it. Maybe one day I will go back to nail polish again! xx

    1. Maybe you will! It can be a nice way to play with colour!


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