Friday, April 21, 2023

does it work?? anew vitamin c smoothing lip scrub

I've tried many different lip scrubs over the years. Some worked well, some were too abrasive, and some didn't do much at all. Fairly recently, my mom gave me some products from the Anew Vitamin C line, including the Vitamin C Smoothing Lip Scrub. Since I was in desperate need of a new lip scrub, it was perfect timing. But the question remains...does it work?? It is time to find out. Here is everything you need to know about this Vitamin C themed lip scrub from Anew. 

The lip scrub packaging is simple but effective. I love that the box is a bright orange and has a picture of orange slices on the side. It is such a small little detail, but it ties in the Vitamin C theme with ease. As for the product itself, it comes in a plastic jar with a frosted finish. The directions on the scrub are straightforward and easy to follow: massage onto lips and wipe off with a damp cloth. According to the brand, the Vitamin C Smoothing Lip Scrub is "enriched with antioxidant Vitamin C and sugar crystals. This lip scrub gently buffs to remove dead skin cells for smoother and softer lips. Vitamin C, also known as ascorbic acid helps to visibly brighten dull skin over time." The claims are certainly good, but not all lip scrubs are created equally. 

So, does it work?? Yes! Thank goodness for that. This lip scrub has a light but pleasant scent, is not too rough, and does an excellent job of exfoliating the lips. It is easy to apply, easy to remove, and does exactly what the brand promised it would do. It shouldn't be shocking, but a lot of times, the brand claims are not accurate. That is why it feels so nice when something actually works as advertised. There is a good amount of product included, with 0.70 ounces. Since only a small amount of the scrub is needed each time (this is something that I have been using once or twice a week. Not too often) this is a product that will last. The expiration date is listed on the jar as May 2024 (love that there is actually an expiration date written on the product) so there is plenty of time for me to make good use of the Anew Vitamin C Smoothing Lip Scrub. 

Have you tried this Vitamin C Smoothing Lip Scrub? What lip scrubs do you like to use?


  1. I have not tried this citaminc c scruib but sounds like a good option

  2. Thank a lot =) I like my new pieces too. Oh yes this shirt is so cute, love the colours and optics.

    Great review =) It sounds like a pretty good product and I would try it. Smooth lips are super important <3 :D

  3. I don't think I've ever tried a lip scrub, but my lips could definitely use one. I'll see if I can get hold of this one, since it comes with your recommendation! xxx

  4. That sounds like a really nice product :)

  5. In the past I have tried some Anew products, an eye contour and a face cream and they were alright. At that time I was really happy with them but in the meanwhile I have used many other great products and therefore I had to downgrade several others like Anew products for example. I have to say that I have never tried a lip scrub therefore couldn't say anything about it.

    1. Oh, nice! I haven't tried those before. I'm glad you were able to find some other products that worked even better!

  6. It sounds like a lovely scrub! It's great you enjoy using it and that you use it regularly :)

  7. Klingt gut, werde ich ausprobieren. LG Romy


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