Tuesday, June 6, 2023

does it work?? kate hudson x juice beauty powder mask

There are many, many, many celebrity collaborations these days. Especially in the beauty space. It seems that every brand is interested in partnering with an actress, social media star, or singer. I suppose it makes sense, because it creates a lot more visibility. Take Juice Beauty as an example. This is not a brand that I was familiar with before, but because of their collaboration with Kate Hudson (who I adore)...a product from their line was gifted to me by a loved one. According to Juice Beauty, the collaboration was "inspired by a longstanding relationship and mutual love of clean beauty, wellness, and environmentalism." Makes sense! Lately, I have been putting the Kate Hudson x Juice Beauty Revitalizing Acacia and Rose Powder Mask to the test. This skin care product is cruelty free, vegan, and has certified organic ingredients...but does it work? Keep reading to find out. 

Right off the bat, this is different than the other skin care products that I've been using lately. As the name suggests, the Kate Hudson x Juice Beauty Revitalizing Acacia and Rose Powder Mask, is powder. All of the other skin care products I have are creams or lotions. The directions explain that you use the brush provided to mix three parts powder with one part water inside the cap until the texture becomes smooth. The brush can then be used to apply the product onto the face and neck, where it is left for approximately five minutes, and rinsed off. Both the brush and cap need to be cleaned afterward. Something that is interesting? The mask can be customized to address different skin needs. For instance, for sensitive skin, it is recommended that there be a 1:1 ratio and a shorter application time. The mask comes in sustainable packaging (it has a wooden cap and comes in recyclable glass) and claims to hydrate, tone, detoxify, clarify, brighten, and nourish the skin. 

So...does it work? In short, yes. However, there are some pros and cons to consider. The pros? This product works well, leaves my skin feeling smooth and refreshed, and doesn't need to be on the skin for too long. (I hate waiting forever for masks to dry. When it comes to skin care and hair care products, my patience is thin.) I really love the end result. The mask doesn't have a strong scent, the packaging is sturdy and luxurious, and the brush is ultra soft. As for the cons, the powder gets absolutely everywhere no matter what I do. Even though I try to be careful scooping product out, excess powder seems to fly around all over the place. I hate that. It is also a bit of a pain to have to wash and dry the cap and the brush after applying the mask. Are the cons enough for me to not like the mask? No. I do really like the mask. It performs well and leaves my skin feeling better. 

The Kate Hudson x Juice Beauty Revitalizing Acacia and Rose Powder Mask has some pros and cons to consider, but the pros far outweigh the cons. This mask has been making my skin look and feel amazing lately. I especially love that it doesn't take long to work and that the packaging is sustainable. There is also a lot of product inside the jar, so this is likely to last me a little while. 

Have you tried anything from Juice Beauty before? Are you a fan of Kate Hudson? 


  1. New brand for me, thanks for your sharing...

  2. Produto maravilhoso minha querida amiga.

  3. On Monday it was so balanced, during the day sun was shining and in the evening there were a little rain, pretty perfect. Thanks a lot, it was super horrible with the ear infection and I'm happy that it's over.
    Yes this lip mask worked really well =)

    Interesting post =) I like Kate Hudson so I would try this powder. The result also sounds nice and I love the packaging.

    1. I like her, too! Her movies are always really good.

  4. I've tried Juice Beauty before and do like their products, but have never seen this one before! THanks for the heads up, and for featuring the pros and cons, Shannon:)
    PS Hope you're feeling better. XOXO

  5. Die Produkte klingen gut, gibt es bei uns leider nicht zu kaufen. LG Romy

    1. That is a shame! Maybe you will come across something similar!

  6. I'd never heard of a powder mask, what an unusual product. I presume this is something which works better in theory than in practice. I would definitely hate faffing around mixing the powder, which would probably not end well for butterfingered me :-) That said, I'm glad it did what it claimed to do, which is a big positive indeed! xxx

    1. It is definitely different than what I am used to! You are so right...better in theory than in practice is the perfect way to describe it!

  7. I haven't heard about this product before. Thanks for sharing.

  8. This sounds really decent albeit the bit of messiness. I need a good mask I don't like sheet masks they bother my allergies and I can't breath when I wear one so this could be a good solution.

    Leanne Thompson of

  9. I have never heard about a mask like this before but it sounds like it has a lovely effect. :)


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