Tuesday, April 25, 2023

review: strawberry feels palette (jaclyn cosmetics)

When it comes to makeup purchases, more of my shopping takes place at Winners rather than Sephora these days. With the costs of everything getting higher and higher, it just makes sense. Plus, many Sephora brands can be found at Winners...along with brands that aren't available in other Canadian stores. Take Jaclyn Cosmetics as an example. Sure, I could order the products online and pay a ton extra for shipping and in the exchange rate, but that is not my preference. Finding items from the brand at Winners (discounted, no less) is so much better. That is exactly what happened recently. There were actually a handful of Jaclyn Cosmetics items that came home with me, but the first that will be reviewed here on Mansa Fashion. is the Strawberry Feels Palette. How perfect for the spring and summer season! The strawberry themed palette was released last summer and is still available on the Jaclyn Cosmetics website for $34 USD. Lucky for me, this palette cost just $16.99 CDN at Winners. Ready to see what colours are inside the palette? Find out how it performs? Keep reading...

Talk about a fabulous seasonal eyeshadow palette! This is overloaded with pink colours, corals, browns, and berry shades. Everything about it screams warm weather and picnic lunches. According to the brand, "this fresh-picked and pretty palette is jam-packed with juicy shades that are sure to evoke strawberry feels forever." The brand claims that the formula is buttery, glides on well, and has high pigment coverage. There are matte, satin, and sparkle finishes. An interesting note? Jaclyn Cosmetics states that the shade Day Date is not intended for use in the eye area...despite the fact that it is included in an eyeshadow palette. I've seen this with other palettes before (like the NYX Money Heist Color Palette) and it is a bit odd. Pressed pigments are not technically approved for use in the eye area, but brands sell pressed pigments in eyeshadow palettes, knowing full well that they will be used in the eye area. I've personally not had an issue using pressed pigments, aside from a bit of staining, but I don't necessarily think it makes sense to include them when they aren't intended to be used the same way as the other shadows in the palette. All that aside, there is a lot to that stands out about this particular strawberry palette. 

The strawberry theme is fantastic. I love the simple pink packaging and the picnic themed eyeshadow names. Picnic, Shortcake, Fresh Picked, and Berry Whipped, are excellent examples. This is such a fun spring/summer kind of palette and it definitely is making the transition into spring a bit easier for me. (I am more of a fall and winter kind of girl. The warmer weather is not my favourite.) Something else that I enjoy? The larger eyeshadow pans and the colour story. There are some warm neutrals, a shimmery champagne, pinks, corals, and berry colours. That means it is possible to create both subtle and colourful creations using the Strawberry Feels Palette. Though the palette looks stunning and has a great theme, what matters most is performance. So, how does this Jaclyn Cosmetics palette perform? Are the brand claims accurate? Here goes...

Well, as a reminder, Jaclyn Cosmetics claims that the eyeshadows are buttery, glide on well, and have high pigment coverage. Is that true? Eh. My experience with the palette was a little bit different. These are colourful and pigmented shadows...and it is possible to create some really beautiful makeup looks using the Strawberry Feels Palette. However, these do not glide on or blend all that well and are certainly not what I would call buttery. The shadows need to be packed on and built up in order to achieve that bold and colourful result. As a result, my feelings about this palette are mixed. I love the theme, the colour story, and the concept. I love that it is possible to create a standout makeup look. What I don't like so much? The shadows require a lot of patience. This is certainly not a palette that I would reach for if I was short on time, since this isn't going to be a one-swipe kind of experience. Or at least, it wasn't for me. I'm not exactly disappointed in Strawberry Feels, since this palette was purchased for a pretty reasonable price, but if I had spent $34 USD plus shipping, my view would be entirely different. 

Have you tried anything from Jaclyn Cosmetics? What did you think of the products?


  1. Nice colours, thanks for your sharing...

  2. The palette definitely has the looks, but it must have been a little off-putting that it didn't perform as per the brand's claims. I'm also finding it odd reading that a shade is included which isn't intended for use in the eye area. You're lucky not to have had any issues with this, but I'm sure other people will, particularly as I'm sure not everyone reads the small print ... xxx

    1. It really was! I thought this palette would be a knock-my-socks-off kind of experience, but it wasn't. And I totally agree. I've noticed more and more brands including "not safe for eyes" items in eyeshadow palettes.

  3. what a cute eye palette! perfect shades

  4. A pretty cute surprise =) I love the dog, she's so cute.
    Thanks a lot, I like my new stuff too =) Oh yes the pink alpaca is my favourite too, it's super cute <3 You're right, stuffies make life better.

    Great review =) This palette looks super cute and I love the strawberry chocolate packaging of it <3 The colours are great, especially the pink one =) Your make up look is lovely.

    1. It's such a cute theme! I really like the colours that were included.

  5. Appears to be a lovely peachy and rosey palette that can be used not only for the eyes but some can also be as a cheek color and a highlighter.

    1. That is true! It could definitely be used on the cheeks as well.

  6. the colors are so beautiful! Very elegant choice, so refreshing. I'd get for my daily looks so I don't have to think all that much

    1. oh, my! I am sorry, I commented from my husband's profile again (we switched laptops today for work reasons). I am not a creep, I'm Lyosha :)

    2. The colours are really pretty! And that's okay! <3


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