Monday, July 31, 2023

3 looks 1 palette: morphe x nyane (fierce fairytale artistry palette)

Sometimes, makeup ruts happen. Other times, there seems to be so much room for colour and creativity. The latter seems true right now. That is probably because of the Morphe x Nyane Fierce Fairytale Artistry Palette from Morphe. Talk about room for imagination! There are so many exciting colours and finishes to use. Though the palette is a collaboration with a content creator, Nyane, this was not purchased for that reason. In fact, Nyane is not someone that I am familiar with. Morphe tends to have lots of collections with people that I do not know...but I suppose I am not the target audience for things anymore. (That has certainly been a bit of an adjustment in recent years.) The palette was one that I was able to purchase for a discounted price, and well, the colours were simply too beautiful to resist. Normally, there are 2 looks 1 palette posts here on Mansa Fashion. but seeing as the Morphe x Nyane palette has three different sections, it only made sense to do a 3 looks 1 palette post featuring the Fierce Fairytale Artistry Palette from Morphe. Take a look at some colourful creations....

First thing is first. It is time to take a look inside the Fierce Fairytale Artistry Palette. As you can see, there are three different sections that are sorted into different colour stories. The first row is all about pink and purple. The second is focused on blue and green. The third section has warm yellows, browns, and oranges. According to the brand, the palette is full of "enchanted neutrals and unapologetic brights in 30 pigmented mattes and metallics." These are supposed to wave a fairytale of possibilities. And they actually do! These colours are stunning. I love that there are clear sections, so it is easy to create different eyeshadow looks. I love that there are mattes and metallics. And I love the quality of the shadows. Morphe eyeshadows can be hit and miss. Most of the time, the shadows are really good, but there are often a few duds thrown into the mix. This palette is an exception where every single shadow stands out for the right reasons. The mattes are really easy to blend and have lots of colour. The shimmers are gorgeous and last all day long. All in all, this is a really stellar release and it has been so much fun putting all of these colours to use. Ready to see some of them in action? Here are three makeup looks.

Look #1: Pinks and Purples. I have been wearing an awful lot of pink eyeshadow lately, thanks to all of the Barbie themed events. Needless to say, the top row of the eyeshadow palette has come in handy. To create the look above, the light lilac shade was applied on the inner portion of the lid. Then the bright pink was applied on the rest of the lid and a bit of the deeper pink was added to the crease. This all matte look was quick, easy, and colourful. On the lower lash line, the brightest pink was applied liberally for an ultra vibrant finish. A little liner and mascara finished off the eyes. On the cheeks, it was a baby pink blush (the Lizzie McGuire one from ColourPop), and a soft pink lipstick from NYX was applied to complete the look.

Look #2: Greens and Blues. The next look was my personal favourite. I had such a fun time with this ultra colourful creation. It wasn't something that I wore out anywhere...I just had fun with makeup at home. Those are often my favourite kinds of looks. The ones that aren't created for a reason. The ones that you create just to create. I used the soft green and lime green all over the lid and then blended the forest green through the crease. This called for a little sparkle, so that green metallic shade was dabbed on the center of the eyelid. Some liner and mascara finished off the eyes. On the cheeks, I used a purple blush, and a metallic purple lipstick completed this colourful and over the top makeup look. I had a blast doing something different. 

Look #3: Warm Yellows, Browns, and Oranges. Out of all the colours in the eyeshadow palette, the final section is definitely the most in my wheelhouse. I love warm neutrals and sunset kind of colours. They just call to me! The colours in this portion of the palette paired perfectly with my 70s band t-shirt. To create the look above, the warm yellow was applied through the crease and then the brighter yellow was applied on the rest of the lid. A little of that warm orange was blended through the outer corner with a fluffy brush. Then it was time for a little sparkle with that orange metallic shade. As always, liner and mascara finished off the eyes. There was a warm bronzer applied on the cheeks and then a matte brown lipstick on the lips.

This was a fun eyeshadow palette. I love all of the different colours and the endless possibilities. It is nice to feel inspired. 

Have you tried this eyeshadow palette? What do you think of these colourful makeup looks?


  1. So nice colour, thanks for your sharing...

    1. Thank you! There were definitely some good colours!

  2. I am not familiar with this brand, but the packaging and colours of this palette are truly out of this world. As are the looks you created with it! xxx

  3. Awesome colours, thanks for sharing those ideas!
    Have a good week!

    1. Thank you! I hope things are going well with you!


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