Wednesday, June 28, 2023

nail polish review: quo pride collection (polish + faux nails)

The month of June is almost over...but there is still time to celebrate Pride Month. That is exactly what I am doing thanks to a few Quo Beauty nail products. (The buttons pictured will be worn on purses and jackets throughout the year, because supporting the LGBTQIA+ community is a year-round necessity, especially with so much hatred and evil in the world these days.) Something that I love about the Quo Beauty Pride Collection is the fact that 10% of sales are donated to PFLAG Canada, which is focused on support, education, and advocacy. I like when a portion of the sales are dedicated to worthy causes, especially because I have a total addiction to beauty products anyway. It is a win-win. Here is everything you need to know.

Quo Beauty Faux Nails. When it comes to nail products, there are a lot of things that I have tried. Polishes of all kinds, stickers, wraps, and gel nails. Fake nails? Not often. I am always worried about damaging my nails or a nail popping off when I am typing. That being said, these faux nails were too amazing to leave on the shelf. I just love the design. Since I don't have a suitable occasion to wear these to just yet...they are still in the packaging. I am thinking that I might wear these later in the summer or even when my birthday rolls around in the fall. I want to make sure these stunning nails are seen. 

Quo Beauty Flash Dry Nail Colour in Sizzlin. Another Pride inspired beauty product is this Flash Dry Nail Colour in the colour Sizzlin. There are some pros and cons to consider. A pro? The colour. I was immediately drawn to this neon pink. (It doesn't look nearly as bright in photographs as it does in real life.) It is bold, fun, and ideal for the summer season. Another pro? Each layer of the polish dries quickly. Now for the cons. This is a really thin nail polish and it takes a lot of coats before there is enough coverage. I did four but it probably could've used one more. It's not that it took a long time to dry, but it was just a lot of layers. I really prefer one or two coat polishes. Another downside? There was some chipping on the corners after only a couple of days. This is really fun and colourful, but ultimately, was not my favourite nail polish formula to use. 

Have you tried any of these Quo Beauty products? How are you celebrating Pride Month?


  1. The nail colour Sizzlin looks awesome but that's too bad it's not the best polish. I've tried Quo before and do like the products, but not the polish. I do think the Quo nail polish remover is the best! I only tried it recently when I was doing my daughter's nails and it's so awesome:)

    1. I have liked some other Quo products as well. Sadly this polish just wasn't the best! Thanks for the heads up on the nail polish remover. I am almost out, so I will definitely pick some up soon.

  2. Eine wirklich wunderschöne Farbe. LG Romy

  3. I have never tried fake nails either, as I don't feel they are me. I'm loving the gorgeous colour of that polish though! xxx

  4. Oh yes a really nice product test =) My week is quite good, the last days were not so hot :D
    Thanks a lot =) I love my new spices so much. I can't wait to use them =)
    I love the movie =) It was super funny and had an other happy end than expected :D I will buy the movie on DVD when it comes out, perfect for a movie night at home. And I will write a post about it soo. Thank you for your crossed fingers <3
    Yes the eyeshadow brush is really good, nice price and works well. And the fan is super practical for hot days like on festivals <3 :D

    Great review =) I don't know this brand but it looks interesting. I like the nail colour and I like the cute Pride symbols <3 Perfect for summer time.

    1. Thank you! I love the colour as well and all of the Pride symbols. Definitely nic to have!

  5. I'm not so into fake nails on me but they lookvery nice anyway!
    Instead that color looks so good for summer!

  6. Too bad the nail polish isn't much because the color is stunning! Fake nails aren't my thing (never had them), but these are so nicely made! <3

    1. Right? I love the colour, just not the formula so much!

  7. super cute pride collection! the nails look absolutely adorable!

    1. It was definitely a great collection! Thank you!

  8. I like that shade of red, it's a shame it wasn't the ideal formula for you though! Hope that you go get a chance to rock those fake nails, they do look really fun!

    1. Fingers crossed I'll be able to find a similar colour in a better formula! It really is fun!

  9. The result is fantastic. I really love this color in nail polishes, it is so fascinating!


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