Thursday, March 2, 2023

new in: ugg classic clear mini boots

Fashion should be fun, but every now and then, it should also be practical. Enter the Ugg Classic Clear Mini Boots. It is no secret that I adore the Ugg brand. Their shoes and boots are both aesthetically pleasing (my 00s fashion addiction never ends) and comfortable. I love that the inside is always warm and fuzzy...and the outside is bold and unapologetic. Once the winter season starts, my Ugg boots are in heavy rotation. I have a grey pair, a silver glitter pair, and a red pair with bows on the back. These are absolute musts when the snow piles up outside. During the spring and summer months? There are cute slip on sandals to wear around the house. Ugg really has all the days covered. Except when it rains. Ugg boots and drizzly days are not a perfect match. Until now, at least. Take a peek at my new Ugg boots and find out why they are ideal for grey days. 

I haven't owned a pair of rain boots since I was a really little kid. (I'm talking, splashing in puddles on the way home from school kind of timeline.) Normally, my feet either become wet or my shoes are ruined. Waterproof boots were really a long overdue addition to my shoe collection. Thankfully, the Ugg Classic Clear Mini Boots checked off all the boxes. These have that same classic Ugg look, but the boots have clear plastic coating around the "faux shearling and upcycled Ugg plush wool blend." Basically, there is that iconic Ugg fuzziness on the inside with a clear plastic shoe surrounding it. That puts the Ugg wool on full display. The Ugg logo is printed down the side and the bottom of the boots are thick and waterproof. According to the brand, this design is suitable for all different levels of downpour and will withstand -20°C weather. Not bad for a cute pair of boots! 

These are really comfortable to wear and fit true to size. The inside is fuzzy and warm, but not as thick as the winter boots that I have from the brand. These are definitely well suited to warmer winter days (which we have had lately) and the spring season. I love that these are comfortable, waterproof, and look cute. Seeing the wool through the clear design is super cute. They actually have these boots in a bunch of different colours, but I really love the classic colour here. Plus, it means that these boots can be worn with just about any outfit and look good. They are versatile, stylish, and practical.

What do you think of these Ugg Classic Clear Mini Boots? Do you like the design?


  1. So cute!
    Ugg boots are a must, great deal! :)

  2. I'm not sure these are my thing, but I can definitely see the appeal. They really are something else with their clear plastic coating showing the fuzzy wool underneath! xxx

  3. Oh yes I got the mid height black shiny ones from UGH. They are great, warm and totally water proof. I love mine. These look great!!

    Leanne Thompson of

  4. Hi dear! I hadn't seen this du Ugg model yet, really cute.

  5. I love Uggs! They keep my feet warm :-) I actually wear them all the time during winter months! These look great, and it's awesome that they're designed for the rain too!
    xo from Croatia!

  6. I am not a fan of Uggs as a rule but I must admit that these look cool! :)

    1. These are definitely a bit different! I really like them.


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