Tuesday, May 9, 2023

recent reads + update on my reading goal for the year

If only there was more time to read. Lately, I have been longing for evenings curled up with a good book. Though I do my best to make it happen a few times a week, it is difficult to fit into the schedule most days. There is always so much that needs to be done! Work, cleaning, exercise, seeing loved ones, and a million other to dos on a never-ending list. Sometimes, reading gets put on the backburner, whether I like it or not. That being said, there are a few books that I have been able to finish over the last little while...which means it is time for a recent reads post and an update on my reading goals for the year. 

Celebrity Biographies. There is nothing like a good biography. I love learning about other people, especially public figures that I admire. The first book on this recent reads list is "Bad Mormon" from Heather Gay. For those who are unaware, Heather is from The Real Housewives of Salt Lake City and she was raised in the Mormon church. This book was phenomenal and I actually read it all in one day. I could not put it down. She shared details about her life and family, but also what it was like growing up in a strict faith. (I love to learn about cults and religious extremism, so the book was fascinating to me.) She shared everything from rituals to the difficulties of trying to conform to a rigid belief system. It was well written, honest, and painful at times. A must read! The second book is "Warrior: Audrey Hepburn" by Robert Matzen. As a longtime Audrey Hepburn fan, this book caught my eye while at the book store recently. I've read various books on Audrey, but most focus on her career. This one was all about her humanitarian efforts and working with UNICEF. It was incredible to read about the work she did, how much she cared for others, and all the ways Audrey fought to make the world a better place. She is a true inspiration. 

Powerful Non-Fiction. As you can see from a lot of the books on this recent reads list, my focus has been on non-fiction lately. (I tend to focus on one genre for a bit and then switch to another.) For instance, "Revolution from Within: A Book of Self-Esteem" from the always incredible Gloria Steinem. The book focuses on the importance of establishing self-esteem and the difficulties of doing so in society. It says that in order for us to be our best, a mini revolution must take place. The book was so thoughtful, well researched, and relevant, even though it was published in the early 90s. The next book on the list is "Tiny Beautiful Things: Advice from Dear Sugar" from Cheryl Strayed. This was given to me for Christmas by one of my friends. She thought that it was something that I would like...and she was right. The book featured advice column responses, but this was so much more than that. These were essays and this felt more like a memoir and self-help book all rolled into one. I know there is a television show on Disney+ now based on the author and the column, so that has certainly been added to my watch list. 

Jane Austen Inspired Mystery. I love a good mystery. Especially a cozy mystery. Though there are many on my bookshelf, but recently, "Pride, Prejudice, and Peril" from Katie Oliver was added. How could I resist? It was a book that blended the cozy mystery genre with Jane Austen. Since Jane Austen is one of my favourite authors, this was a thrilling find. The story had to do with a reality television show called Who Wants to Marry Mr. Darcy. Talk about a match made in heaven. I loved the premise and the writing style, so this was a fairly quick read. Something to note? This was actually the first book in a series.

Reading Goal Update: Okay, now for a bit of a confession. I am behind on my reading goal for the year. Each year, I aim to read 20 fiction and 20 non-fiction books, but at the moment, I am a few books behind where I should be. That doesn't mean that I will not reach my goal by the end of the year (there is still a lot of time left), but it does meant that I need to squeeze in more time for reading. Sometimes, I wish that I could win the lottery and read books full-time. What a perfect existence that would be! Until that happens, I will just have to keep making the most of small windows of opportunity. 

Have you read any of the books on this list? What have you been reading lately?


  1. Thanks for your sharing Shannon...

  2. Thank you for sharing these Shannon. I too would love to fit more reading in, but lately life definitely got in the way. I've only just finished my third book of the year! Must definitely do better! xxx

    1. It really does. I hate when that happens! I'm sure you've been able to read some good ones this year at least!

  3. Hi dear! I didn't know these books but I'm going to see if they are in Italian right away

  4. Wonderful picks! I think I'm going to put the Gloria Steinem one on my To Read list, we can all use a boost sometimes. Also Pride and Prejudice is one of my favorite books!


    1. Oh, excellent! And same. I love Jane Austen, so anything inspired by her work is a must for me.

  5. Oh I loe Audrey Hepburn too! THanks for the heads up on this book, Shannon:) And that Katie Oliver book sounds like such a great read too.
    I've had a reading renaissance this year so I'm doing ok with the reading goals:) Fingers crossed I keep it up! And I'm sure you'll get caught up with your TBR in no time!!!
    Have a great afternoon:)

    1. You are so welcome! That's amazing that you are doing well with your reading goals. It's always so nice when that happens :D

  6. Oh so very interesting book selection! My best wishes for you

  7. Boa tarde de quarta-feira e obrigado pela visita.
    Obrigado pela resenha e dicas maravilhosas.
    Luiz Gomes

  8. This foot mask is pretty nice =) Perfect for a smooth skin in summer. And the good smell is also perfect.

    Nice post =) I don't read that much because I'm really lazy :D I prefer to watch movies from books. But this books look all interesting =)

    1. Watching movies is fun, too. I definitely like to make time for that!

  9. Bardzo ciekawy post. Dziękuje i pozdrawiam :)

  10. the reads seem very nice, I am mostly intruegued with Jane Austen-like mystery. It sounds just like the cozy read I need. I like reading about your books a lot, by the way, you have a very keen eye

    1. It's definitely a good read! I'm excited that it is part of a series.


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