Wednesday, June 28, 2023

nail polish review: quo pride collection (polish + faux nails)

The month of June is almost over...but there is still time to celebrate Pride Month. That is exactly what I am doing thanks to a few Quo Beauty nail products. (The buttons pictured will be worn on purses and jackets throughout the year, because supporting the LGBTQIA+ community is a year-round necessity, especially with so much hatred and evil in the world these days.) Something that I love about the Quo Beauty Pride Collection is the fact that 10% of sales are donated to PFLAG Canada, which is focused on support, education, and advocacy. I like when a portion of the sales are dedicated to worthy causes, especially because I have a total addiction to beauty products anyway. It is a win-win. Here is everything you need to know.

Monday, June 26, 2023

current favourites: music, television shows, perfume, and more

The last little while has been difficult. Everyone said that COVID was like a cold or a flu, but that has certainly not been my experience. It has been difficult and long lasting. Even still, I am not feeling back to normal. Thankfully, there have been little things making my life happier lately. When you aren't feeling well...those small comforts mean the most. Take a peek at some of my current favourites, including some music, television shows, books, perfume, clothes, and beauty products. 

Saturday, June 24, 2023

keep your face to the sunshine.

Somehow...summer has arrived. Quite frankly? My feelings are mixed. I know that a lot of people love this time of year because of the sunshine, vacations, sandals, and barbecues, but this is my least favourite season. It didn't used to be that way. When I was a student, I loved the summer because it was a time of freedom. When I was in my 20s, I loved the summer because everyone was eager to make plans and hang out. Now that I am a little bit older, all the summer makes me feel is hot. Literally. There is no air conditioning in our home (apart from a window unit in the bedroom) and the warm temperatures make the summer months downright unbearable. I dislike the weather and how full my schedule becomes. In recent years, I have started to prefer peace and quiet over the bustling summertime activities. Believe it or not, I actually like not having plans. I don't know if I will always feel this way, but that is where I'm at currently. At any rate, I am doing my best to feel some sense of excitement about the months ahead. So, on that note, here are some summer themed inspiration photos to start the season off right, whether you love summer or are counting down the days until sweater weather returns.

Thursday, June 22, 2023

powerpuff girls x colourpop fighting crime blush (review)

Oh, how I loved The Powerpuff Girls. I would watch the cartoon show all the time growing up and even had Powerpuff Girls stickers, t-shirts, and Christmas ornaments. It seemed that everyone had a favourite character and mine was Bubbles. I loved that she was sweet and nice...but also knew how to channel her rage. This is a show that continues to make me nostalgic in the best possible way. A little while back, there was a handful of ColourPop makeup at my local Winners. (Including some Lizzie McGuire themed products. Check out that review here.) During that visit, I was able to add a Powerpuff Girls themed blush to my cart as well. Find out how the Powerpuff Girls x ColourPop Fighting Crime Pressed Powder Blush performed...

Tuesday, June 20, 2023

this used to be the most exciting city in the world.

New York used to be a place that made me come alive. I was in love with the possibilities, the crowds, and the lights. Now? Not so much. I suppose that I have changed a lot over the last several years. At any rate, my mom and I took a bus trip to New York fairly recently. As I mentioned in my last post...there was a lot of anxiety about it on my end. Turns out, that anxiety was justified, because I came down with COVID shortly after returning home. I am still sick at the time of writing this, but am trying to get my life back on track to the greatest extent possible. So, it is time for an overdue post about New York City. 

Friday, June 16, 2023

when it rains, it pours, but soon the sun shines again.

Well, it happened. After more than three years of living in fear of got me. As I mentioned briefly in my last post, my mom and I recently took a bus trip to New York City. Before the trip, I was having a lot of anxiety about the crowds and the possibility of catching something while there. After all, social distancing in the big apple is simply not possible. There are people absolutely everywhere you turn. Ahead of the trip (and even during), the people in my life told me that it was important to travel and do fun things. That it was worth the risk to make special memories. That everything would be fine. But here I am, back home, with a positive COVID test. Honestly? It's hard when your biggest fears become reality. 

Wednesday, June 14, 2023

love it or leave it? annaleigh ashford

Broadway shows are always spectacular, though some are better than others. Recently, my mom and I took a bus trip to New York City (more on that later) to see some shows. Though the crowds were a struggle for me...I did my best to brave them. One musical that we saw was Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street. The main reason we went to the theater for that was to check out the incredible Josh Groban. However, there were a lot of stellar cast members, like Annaleigh Ashford. I was familiar with some of her television work, but had never seen her in a musical before. What a delight! Annaleigh stole every single scene that she was in. She was without a doubt the highlights of the Sweeney Todd musical. During the Tony Awards Nominee Luncheon (she is nominated in the Best Leading Actress of a Musical category), Annaleigh wore a bold purple outfit. Is it a love? Leave? Find out whether it is a love it or leave it? Be sure to share your own verdict in the comment section. 

Monday, June 12, 2023

current obsession: kara beauty chill connection palette

Every once and a while, an eyeshadow palette catches my eye. (Okay, more than every once and a while, but shh...) That happened with the Kara Beauty Chill Connection Creative Beauty Palette. The blue colour caught my eye as did the fantastic artwork on the front. It took a minute for me to even realize that it was an eyeshadow palette from Kara Beauty. I was just so obsessed with the design work that nothing else mattered. In fact, I had decided to purchase the palette before I even knew what colours were tucked away inside or the brand. Once I realized that this was from Kara Beauty, I was even more inclined to purchase the palette, since their Cool, Whatever Eyeshadow Palette has been an absolute rock star in my makeup collection the last little while. Right off the bat, there was a lot to love about the Chill Connection Creative Beauty Palette. Ready to find out more? See the colours inside? Here is everything you need to know about this current obsession. 

Thursday, June 8, 2023

2 looks 1 palette: kvd moongarden vegan eyeshadow palette

I remember hearing about the KVD Moongarden Vegan Eyeshadow Palette when watching a Lauren Mae Beauty video on YouTube. It wasn't a palette that I had seen before then...but it was love at first sight. After all, there was a lot to love. Just look at the stunning design on the front of the palette. Talk about remarkable. There was a similar design on the inside as well, with butterflies, flowers, and crystals all over. This design was so different to anything else that I had seen. It just felt magical. The colour story also excited me. To be honest, the Moongarden Vegan Eyeshadow Palette was something that I did not imagine finding at all, let alone at Winners of all places, but I did, and it was immediately purchased. For just $20 CDN, the palette that had knocked my socks off was finally mine to own. Keep reading for a mini review and two moongarden makeup looks. 

Tuesday, June 6, 2023

does it work?? kate hudson x juice beauty powder mask

There are many, many, many celebrity collaborations these days. Especially in the beauty space. It seems that every brand is interested in partnering with an actress, social media star, or singer. I suppose it makes sense, because it creates a lot more visibility. Take Juice Beauty as an example. This is not a brand that I was familiar with before, but because of their collaboration with Kate Hudson (who I adore)...a product from their line was gifted to me by a loved one. According to Juice Beauty, the collaboration was "inspired by a longstanding relationship and mutual love of clean beauty, wellness, and environmentalism." Makes sense! Lately, I have been putting the Kate Hudson x Juice Beauty Revitalizing Acacia and Rose Powder Mask to the test. This skin care product is cruelty free, vegan, and has certified organic ingredients...but does it work? Keep reading to find out. 

Sunday, June 4, 2023

current favourite neutral eyeshadow palettes

Though there are lots of colourful eyeshadow palettes in my collection...neutrals still have a special place in my heart. Sometimes, a glamorous neutral eye look is all you need to feel like a million bucks. Though what is neutral to one person might not be as neutral to another, I tend to think of neutral eyeshadow palettes as palettes that focus on browns, soft pinks, golds, and other easy to wear colours. Ready to take a peek at some of my current favourite neutral eyeshadow palettes? Some of them are newer and some are not as new, but they are all making my life feel a little more beautiful lately. 

Friday, June 2, 2023

lizzie mcguire makeup review (colourpop lip gloss and blush)

Like a lot of Millennials, Lizzie McGuire has a special place in my heart. Though I loved pretty much all Disney Channel content growing up...Lizzie was extra special. She was awkward and unsure, but always tried to do the right thing. Somehow, she felt more relatable than a lot of other television characters. At the same time, she was still inspirational, thanks to her incredible fashion sense. I remember being totally obsessed with her crimped hair and colourful outfits. (I also remember playing "Lizzie McGuire: On the Go!" on my Gameboy Advance obsessively.) I definitely wanted to be like Lizzie. When the ColourPop collection was announced a few years back, it immediately caught my eye. However, buying makeup online is always such a gamble. Will it arrive broken? Will the colours look nice in person? Will there be extra duties to pay? In the end, I didn't buy the products. Lucky for me, a few of them ended up at my local Winners recently. What a thrill! I was able to take a couple of Lizzie inspired products home with me for a fraction of the cost. Find out how these nostalgic beauty items performed...

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