Monday, July 3, 2023

anniversary TAG (learn a little more about me)

Tomorrow is a special day. In the England, it is a holiday, but for me, the date is a little more personal. It is my eight year wedding anniversary. It's kind of hard to believe that not only am I married, but I have been married for eight years. Marriage always seemed like something for grown ups. I guess somewhere along the line, I became an adult, but I often wonder when I will start feeling like one. At any rate, since it is our anniversary tomorrow (and I have previously talked about being more open about myself on this blog), I thought an anniversary themed tag made the most sense. As for how we are celebrating our anniversary this year, my husband and I are actually leave for a little getaway to Montreal, Quebec, and Ottawa today. Stay tuned for a post dedicated to all the highlights. Until then, here are some anniversary themed tag questions. 

When Did You Meet? My husband and I actually met on St. Patrick's Day many years ago now. I was out with my best friend at the time and she invited him to join us, because they knew each other from high school. In the future, he was invited to other hangouts and parties that she organized, and we got to know one another better. Less than a year later, we started to date. 

How Long Did it Take to Plan the Wedding? It took about ten months to plan the wedding, which was essentially determined by the date that we were able to get or our venue of choice. My mom did the bulk of the planning and organizing, so I was very lucky in that respect, because I found the whole wedding process very stressful and overwhelming. I love being married, but did not really love the actual getting married part. There were a lot of responsibilities, letdowns, and far too many eyes on me.

When Did You Get Married? Eight years ago tomorrow! It's true what they say: time flies when you're having fun. 

Describe the Proposal. We were visiting Upper Canada Village (because I love that kind of stuff) and had spent a few hours touring different buildings and learning about the history of the area. He wanted to leave before I did. I remember being annoyed by this, since it had taken so long to drive all the way there, but he insisted that we walk around the garden out front. Imagine my surprise when he got down on one knee! It was not at all expected, because I didn't have a very good job at the time and thought marriage should wait until I had figured that out. But of course, I immediately said yes. 

Who is the Better Cook? Definitely my husband. I am a terrible cook. Just awful. Despite taking different cooking classes in high school, I am terrible at cooking and hate every moment of the process. The dishes that I can make include: grilled cheese, oven french fries, and Kraft dinner. That's about it. Thankfully, my husband enjoys cooking and being creative in that way.

What Do You Enjoy Doing Together? Though we don't have a lot of the same interests (I like reality TV and he likes action movies. I like reading and he likes video games) we do spend time together in different ways. Like playing Disney themed video games, watching movies we both enjoy, and going on walks. I just like to be around him, with or without the same interests. 

Who is the Funny One? Who is More Outgoing? There are moments that I think I am hilarious...but I'm not really. I just entertain myself, I think. So he would probably be the funny one. (Unless you like a good pun...then I am your girl.) As for being outgoing? I am not. At all. Not even slightly. I hate being social, because my anxiety gets so bad. My husband needs time away from being social, but when he is in those situations, he thrives. He always seems to know just what to say and do. 

Would You Prefer to Go Out or Stay In on a Friday Night? I am always the type to want to stay in, if given the choice. Especially on a Friday night! The traffic alone would be too much. I used to like going out more than I do now, but it's been hard for me to readjust. Staying in all the time and being anti-social during the pandemic suited me quite well. I like being at home with my husband, my books, and an internet connection. But I am going to try to get out there more. I know it is good for me, even if it doesn't always feel like it. My husband doesn't seem eager to go out on Friday nights these days either, because at that point in the week, work has more or less zapped his energy. He doesn't mind heading out from time to time, though.

So, there you have it...a little anniversary tag. Whether you are celebrating the 4th of July tomorrow or are just doing your best to get through the week, do what you can to find a bit of happiness today. After all, you deserve it. 

Do you have anything special planned this week? Any upcoming celebrations?


  1. Oh this was so interesting to read. How cool to have met on St Patricks Day. I don't think couples need to share all interests. I feel you I am a bit of a homebody myself. I do make the effort to get out or I would never to anywhere LOL.

    Leanne Thompson of

    1. LOL same! I have to actively remind myself that it's a good idea to go places and do things...otherwise I would probably stay at home all the time!

  2. Happy Anniversary!
    I'm in my early sixties and I'm still wondering when I'll start feeling like an adult :-)
    Lovely to learn some personal things about you and your husband. Mine is the better cook too! xxx

    1. Ha! Let me know if it ever happens! Maybe that whole adult thing is a lie!

  3. happy anniversary! 8 years is a long journey.

  4. Happy Anniversary! What a great post, thank you! ♥


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