Wednesday, May 3, 2023

monochromatic makeup: orange

This is for the good times, good times. This is to the good life. I've been using a lot of orange makeup lately. This is partly because sunset colours are my weakness during the spring and summer months. It is also because I have been thinking a lot about Paul Cattermole. For those who are unaware, Paul was a member of S Club 7, and he passed away recently, shortly after a reunion tour was announced. Paul was always my favourite member of the band. In my youth, I ran a fan website dedicated to him and even wrote an email newsletter. Today, my S Club 7 dolls are on display in my home office and I listen to the music often. The band was - and still is - an important part of my life. (I was lucky enough to meet them all back in the day at Much Music and saw three of the band members at a 90s concert in 2019.) The news about Paul has left me devastated, so I have been trying to honour him in little ways. Like wearing orange makeup. Each member of S Club 7 had a colour of the rainbow associated with them and Paul was given the colour orange. So, today it made sense to share a recent orange inspired look.

When it comes to orange makeup products needed to create this monochromatic makeup look, there were actually a fair amount to choose from. Turns out, orange is a colour that I add to my makeup collection more often than I initially realized. To create this particular look, various shadows from the BH Cosmetics Optimistic AF Eyeshadow Palette were used along with a loose powder blush from Jaclyn Cosmetics (a review on that blush will be posted on Mansa Fashion. in the not-so-distant future), and an old NYX Intense Butter Gloss in Orangesicle that I had sitting around, still sealed. I honestly don't remember when I purchased the latter, but clearly, I had intentions to put it to good use and never did. The good news? I am obsessed with the colour and plan to use it all season long. These products made it possible to create an orange look.

To create the eye look shown above, the main focus was the bright orange shade, Half Full from the BH Cosmetics Optimistic AF Eyeshadow Palette. I blended that out with an orange-yellow, Bright Side, and a bit of that yellow gold shimmer was added on top. A bit of Silver Lining was applied through the crease and along the outer portion of the lower lash line. More Half Full was applied along the lower lash line as well for a full-blown orange creation. A bit of liner and mascara finished off the eyes. On the cheeks, the Jaclyn Cosmetics blush was applied liberally and then there was that bright and bold orange lip colour. 

Though makeup may seem like a silly way to honour a singer that I just seemed right somehow. This is just one of many orange makeup looks that I have been sporting recently. And I'm sure that there will be many more. 

What do you think of this look? Do you like monochromatic makeup?


  1. Der Farbton steht dir wirklich super. LG Romy

  2. OOh, the orange color palette looks awesome. :) I love the golds and oranges.

  3. Those colours are absolutely delicious Shannon! xxx

  4. oh my gosh I need to try orange makeup

  5. Oh yes the candles sound amazing =) Candles are really a great gift idea. I hope my mother love hers <3 :D
    Thanks =) Yes Essence brow products are nice, I had some in the past and they were all good. I love the colour of the Trend It Up Lipstick, perfect for summer =)

    Great post =) I love orange colours, they made me feel summer even if it's raining outside :D
    This palette has so many beautiful shades and the lipstick is super cool. I like your make up look a lot, looks so cute <3


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