Thursday, June 22, 2023

powerpuff girls x colourpop fighting crime blush (review)

Oh, how I loved The Powerpuff Girls. I would watch the cartoon show all the time growing up and even had Powerpuff Girls stickers, t-shirts, and Christmas ornaments. It seemed that everyone had a favourite character and mine was Bubbles. I loved that she was sweet and nice...but also knew how to channel her rage. This is a show that continues to make me nostalgic in the best possible way. A little while back, there was a handful of ColourPop makeup at my local Winners. (Including some Lizzie McGuire themed products. Check out that review here.) During that visit, I was able to add a Powerpuff Girls themed blush to my cart as well. Find out how the Powerpuff Girls x ColourPop Fighting Crime Pressed Powder Blush performed...

Talk about a cute blush. Everything about the Powerpuff Girls x ColourPop Fighting Crime Pressed Powder Blush is well themed. The cardboard container has the Powerpuff Girls logo and a cute print inside. Then the blush itself has Blossom, Bubbles, and Buttercup pictured front and center. It is so colourful and cute. Plus, the fact that the blush itself is called Fighting Crime is perfection. In terms of theme, there was a lot of attention to detail. As for the colour of the blush, it is described by the brand as a "bright matte fuchsia." This is a fun, bold, and colourful blush that could work well on a lot of different skin tones. Though this colour is bright, it can be sheered out on the cheeks or built up for a more dramatic colour. Honestly, I love that the Fighting Crime blush really went for it. After all, the theme is a cartoon show. The colour should be a little cartoony and over the top. I love the matte formula and the fact that this can be worn in a more subtle way or a little bit bolder.

Normally, the Powerpuff Girls x ColourPop Fighting Crime Pressed Powder Blush costs $13 USD, but because this was found at winners, it was only $6.99 CDN. And I didn't have to worry about shipping costs or duties! It was definitely exciting to find a product that wowed for a low price. Cute packaging? Check. A bright and unique blush colour? Check. Affordable? Check. Thank goodness for discount shopping. Here is a recent makeup look that made good use of the blush....

This was definitely a great discount find. The Powerpuff Girls x ColourPop Fighting Crime Pressed Powder Blush was affordable, ultra nostalgic, and performed well. I love the packaging and the blush colour. This stands out for all the right reasons.

Have you tried this ColourPop blush? Are you a fan of The Powerpuff Girls?


  1. Die Herzform gefällt mir wirklich super. LG Romy

  2. Yes surprise boxes are always gambling and this one was not my taste. But some products are really nice and I'm happy to test them =) Oh this is nice, how do you feel after it? Totally cute <3
    You're absolutely right, long train rides make you feel drained. So I was just relaxing after I cleared out my suitcase. The festival was really nice, such a cute location and good music.

    Great review =) This blush looks so cute, I love the packacking and the colour is perfect for summer <3
    I like your make up look as always, you look super glamouros.

  3. OMG I was a super fan of Powerpuff girls when I was little!!!
    Totally want that blush now!
    Seems even the perfect shade for my complexion!

    1. Ahh! That is amazing! Powerpuff Girls are fantastic!

  4. It's so cute!!!!
    Thanks for sharing. Have a good week-end!


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