Thursday, May 11, 2023

review: bejeweled mega palette (fmg glimmer)

Though spring is well underway, my thoughts continue to wander back to the holiday season. This is partly because I am nostalgic for that time of year (the lights, the snow, the optimism) and partly because I am continuing to use products that were gifted to me during that time. Like the FMG Glimmer Bejeweled Mega Palette. This is something that my mom gave to me for Christmas and it has been used many times since. Ready to take a look inside? Find out how it performs? Here is everything you need to know about the FMG Glimmer Bejeweled Mega Palette, an all-in-one face and eye palette.

This mega palette has a little bit of everything. Eyeshadow, blush, highlight, and bronzer. It is more or less a one-stop-shop. Before taking a look at the specifics, it is time to talk about packaging. This is a fairly standard size, but it has two layers. It opens like any other eyeshadow palette, but there is a second section that pulls out at the bottom. The upper section is all eyeshadow and the lower section has a variety of face products. There is a mirror inside, a double-ended sponge tip applicator, and a small brush. Though the packaging is functional, it has a cheap feel. It is basic plastic. Not all that sturdy or luxurious, but it does what it needs to do. The palette itself is a rich green and it has that bejeweled design printed on the top. Again, this is nice enough, but certainly not luxurious. In terms of design, it checks all the boxes, but the materials certainly could be better. 

Now for the fun stuff: the actual makeup. There are twenty eyeshadow in total and according to the brand, these are "perfect for day or night. These highly pigmented, multi-finish eyeshadows, infused with nourishing Vitamin E, glide on smoothly and blend evenly for a beautiful color payoff." In terms of the colour story, this is pretty impressive. I love that there is a nice variety. There are purples, blues, reds, greens, and even some glitter shadows on the bottom section. Some shadows are matte, some shimmer, and some glitter. The sheer variety is impressive. As for the performance, this is a bit hit or miss. The matte shades are okay-ish but aren't all that pigmented, and sadly, the glitters are flaky. That being said, the shimmer shades are outstanding. Not only do the shadows have a lot of colour payoff, but they apply easily. The shimmers are outstanding. 

Now for the face products. There are two highlights, two blushes, and two contour colours. When it comes to the highlights, these are decent. Not the most blinding highlights ever, but each one will certainly add a nice glow to the skin. One is slightly darker than the other but both are easy to wear. The blushes are fantastic and there is a warm pink and a deeper berry colour. I like to apply the deeper colour all along the cheeks and then add the pink to the apples of the cheeks for a fresh pop. As for the bronzers, the lighter shade doesn't look like much on me, but the deeper shade in the palette does the trick. 

To create the makeup look, shown above, it was all about the purple shadows. I applied the brightest purple shadow all over the lid and used the deeper purple through the crease. The white shimmer was applied to the inner corner and underneath the brow. A little liner and mascara finished off the look. On the cheeks, both blushes were applied as well as the lightest highlight shade. The darker bronzer was used to lightly contour the face. A little gloss finished off the makeup look. 

Though not all of the eyeshadows performed well in the FMG Glimmer Bejeweled Mega Palette, there was a lot to love. The shimmer shadows are fantastic and the cheek products are stellar. The compact size of the palette and the sheer variety of items make this ideal for travel. In fact, this is actually what I will be taking with me on a little getaway in the not-so-distant future. I like the idea of having everything all in one so it won't take up much space in my suitcase. Convenience is key!

Have you tried the FMG Glimmer Bejeweled Mega Palette? What did you think of it?


  1. Wau che bei colori,da provare!

    1. Absolutely! There are a lot of really nice colours to choose from.

  2. Wow, die sieht richtig klasse aus in diesem tollen grün. LG Romy

    1. For sure! The green colour of the palette is so pretty.

  3. What a gorgeous palette, both inside and out, and indeed it is absolutely perfect to take with you on your little getaway! xxx

    1. It really is. I love that it has so much all in one!

  4. very nice palette! I love the shimmer and the shades are very pretty. I find it perfect for a date night. You definitely inspired me to do more for my date tomorrow in terms of makeup

    1. Ooh exciting! I am sure your makeup look was fabulous <3

  5. Hello!
    A very inspiring post! This palette looks great, the colors are great! I can fall in love with her :)
    Greetings from Poland!

  6. what a great palette... perfect shades

    1. Definitely! I love the different colours to choose from.

  7. This is so pretty and suits you


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