Saturday, April 1, 2023

avani gregg x morphe (for the bebs artistry palette)

Time for a little confession: I do not know half of the TikTok stars, influencers, YouTubers, or anyone else these days. And honestly? I kind of like it that way. At this point, there are certain content creators that I like to watch...and I'm not that into discovering new ones. Maybe I am just old and set in my ways. Or maybe I just like the familiarity. Whatever the reason, it explains why my first time hearing about Avani Gregg was when my local winners had the Morphe x Avani Gregg For the Bebs Artistry Palette on sale. Instead of seeing an eyeshadow palette from a popular TikTok star, my focus was on the bright and colourful offerings inside. And wow, were there a lot of bold colours inside. Lots and lots! Ready to take a look? Find out how this palette performed? Here is everything you need to know about the Morphe x Avani Gregg For the Bebs Artistry Palette.

Talk about an explosion of colour. The Morphe x Avani Gregg For the Bebs Artistry Palette has an awful lot going for it in terms of visual appeal. There are all sorts of bright and bold colours to choose from. There are even some glitters included. Something that makes this particular palette a little bit different? The cake liners included in the bottom rows. There are ten cake liners in total and the palette instructs users to wet their brush and line. I love the concept and the range of colours included for that purpose. Spoiler alert: these don't work very well. The cake liners simply aren't pigmented enough to create a bold liner look. I really wanted them to work as intended. I was so looking forward to dynamic pink, orange, and green liner. Even with multiple layers, the pigmentation just wasn't enough to create what I would consider a bold eyeliner look. 

As for the rest of the eyeshadow palette? I would describe the release as inconsistent. There are thirty statement shadows (mostly matte but with two glitters and one shimmer) but not all of them perform well. Some shadows are really pretty and have a nice amount of colour. Others are dry and require an awful lot of layering. That isn't to say that the palette can't be used to create fabulous makeup looks. It can and does. However, certain shadows require a little more TLC than others. Something else to note? Some of the eyeshadow stain as well. This is particularly true for the reds, pinks, and blues. The shimmer shade (LMAO) is subtle in colour but has a gorgeous finish. It looks really pretty layered on top of another shadow. The glitter shades (diet and star emoji) are dry and chunky. These do not perform all that well and are not anywhere near the best glitter shadows I have come across. Like I said earlier, the Morphe x Avani Gregg For the Bebs Artistry Palette is inconsistent. 

Though the colour story for the eyeshadow palette is wonderful - and the addition of the cake liners was brilliant - the performance was somewhat lacking. In terms of the packaging, this palette is fairly standard. It is made of sturdy cardboard, but has a really nice weight to on the bottom. I was actually impressed that this felt a little more well constructed. There is a mirror inside as well, which is always a nice touch. The artwork is cute and the outer packaging is colourful and aesthetically pleasing. The eyeshadow names are a bit...odd. To be honest, they make me feel super old and out of touch. Some of them, I assume are connected to Avani Gregg and her inner circle. Others sound a bit juvenile to me. (But to be fair, I am unlikely to be the target demographic for this palette.) Some examples? *inaudible noise* (yes that is an actual eyeshadow name), u mad??, beep boop, and bruh. This eyeshadow palette is colourful, fun, but has a way of making me feel absolutely ancient. 

It is absolutely possible to create beautiful makeup looks with the Morphe x Avani Gregg For the Bebs Artistry Palette. There are some stunning colours to choose from. In fact, I was really happy with the two makeup looks shown above. I only wish the formula was better and more consistent throughout. Some of the shadows are dry and do not blend well. Others stain the lids. Some need an awful lot of layers to achieve full colour payoff. All in all, this eyeshadow palette was a bit of a letdown. The cake liners didn't work well and there was a lot of room for improvement. I do love the idea of the palette and will certainly use the shadows to the best of my just would have been nice if the consistency was there. 

Have you tried the Morphe x Avani Gregg For the Bebs Artistry Palette? What did you think of the quality?


  1. That palette is amazing, lovely bold colours and loving your makeup :-D

  2. I had a wonderful time on the boat =) I had such a great time in Nijmegen and bought some delicious cheese <3 :D

    Great review =) This palette looks super beautiful, the colours are amazing. Your make up looks is so cute.

  3. Wow, dass sieht es klasse aus und steht dir sehr gut. LG Romy

  4. I hardly know any influencers Etc. and as I've never been on TikTok I obviously don't know any stars on there. Don't think I'm missing anything to be honest. But then again, I am really ancient :-)
    The palette definitely looks fantastic, but I'm sorry to hear the overall performance wasn't that great. xxx

    1. I feel you on that. I've definitely aged out of that kind of content!

  5. Oooh, I love the vibrant colors of this palette. It looks like it would be fun to do makeup with.

    1. It is certainly a good palette to get inspired by!


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