Saturday, April 29, 2023

niagara falls outlet shopping haul.

Outlet shopping is always a good idea. Especially when the deals are outstanding. As mentioned in my last blog post, I recently visited Niagara Falls to see Clay Aiken perform for a few days. On the first day there, my mom and I went to do a little outlet shopping at an outdoor mall. Though there weren't a lot of impressive stores, there were two that were out-of-this-world fantastic. One was an Urban Planet outlet store (that had clothes and accessories from a variety of similar stores, like Urban Planet, Wet Seal, Forever 21) and the other was an American Eagle outlet. The Canada One Outlet Mall had other options as well, but my purchases came from those places. Here is a closer look at all of the discounted finds that came home with me.

Discounted Accessories. It is hard to resist accessories, especially when they are sparkly and affordable. There was an extra discount at the Urban Planet outlet, where all accessories were buy one get one for $1. A few items grabbed my attention: a pair of sparkly hoop earrings with dangling accents, a Scorpio themed set with three layered necklaces and a pair of gold earrings, and a layered set of chain necklaces with a pink butterfly pendant. More often than not, my preference is silver jewellery, but lately, I have been having fun with gold coloured pieces as well. I love the drama of the dangly hoop earrings, the sparkly Scorpio necklace because that is my sign, and the 90s inspired layered gold necklaces. 

80s and 90s Inspired Jeans. When it comes to jeans, my go-to style is skinny. I guess that is the millennial in me, but I love a good pair of skinny jeans. That being said, there are certain throwback styles that are popular now that are intriguing. Mostly 80s and 90s inspired designs. While at the American Eagle Outfitters outlet, I found a pair of straight leg 90s boyfriend jeans in a light grey wash. They were totally distressed and torn. It made me think of styles that were popular on Blossom and other shows that I grew up on. Plus, the jeans were only $30. They are definitely a bit different for me, but I like them. As for the second pair of jeans that came home with me, they are 80s Mom style and cost about $15. I am obsessed. Beyond obsessed. These might be my new favourite jeans. They make me feel like I am on an episode of Full House. The colour, the style, the high is all fantastic. I have already worn them a few times and like to pair the 80s jeans with an oversized sweater. 

Cartoon Character Sweatshirts. Over the years, my style has shifted a lot. I used to wear dressier shirts, skirts, and cute dresses more often than not. These days? Especially since the pandemic? I am all about t-shirts, jeans, and sweatshirts. Of course, it was impossible to resist the two sweatshirts shown above. The first is an oversized pink Care Bears sweater and the second is a more fitted Rugrats sweater. I like that 80s and 90s nostalgia is so in these days, because that is right up my alley. I am definitely a kid at heart and cannot get enough of these beloved (and retro) cartoon characters. 

T-Shirts and Shorts. Who can resist an adorable Disney t-shirt? Not me. This Mickey and Minnie t-shirt instantly caught my eye. I loved the relaxed style and the bright, bold colours. It was a must have. The shorts were also necessary. Truth be told, I don't actually have a lot of shorts in my closet. I am more of a fall and winter kind of girl, so clothes for warm weather are not my favourite. That being said, I was in need of something cute and comfortable and these shorts fit the bill. They have a relaxed fit, a faux-denim appearance, and a cute tie around the waist. I can definitely see these coming in handy as temperatures climb. 

My visit to the Canada One Outlet Mall was a success. There was so much more that I would have loved to take home with me, but these were the most important items. Cute accessories, cute jeans, sweatshirts, a t-shirt, and a new pair of shorts. My life is sure to be stylish in the months to come. And thankfully, these items did not break the bank. Outlet shopping is the best! 

Have you done any outlet shopping lately? What do you think of these discount items?


  1. Aww I love the tees, ahh I miss Rugrats! Got so many memories from watching it as a kid...

  2. Hello dear!
    Super shopping :) I really like to buy on promotions, if I can buy something cheaper, I'm happy :) I often buy in second hands and boutiques, you can find great things there for a small amount!
    Greetings from Poland!

    1. Same! It's always better to find something at a lower price!

  3. Wow, you definitely made the most of those outlet stores Shannon! xxx


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