Wednesday, July 5, 2023

kylie skin: kylie's glam beauty set (review)

It is no secret that I love the Kardashians/Jenners and discounted beauty products. Several months back, my friend and I stopped in at the mall before seeing a movie. While there, I found a set from Kylie Skin by Kylie Jenner at Winners for $30 CDN. There were three full-size products included, so it was a no brainer. According to the brand, Kylie's Glam Beauty Kit was a limited edition set that included a Sugar Lip Scrub, Kylie Matte Liquid Lipstick, and Makeup Melting Cleanser. Ready to take a peek inside? Here is everything you need to know about this Kylie Skin by Kylie Jenner set of products. 

As you can see, there are three full-size Kylie products included in the set. One is from Kylie Cosmetics (the liquid lipstick in the shade Kylie 808) and the other two are from Kylie Skin (Makeup Melting Cleanser and Sugar Lip Scrub). Since this set was $30 CDN and a liquid lipstick is $27 CDN, it was an exciting find. Especially since there were two new-to-me Kylie Skin products.

Kylie Skin Sugar Lip Scrub. One item included in Kylie's Glam Beauty Set was the Sugar Lip Scrub. It came with a small amount of the scrub (though this is a full-sized item) with 0.35 ounces of product. There was also a little scoop in that iconic millennial pink colour. It is always nice when a scoop or mini spatula is included when there is a product that needs to be scooped...especially a lip scrub. It just makes the application process so much easier. As for the scrub itself, it smells amazing, kind of like maple syrup and vanilla. The product is kind of sticky, but does a good job of gently exfoliating the lips. I just wish there was more product included. For the retail price of $29 USD, there isn't a lot. That is definitely something to keep in mind. 

Kylie Skin Makeup Melting Cleanser. Next in the set was the Makeup Melting Cleanser. Since makeup is a regular part of my day-to-day life, this was an especially exciting item to have around. Imagine my surprise to find out that this product was listed as $40 USD on the Kylie Cosmetics website. Yikes! I always forget how expensive her products are, but I feel like the prices seem higher than before. On the plus side, this set was snagged at a discount, and there is a lot of product included here. With 4.0 fluid ounces of the cleanser, this is something that will last me quite a while. All you need to do is apply the product to wet skin, massage onto the face, and rinse. This does an excellent job of removing makeup (especially face products like foundation and concealer) that doesn't always get totally removed with makeup wipes. While the lip scrub smelled amazing, this cleanser does not, sadly. It has a chemical kind of smell that isn't the most pleasant, but at least it works well and removes makeup.

Kylie Cosmetics Matte Liquid Lipstick. Another item in Kylie's Glam Beauty Set was the iconic liquid lipstick in the shade Kylie 808. Though I wasn't sure what colour lipstick would be included in the set (the actual shade name was not printed on the box) it was one that I already own. I was okay with this in the sense that it is a favourite of mine and it is always nice to have a backup on hand. I was disappointed in this because it would have been nice to have a different colour to put to use. As for the formula, this is a winner. I really enjoy the matte liquid lipsticks from Kylie Cosmetics. The colours are always gorgeous and the formula has great longevity. I especially love that it wears naturally throughout the day. I love not having to worry about that! 

Knowing the prices of the individual products, this was definitely an excellent deal for the three Kylie products. I was able to try out some different items for a whole lot less. It definitely pays to check stores like Winners and Marshalls. After all, you never know what you will find. These products have certainly been helping me take care of my skin...and have a little fun. 

Have you tried any of these products? Are you a fan of Kylie Skin or Kylie Cosmetics?


  1. Wow, what a bargain, Shannon. Such a shame there was so little product in the the lip scrub though. It must be really disappointing if one had forked out full price for this. I'm glad to hear the cleanser did its job, although the scent wasn't all that. But $40 USD for a cleanser would seem a bit outrageous to me ... xxx

    1. I'm definitely glad it was not something I paid full price for! Finding products that I want to try for a lot less money is always a good thing!

  2. a great set to try but how i wish the size of the lip scrub bigger than that

    1. Yes, definitely wish the lip scrub had more product included!

  3. Eine tolle Mischung, die Produkte sehen sehr interessant aus. LG Romy

  4. These are nice products, I do like the sugar lip scrub.

    The Style Fanatic

    1. It works well! I just wish there was more of it!


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