Sunday, April 23, 2023

spring #FOTD and mini review (estate wet matte liquid lips)

Spring is here...and that means the world is in bloom. Or at least it promises to be! Whenever I think of the spring season, my mind instantly goes to flowers, sunshine, and pastel colours. Though a lot of the spring season so far as been rainy and grey for the most part, there have still been pockets of sunshine. With spring on my mind these days, it only made sense to do a spring inspired #FOTD. Since there was a liquid lipstick in my collection that I was ready to use and review here on Mansa Fashion. it was a no brainer. Keep reading for a seasonal makeup look and a mini review of an Estate lipstick.

To start off this spring #FOTD it is time to take a look at the lip product used. This is the Wet Matte Liquid Lips from Estate. The shade shown above is Juicy, which is a wonderful name, since this looks like a juicy berry colour. It is a warm berry-pink. To be honest, Estate isn't a brand that I had heard of before, but my friend gifted me this beautiful lipstick and I could not have been more thrilled. The colour was beautiful and I loved the idea of a wet matte liquid lipstick. According to the brand, the Wet Matte Liquid Lips is "a lippie that will last through the longest of nights. Our wet matte liquid lipsticks are super pigmented and they won't dry out or crack your lips. They're actually hydrating." I have to say, this was a really impressive liquid lipstick. The colour was so beautiful and bold. Very pigmented and easy to apply. This is actually nicely hydrating and doesn't dry out the lips like a lot of other liquid lipsticks can. The formula was really impressive and I would love to try other shades in the future.

For this spring inspired #FOTD, it was all about colour. On the lips, of course, was the Estate Wet Matte Liquid Lips in the shade Juicy. It is such a gorgeous and warm colour. On the cheeks was a warm bronzer from Annabelle. As for the eyes, the BH Cosmetics Weekend Vibes Mimosa Palette was doing all the heavy lifting. I applied the shade Pomegranate to the outer portion of the lid, Pop on the inner portion of the lid, and then blended it all about with Happy Hour. Pomegranate was applied along the lower lash line as well, with a little extra Pop in the inner corner. It was a fun, happy, spring inspired makeup look that cleared away all of the grey skies. The lipstick actually made me feel super confident. I tend to shy away from reds a lot of the time, because they are higher maintenance, but this is more of a berry colour than a red. I love how warm it is, how wearable it is, and how well it lasts. The lipstick is also comfortable to wear, so that is another bonus. Overall, I have to say that this spring #FOTD was one that made me smile. Sometimes, it is nice to create something just for the fun of it. 

What do you think of this spring inspired makeup look? Have you tried anything from Estate?


  1. I love the colors of the lipstick and eyeshadow, they look so good together.

  2. What a fun Springtime look, Shannon, the colours are gorgeous! xxx

  3. Oh yes we had a really nice day out <3 I love my new stuff.

    Great review =) This lipstick looks super cute and I love the colour. Your look is also pretty beautiful <3


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