Tuesday, March 28, 2023

review: truly unicorn mini miracle set

There is nothing wrong with a little TLC. Especially when there are bright and colourful products involved. When it comes to aesthetically pleasing items...Truly checks all the boxes. My introduction to the brand happened a few months back when their colourful lip balm proved too tempting to resist! Then, over the holiday season, my husband treated me to one of their sets so I could try some other products from the brand as well. Ready to take a look inside the Unicorn Mini Miracle Set? Here goes...

The nice thing about beauty, makeup, and skin care sets is that it is possible to try out a handful of different items at one time. (Often for a reduced price.) This set retailed for approximately $70, which was not exactly a discount, but there were some bonus items included. The three full-sized products totaled about $70, but the set came in a cute pink lunch box and there was a small spoon as well. In all, the Unicorn Mini Miracle Set came with the following items:

  • Pink Truly Lunch Box
  • Gold Truly Scooping Spoon
  • Truly Unicorn Locks Repair Hair Mask
  • Truly Unicorn Fruit Whipped Body Butter
  • Truly Unicorn Fruit Lip Plumping Balm

The pink lunch box is certainly cute and I am without a doubt a sucker for adorable packaging. It is bright pink with gold accents and is made of tin. Since I work from home, an old-school lunch box is not a necessity for me in a practical sense. However, I am always looking for different ways to store things. At the moment, the lunch box is used to store single socks waiting for their match. (Where does the other sock always seem to disappear to?) In future, it might be used for an entirely different purpose, but it is nice to have. Something else this set came with is the gold scooping spoon. Confession time: I love this far more than I should. There are a lot of lip balms and lip masks that I enjoy, but since Nivea reformulated their lip balm, a lot of the products I have been using instead come in a small pot or jar. It can be messy (and unhygienic) to keep reaching in there. That is why I've been using this little golden spoon to scoop out the product. I can clean it in between uses and voila! 

Truly Unicorn Locks. Truth be told, my hair was not looking all that healthy. The shampoo that I was using worked well for a long time, but then, it seemed to make my hair dry and frizzy. So, a switch was in order. In addition to changing up my shampoo, the Truly Unicorn Locks Repair Hair Mask was also thrown into the mix. This product, like all of the Truly products, is vegan and cruelty free. It is designed to address split ends, dull hair, and damaged hair. It contains coconut oil, banana, avocado, cocoa butter, and keratin amino acids. The hair mask has a light pink colour and a gel like consistency. It smells sweet, but not too sweet.  Unicorn Locks definitely left my hair feeling a lot healthier. The down side? You have to let this mask sit for 20 minutes before rinsing off. I'll be honest...I am kind of lazy when it comes to hair. I much prefer a mask that does not need to stay on too long or can be left on. That way, I'm able to move on with my day as quickly as possible. So, even though the results are impressive, this isn't necessarily something that I can see myself purchasing again in the future. 

Truly Unicorn Fruit Lip Plumping Balm. Now for a product that excels in every possible way. The Unicorn Fruit Lip Plumping Balm has a lot going for it. For starters, there is a colourful swirl of product inside that is so beautiful to look at. Definitely my style! The product itself contains peppermint, matcha, and acai boost. It has a sweet berry scent that is really pleasant. The lip balm glides on well and is just the right consistency. It's not too thick or too thin. It's just...right. Since I am extremely picky about lip balms (why oh why did Nivea change their formula?) it was such a thrill to find one that was exactly what I wanted and needed. The only downside? The price. It's about $17 CDN for a jar. How long that jar lasts will vary from person to person. As for me, my first jar lasted for about a month. It is a splurge when compared to the Nivea lip balm I used to know and love, but this product has quickly become a must for me. I love the smell, the formula, the colours, and everything in between. 

Truly Unicorn Fruit Whipped Body Butter. As someone with dry skin, anything that moisturizes and adds hydration is essential. I've tried all sorts of lotions, creams, and body butters over the years. Some work better than others. As for the Unicorn Fruit Whipped Body Butter? This falls somewhere in the middle. It contains acai, chic seed CO2, matcha, rosewater, and collagen boost. Like the lip balm, this has a colourful swirl of product inside of a glass jar. It is 2 fluid ounces in total and has a sweet but bright scent. I like that this body butter is really thick and nourishing. It definitely adds a lot of hydration. What I don't like as much is that this body butter is somewhat difficult to spread over the skin. You need to take a minute to warm it up in your hands before actually applying it to the body. That being said, this is a product that I would consider purchasing in the future...especially during the winter months. It is an effective (and pretty) way to moisturize the skin. 

It was wonderful to test out different Truly products thanks to the Unicorn Mini Miracle Set. The hair mask works well, though it tests my patience, the lip balm is a new must have in my life, and the body butter is hydrating. Everything is beautiful, smells great, and looks fabulous. Fingers crossed I will be able to try out other products from the brand in the future.

Have you tried anything from Truly? What do you think of the brand? 


  1. Die Marke kannte ich noch gar nicht, klingt aber sehr vielversprechend. LG Romy

    1. It's been really nice trying out different products from the brand!

  2. Oh yes this mask is really nice, it smells so good and my skin is so smooth after it.
    I understand that too but yesterday there was no way to travel, just your own car - no trains, no busses, no flights, this was not so nice for many people. I hope that too =)

    Nice review, this set looks super cute =) I love the colours of the lip balm and body butter, so fancy <3 Unicorns are always nice =)

    1. Agree! The colours are so pretty. Definitely nice to look at :D

  3. Oh wow that lip balm looks totally amazing! And the butter too!

    Thanks for your nice comments :-D Hoping to be back to blogging now.

    1. So wonderful to hear from you! I'm so so glad you're back to blogging :D

  4. I love sets, they are a fabulous way to try out new things, I think they are great gift ideas too. These all sounds lovely, the whipped body butter looks so good! I love the lunch box, it's so beautiful xx

    1. Totally agree! It is a really nice way to try out different items from a brand.

  5. So hearing you on being lazy when it comes to my hair. The conditioner I'm using needs to be left on for at least 5 minutes, and even that is often beyond me :-)
    I'm loving the sound (and most definitely the sight) of the Unicorn lip plumping balm and whipped body butter, but I'm not sure I'm OK with the price tag. xxx

    1. 5 minutes is too much for me most of the time! Ha! Glad I'm not the only one who doesn't like to wait around. I agree that the price is high. I wish there was something more affordable that checked off all the boxes. Maybe one day.

  6. TBH, this is the first time I've heard of this brand, Shannon! THanks as always for the heads up. The set sounds awesome and as someone with dry skin too, that body butter sounds lovely. And I honestly think spooning spoon should come with every jarred product, you know? It makes everything much easier to use!

    1. It's at Shopper Drug Mart! And I totally agree with you...a spoon should absolutely come with every jarred product. It only makes sense!

  7. This is a new discovery for me, and it looks so magical! Truly a unicorn miracle!


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