Friday, March 10, 2023

part one: gilded glamour amazonian clay eyeshadow wardrobe

Though we are approaching mid-March and the first day of spring is right around the makeup world is still focused on holiday releases. This past Christmas, my loved ones gifted me all sorts of beauty products and limited edition holiday items. I am slowly but surely incorporating those items into my makeup routine. The most recent? The Gilded Glamour Amazonian Clay Eyeshadow Wardrobe from Tarte. This set came with two limited edition eyeshadow palettes: Gilded and Glamour. The part one blog post will be focused on Gilded while the part two blog post will be all about Glamour. Ready to take a peek inside? Find out how the Gilded palette performed? Here is everything you need to know about this seasonal release. 

This set from Tarte came with two different eyeshadow palettes. Kicking things off? Gilded. Out of the two palettes, this is easily the most accessible. It is described by the brand as having "warm bronze, gold, dusty rose, and merlot" shades. These are definitely colours that are in my wheelhouse. I absolutely adore warm eyeshadow shades. I'm talking browns, golds, rust, burgundy, and everything in between. Any kind of warm shadow is my go-to, my comfort zone, and my safe place. This palette has a combination of matte and shimmer shades. In addition to those warm colours, there are shimmery white and champagne shadows to choose from. With variety in finishes and tones, it is very easy to create a warm and wearable makeup look. This is a palette that would be well suited for work makeup, an easy daytime look, or a night out creation. It is versatile and still accessible. As for the packaging, the palette is fairly standard. It is sturdy enough, has a bold striped design on the top, and a rose gold finish inside. The eyeshadow names are printed in the palette (always a plus) and there is a mirror inside.

With aesthetically pleasing seasonally inspired packaging and a warm colour story, there was a lot to love from the start...but how did the makeup actually perform? In a word? Wow. Though I don't have a ton of experience with Tarte products, some that I've tried have been standouts. For instance, the Tarteist Pro Remix Eyeshadow Palette is without a doubt one of my favourite eyeshadow palettes ever. My expectations were high, and thankfully, my expectations were met. The formula is incredible. The matte shades are nicely pigmented and blend really well. The shimmer shades are so smooth and have such a gorgeous finish. There is an awful lot to love. Some standout shades in the Gilded palette include: Roaring, Red Hot, Grand, Glitz, and Glamour. Those shadows in particular are intense and richly pigmented. This palette is such a delight to use. 

The makeup look above made good use of those gorgeous shimmery shades, but the deepest shade in the palette (Abstract) was also used to make sure the look had lots of contrast. I love that the Gilded palette makes it possible to create really warm and beautiful makeup looks with ease. For example, this makeup look only took about 15 minutes to pull together from start to finish. The Tarte eyeshadows are easy to work with, blend well, and have an impressive pigmentation level. 

There is a lot to love about this seasonal eyeshadow palette from Tarte. The Gilded palette from the Gilded Glamour Amazonian Clay Eyeshadow Wardrobe has an accessible colour story and excellent quality. So, there you have it: part one of this two part review. The next post will be dedicated to the second eyeshadow palette in this limited edition holiday set.

Have you tried anything from Tarte lately? What do you think of the Gilded Eyeshadow Palette?


  1. The eyeshadow looks awesome!
    I love the colors 💕

    1. Absolutely! There are a lot of really beautiful colours.

  2. That palette looks very stylish indeed, Shannon! xxx

  3. These colours are gorgeous on you! I just love the shine and hues. The packaging is nice as well. I hope your having an amazing weekend.

    1. Thank you! I love the shimmery shades as well. So pretty!

  4. You look very beautiful ✨✨✨ Have a great day 💕💖✨

  5. Hi dear! but this palette is beautiful, I love the shades of red ❤️

  6. Thank you for stopping by my blog lovely!
    I like this palette, the colours look really great on you. You're always very playful with make up :-)
    Have a lovely weekend, greetings from Croatia!

  7. I had a tarte blush I loved back when I used to wear makeup, but I never tried the eyeshadow which is a shame as you gave this such a good review! the shades are beautiful and I really like the look you created with it :)

    1. Thank you! I've tried a few things from Tarte over the years and the products have been good overall!

  8. Absolutely wonderful =) This cream sounds so good.

    Great palette again =) The red shades are so beautiful, I love them. And your make up look is cute as always =)

  9. Die Farben stehen dir wirklich, traumhaft schön. LG Romy


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