Sunday, May 21, 2023

rank and review: peter thomas roth masking minis set

Finishing a product is easier said than done...especially when there is so much out there to test and try. That is where travel sized or mini sized products come in handy. It is so much easier to use something completely and really make the most of the purchase when the items are smaller. Over the last little while, the Peter Thomas Roth Masking Minis Set has been taking care of several skincare needs. The five-piece mask kit came with a mask to hydrate, lift, exfoliate, soothe, and refine. Though Peter Thomas Roth was a brand that I had seen time and time again in wasn't a brand that I had actually tried before. The mini mask set was the perfect opportunity to put five different products to the test and rank my favourites. 

The Peter Thomas Roth Masking Minis Set came with five different masks, which included the following:

  • Water Drench Hyaluronic Cloud Mask Hydrating Gel
  • 24K Gold Mask Pure Luxury Lift and Firm
  • Pumpkin Enzyme Mask Enzymatic Dermal Resurfacer
  • Cucumber Gel Mask Extreme De-Tox Hydrator 
  • Active Purple Pore-Refining Antioxidant Mask

I love that the mini mask set had a wide variety of masks to try and each one addresses a different skin care need. For instance, hydration, exfoliating, and so on. That makes it so much easier to choose a mask based on whatever the current need may be. Now to do a rank and review of the different face masks included in the Peter Thomas Roth Masking Minis Set. 

Number Five: Active Purple Pore-Refining Antioxidant Mask. Though all of the masks have merit, my least favourite from the set is the Active Purple mask, which is supposed to refine the skin. According to the brand, this mask is supposed to improve the look of aging and enlarged pores. This was intriguing to me, because of the noticeable pores on my nose. I had high hopes that this would address those. Though the packaging warned that "slight tingling may occur," it still took me by surprise a bit. I didn't notice a notable difference after using the product and didn't love the light tingling sensation.  

Number Four: 24K Gold Mask Pure Luxury Lift and Firm. The next mask on the list is the 24K Gold Mask. Honestly, the gold colour of the product makes me happy. It reminds me a lot of a face mask that I used a long time ago (check out that review here). I love the colour and the light scent. This is supposed to be an anti-aging treatment that lifts and firms the look of the skin. Did it do that? No, of course not. A lot of skin care products have bold claims but it is unlikely to see those kinds of results without long-term dedicated use. Since this is just a mini size, it is more about how my skin feels immediately afterwards. My skin felt okay and I loved the gold colour of the mask, but this isn't something that I am likely to purchase again in the future. 

Number Three: Pumpkin Enzyme Mask Enzymatic Dermal Resurfacer. Oh goodness, does this face mask smell good. I admit that anything pumpkin scented makes me happy. (At least half of the candles in my home are pumpkin scented.) This product smells incredible. It gave me fall vibes, even though it is the middle of spring. Bonus? It works really well and made my skin feel super soft and smooth afterwards. It wasn't too harsh either. This is definitely a mask that I can see buying in the future. 

Number Two: Water Drench Hyaluronic Cloud Mask Hydrating Gel. The runner up on this rank and review is the Water Drench mask. This is supposed to provide up to 72 hours of hydration and unlike the other masks, is only recommended to be left on for a few minutes. Does this provide 72 hours of hydration? No. Does it add hydration to my very dry skin? Yes. As I have mentioned many times before, my skin is really dry in certain areas...especially my forehead and cheeks. Having products that are hydrating is a must for me. This works well and definitely makes my skin feel better. It's a nice way to enjoy a little TLC.

Number One: Cucumber Gel Mask Extreme De-Tox Hydrator. Clearly, I have a type when it comes to face masks. The hydrating gel masks were the standouts for me. This cucumber mask smells amazing and is described as refreshing, cooling, and moisturizing. It absolutely delivers. The mask is really light, cooling, and soothing for the skin. This is a mask that would be ideal for the hot summer months and is something that I might look into splurging on in a full size once the temperatures climb a little more. I just love the experience of using this particular mask and the end results. My skin feels fresh and renewed. 

There you have it...a rank and review of the Peter Thomas Roth Masking Minis Set. It was really nice to be able to try out a handful of different products from the brand. Though all of the masks had their advantages, there were certainly some standouts for me. The hydrating gel masks were luxurious and left my skin feeling ultra pampered afterward. 

Have you tried any of these Peter Thomas Roth masks? What did you think of them?


  1. Die Farbgebung finde ich ja mal richtig klasse. LG Romy

  2. The moisturizing mask sounds great, this looks like a good set of mini masks

    1. It definitely was! It was nice to try out different types of masks.

  3. Thanks for your review so nice set...

  4. That would be a lovely set to take on one's travels. Although not all the masks you tried delivered what they'd promised, it's still fun to give them a go! xxx

    1. It was! It's always nice to try out different products!

  5. I haven't tried any of these masks, Shannon, but I know one of my sis loves this line! That pumpkin enzyme mask sounds lovely, and would be willing to try that in the future!
    PS Hope you're having a great Victoria Day weekend:)

    1. Oh, that is wonderful! The pumpkin one is so good, but I do love anything pumpkin scented, so I might be a bit biased. Thank you! I hope you had a great long weekend.

  6. Thanks a lot =) I like my new stuff too. Oh yes the beach vibes decor is super cute <3
    Maybe we start with the barbecue season this weekend. Weather looks nice and it's a long weekend because of the holidays on Monday. Yes I don't have a grill at home but my parents have a grill :D
    Yes it's super nice =) I also slept this night on it because I didn't want to wait :D It was super soft <3

    Great review =) I don't know this brand. This mini masks are super cute and they're perfect for travelling too. All of them sound really good =)

    1. Thank you! You're right. They would definitely be great for travel!


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