Saturday, July 22, 2023

#FOTD: olivia rodrigo vampire music video inspired makeup

Sour, the first album from Olivia Rodrigo, was easily my most listened to CD in 2022. And 2022. And it might be my most listened to in 2023 as well. The number of times that I have listened to that album is bordering on ridiculous. Though there had been a lot of incredible albums released in the last couple of years, Sour was the first one in a long time that made me feel the way I used to. See, back when I was younger, music was my whole identity. I would listen to the same albums over and over again, memorizing every little detail. Those albums made me feel safe and seen and understood in a way that I didn't feel in my day-to-day life. As I've gotten older, my love of music has stayed the same, but I don't always have that feeling when I listen to a new CD. I might love it, adore it, and listen to it many times, but it doesn't necessarily become a place of escape and understanding. Sour reminded me that I could still feel inspired in that way. It reminded me that music was (and still is) still a safe place for me. When it was announced that a new single would be released, there was a little nervousness on my part. Would it be as good as the songs on Sour? What if I didn't like it? What if I didn't have that feeling? It turns out that my fears were pointless, because her new song, Vampire, is perfection. I have listened to it at least a hundred times by now. I love everything about it. The lyrics speak to imbalanced power dynamics in a relationship (which is a topic that I am particularly passionate about) and the music video is a masterpiece. It is raw and emotional...and features some fantastic makeup. 

In the Vampire music video (which you can watch here), the makeup immediately stood out to me. Olivia has gorgeous dewy skin, white glitter on the eyelids, and an ultra vampy lipstick. I immediately knew that I wanted to try to recreate the look. So that is just what I have done for this #FOTD. I used a bunch of different products in my makeup collection. For the face, I used the Pro Glow Foundation from L'Oreal, a cream blush from Ciate London, and highlights from Hard Candy. The combination of those glowy products mimicked the gorgeous glow Olivia had in the music video. As for the eyes, I started by applying a white glittery eyeshadow all over the lid. Since her eye makeup in video has a lot of glitter and sparkle, the Lise Watier glitter was layered over top for something equally dramatic. There wasn't a lot of eyeliner in the music video makeup look, so only a small amount was smudged on the edges. Then I used my favourite mascara, The Super Sizer from Cover Girl, to create dramatic lashes. On the lips, I decided to combine two NYX lip products: Copenhagen and Monte Carlo. I wanted to make sure the lip colour was as close as possible to the Olivia version, so I mixed the two as needed to have an ultra vampy statement look.

To be honest, this makeup look was a little different for me, but it was nice to channel my inner Olivia Rodrigo for a day. I am definitely an eyeliner and smokey eye kind of girl (as any photos on my blog will prove) because I think it looks better on me, so it was interesting to create a makeup look that was not too dramatic on the eyes, and instead focused more on the lips. All that being said, I think I will stick to my eyeliner-focused smokey eye looks most of the time. It is just a part of me! 

What do you think of this #FOTD? Are you a fan of Olivia Rodrigo?


  1. You look so nice , thanks for your sharing...

  2. I'm afraid to say Olivia Rodrigo isn't familiar to me, but I'll definitely give her a listen with your recommendation.
    Your make-up is absolutely stunning, I'm loving the white glitter eye shadow! xxx

  3. Der Lidschatten ist atemberaubend schön. LG Romy

  4. You absolutely nailed the makeup! I do think your version outshine the original


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