Wednesday, May 17, 2023

2 looks 1 palette: color block obsessions eyeshadow palette

Huda Beauty eyeshadows have been somewhat hit or miss for me. The Mercury Retrograde Eyeshadow Palette was meh at best but the Warm Brown Obsessions Eyeshadow Palette was stellar. Since my experiences have been fairly mixed over the years, Huda Beauty is not a must-have brand for me. I am always open to trying different products, but new releases from the brand are not automatically added to my wish list. The Color Block Obsessions Eyeshadow Palette was a notable exception. There were two different versions: Orange and Purple Color Block Obsessions and Blue and Green Color Block Obsessions. Since there is an abundance of purple eyeshadow in my makeup collection already, it was the Blue and Green Color Block Obsessions that ultimately won out. Find out how this palette performs and check out two different makeup looks. 

Colour, colour, and more colour. There is an awful lot happening in this Color Block Obsessions Eyeshadow Palette. There are shimmer shadows, mattes, and even a water-activated cake liner. (The latter was especially exciting to test out.) According to the brand, this particular version of the palette has ocean blues and daring lime greens. With a $42 CDN price tag, this palm-sized eyeshadow palette is definitely on the expensive side, so that is something to keep in mind. As for the packaging, this is similar to the other Obsessions Eyeshadow Palettes from Huda Beauty. It is compact in size, plastic, and fairly sturdy. Unlike previous palettes, this is ultra colourful and mimics that eyeshadows tucked away inside. The writing on the front of the palette is also raised and made from some sort of rubber. It's a neat little extra that makes this eyeshadow palette stand out from many others. In terms of the performance, this is mixed. The shimmer shades don't have a lot of pigmentation and are more like glittery toppers than anything else. The matte shadows are fairly pigmented and can create really bright and beautiful looks. And the cake liner is fantastic. It is really bold and a fantastic way to incorporate a little extra colour. I would actually love an entire cake liner palette from the brand. It worked so well. All in all, this is a pretty decent (and colourful) palette. 

Look #1: Yellow and Turquoise. The first makeup look in this 2 looks 1 palette post made good use of the matte shades. There was one colour that really stood out to me in the Color Block Obsessions Eyeshadow Palette, which was the center shadow. It is a yellowish light green matte. I applied this all over the lid (it took a bit of building to maximize the colour) and then blended the turquoise colour in the upper left corner through the crease. I used the ocean blue in the bottom left corner along the lower lash line and then added a bit of the light blue shimmer on the lid for a little extra pop. Some liner and mascara finished off the eyes. Since this makeup look was so bright and colourful, the cheeks and lips were left fairly neutral. 

Look #2: Blue, Purple, and Cake Liner. The cake liner included in the palette was an absolute must-use. I could not wait to try it out and it ended up being the perfect addition to this second look. I wet a small brush, dipped it into the liner, and then used it to accent my winged liner. It looks a little more dramatic in person, but I like how it photographed as well. I am looking forward to using the cake liner in lots and lots of different ways. As for the eyelids, I applied the ocean blue (bottom row center) all over the lid and applied the shimmery blue (top row center) on top for a little drama. Then I used the blueish purple (middle row left) through the crease. The purple shadow didn't blend all that well and ended up looking a bit muddy, but in the end, the look turned out okay. On the cheeks, I chose a dusty rose blush. On the lips, a brown lipstick finished off the look.

What do you think of these makeup looks? Have you tried the Color Block Obsessions Eyeshadow Palette?


  1. Wygląda przepięknie :) Pozdrawiam

  2. Wow you've created a so wonderful make up with that palette!
    I like the 1st more because makes me think of a mermaid, you look so prety!

    1. Aww thank you! I liked that look as well. It was really bright and a little bit different for me.

  3. Die Farben sind toll und die Pigmentierung klasse. LG Romy

  4. Loving both looks you've created, even if the palette's performance was mixed. The palette itself looks amazing though, and the colours are gorgeous! xxx

  5. Oh very interesting packaging and so cute colors has this palette
    Great review

  6. Yes it's always nice when the weather is better than expected :D I had an amazing time <3

    Great review =) This palette looks beautiful, I love the colours. Your make up is super cute and perfect for summer <3

    1. Thank you so much! You're right. This would be good for summer!


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