Monday, May 15, 2023

do we just give up? or make a change?

There is a lot to love about Dolly Parton. For example, her talent, kindness, and the fact that she always tries to make the world a better place. I admire a lot about her. Recently, I've realized that what I admire most about Dolly is the fact that she is accepted for who she is. Truth be told, I am a little jealous of that, because it has never been the case for me. In elementary school, my friends dumped me (in a rather dramatic fashion) because I was "holding them back from popularity." In high school, I was bullied mercilessly for wearing band t-shirts and being shy. In adulthood, I was overlooked at work and told that I didn't have the right personality to be promoted. All of those experiences left scars. All of those experiences reminded me that I was not acceptable. For many years, I tried to toe the line. I tried to dress to fit in, follow the trends, do what other people did, and squash down various bits and pieces of my personality. I was still me, but I was never the full me. I wanted to be like everyone else, because I desperately wanted be accepted and acceptable. Not anymore. Not. Anymore. 

As I've gotten older (and hopefully wiser) it has become more difficult to hide all those little parts of myself. As a result, I am slowly, very slowly, trying to be okay with the fact that not everyone will like me and not everyone will accept my true self. Not in real life, not on social media, and not even here, on this beloved beauty blog. There are a lot of things that readers of Mansa Fashion. know about me. For instance, I love makeup of all varieties, Betsey Johnson accessories, reading, watching movies, and celebrating holidays. Things you might not know about me? I have a serious stuffed animal obsession. I live with anxiety. I am a feminist. I stand against injustice. I struggle to feel safe in a world so full of cruelty. 

I always wanted Mansa Fashion. to be a place that focused on the beautiful aspects of life. Things like makeup, fashion, photography, and entertainment. For more than eleven years, this blog has been focused on just that....and it will continue to be dedicated to all things beauty moving forward. However, I also want to share other parts of myself here. The parts of myself that I am afraid readers will reject. I have started to do this more often over the last year or so, both here and on social media. I hope it will become easier to do over time. I hope it will stop hurting when someone unfollows. Even though I am fighting against my long-standing desire to be "acceptable," it still hurts to be rejected for who I really am. 

What inspired all of this? The new Dolly Parton song, "World on Fire." Lyrics include...Liar, liar, the world's on fire/Whatcha gonna do when it all burns down/Fire, fire burning higher/Still got time to turn it around and Don't get me started on politics/Now how are we to live in a world like this/Greedy politicians, present and past/They wouldn't know the truth if it bit them in the ass. In classic Dolly fashion, she cuts to the core of the issue but still sprinkles hope into her music. I love that despite the anger, frustration, and fear, she still has hope for society. Another thing to admire about Dolly. The song, "World on Fire," inspired me to use my voice today. I want to be more open and vulnerable. I want to stop hiding the parts of myself that I like the most. I want to use my voice effectively. I want to accept myself, instead of always seeking acceptance from others. 

Dolly Parton shines in a way that I have never been able to. So, I am trying to learn from her example. I am trying to share my authentic self with others...even though it might lead to rejection. In the words of the icon herself, Do we just give up? Or make a change? I know that I am changing now and I know that it is for the better. Thanks, Dolly. 


  1. Thanks for your informative sharing...

  2. Shannon, thank you for your bravery in sharing this post, and for your honesty. I can totally understand what you are going through, and I totally support whatever you want to do/share in this blog. With social media and the craze for popularity these past few years, it's heart-breaking to see what people will do...that they are willing to lose themselves just to be an influencer or go viral or whatever. Like you, I like a lot of things people deem cringey. I think my saving grace is that I started blogging and doing videos at a much older age than most. Still, it is hard sometimes. We just have to remember that being true to ourself is always the road to take. XOXO

    1. Thank you so much. Your comment truly means a lot to me. I am so grateful for your kindness and wisdom. It's definitely hard sometimes, but you're right. Being our true selves is so much better than playing pretend. I'm trying to do that more and more online and offline.

  3. Thanks for your informative sharing.

  4. It was really much fun =) We had a wonderful time on that festival <3
    This Gamer Box is super nice =) I love the snacks and I can't wait to eat them :D

    Oh yes Dolly Parton is a really strong woman, also like Marylin Monroe and Audrey Hepburn. Such big inspirations =) Nice post about Dolly =)

    1. Absolutely! She is an icon for a reason. Thank you!

  5. Eine tolle Frau und Persönlichkeit. Ich finde sie wunderschön. LG Romy

  6. Shannon, how I applaud and admire your for your honesty. I know so very well what you're talking about here. I always had a hard time fitting in and - even now, although far less than when I was younger - felt self-conscious and insecure. I was never bullied as such but was definitely never one of the popular girls at school. Always the outsider looking in. It took me until I was advancing my 50s (yes, I am that old :-)) for the penny to drop and realize that every single one of my insecurities stemmed from the fact that I am highly sensitive. As for not fitting in, I've learned not to care and do my own thing, in other words, to be myself. I'm still not quite there yet, and perhaps I'll never be. My blog, and following others like yours has been a great step into the right direction.
    I haven't followed your blog all that long, but long enough to know that you are lovely, sensitive and caring person who is true to herself. Do keep on being you! xxx

    1. I'm sorry that you understand that feeling, but I am grateful that you shared a bit of your own story with me. It means a lot. I love that you are focused on just being you and doing what feels right. I'm trying to work on that! Thank you so so much for your kindness. I can't fully express how much it means. <3

  7. This is powerful. I support you in your blogging, whatever you do. Dolly Parton is such a good inspiration to have, I always loved her music and the way she advocated for different things.

    1. Thank you so much. You are very kind! Dolly is absolutely an inspiration. <3

  8. I love Dolly as well and.. life is not all about the beauty or things we have in common. I'd love to know about you. Who knows may be we will get to see your stuffed animals collection (I love them too). I am sorry you were rejected and bullied, I know how it feels, been there, done that. I am happy to read this post. After all, this blog is a part of you and I am excited to see it deepened while staying the same.

    1. Thank you for your kindness. It means a lot. I love what you said, "Life is not all about the beauty or things we have in common." I think that is important for me to remember sometimes. Thank you for the reminder. <3

  9. Nie wiedziałam o tym, dziękuję za informacje.


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