Thursday, July 27, 2023

my favourite perfumes for summer.

Though I am not someone who designates certain perfumes "only" for summer or "only" for fall, there are some scents that I find myself reaching for more often during specific seasons. Since summer is fully underway (though you would never know it if you stepped into my home right now, since I am watching "Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer" while I write this) it only makes sense to highlight some of the perfumes in my collection that have been in heavy rotation lately. These are not necessarily summer scents, but these are scents that I love to wear most often when the weather is warm. 

The inspiration for this blog post? Pamela Anderson. I am subscribed to her newsletter (which is fantastic) and every week she sends poems, random thoughts, and other such genius to my email. A little while ago, she wrote about scents and perfume and it really stuck with me. In fact, I've been thinking about it ever since. Pamela wrote the following: "Each person carries fragrance differently, mixed with energy and story. Scent carries memory. I have turned my head a few times while walking down the street, breathing in a cologne of someone from the past, only to find it wasn't them. But still - a thrill, a smile, or a shiver." Scents can connect us to the past. These summer favourites have all sorts of memories lingering in the scent. Date nights, fun times with loved ones, moments of beauty. Those wonderful moments are all there...saved in those bottles. 

Killer Queen: Spring Reign by Katy Perry. Technically, this is a spring inspired perfume, but it is something that I love to wear most during the summer months. It is described as an amber floral fragrance with top notes of pink freesia, black currant blossom, and violet, with middle notes of may rose, gardenia, and artemisia, with base notes of cedar, cashmeran, and benzoin. Basically, that is a long way to say that this perfume smells really wonderful. It is floral and powdery but is also woodsy. This is so fresh and clean...perfect for warm days in the sunshine. As for my memories associated with this scent? It is a tester that was gifted to me because of my love of all things Katy Perry. It makes me smile to remember that thoughtfulness.

Hilfiger Woman Pear Blossom by Tommy Hilfiger. The next perfume on this favourites list is from Tommy Hilfiger. This isn't a perfume that I ever would have sought out on my own, to be honest. It probably would not have caught my attention, because I don't tend to look for designer perfumes and am more of a celebrity perfume kind of person. (Though the bottle is super cute with the bow on the cap.) However, this is the first perfume that my husband ever bought me. I believe it was a year or so into our relationship and it was a Christmas gift. I immediately loved the scent. According to the brand, it is a fruity floral fragrance with top notes of raspberry and neroli, middle notes of sandalwood and cedar, and base notes of whipped cream, tonka bean, cinnamon, and artemisia. This is a gorgeous scent that is so fresh and clean and bright. It is the perfect pairing for a sunny day.

Malibu Fantasy by Britney Spears. I have been a fan of Britney Spears for a very long time. I can remember watching Britney in Hawaii on TV over and over again, wishing desperately that I would become talented and beautiful like Britney one day. Well, that never happened, but I still love her music and her fragrances. Though I own almost all of her perfumes, Malibu Fantasy is the one that comes out in the summer time. It is ideal for this time of year! It is described as a floral fruity fragrance with top notes of passionfruit, strelitzia, and pink grape fruit, with middle notes of tiare flower, hibiscus, cyclamen, and orange blossom, with base notes of coconut, vanilla, musk, white amber, and white woods. The coconut and vanilla are what stand out the most. This is so summery and vibrant, but still has a lot of warmth. This is another perfume that was gifted by my husband.

Taylor by Taylor Swift. This is a perfume that has been in my collection for such a long time now. I remember buying a stick version of the fragrance as a little Christmas gift to myself one year. I even wrapped it and placed it underneath my miniature tree. On Christmas morning, I unwrapped that little gift (knowing full well what was inside), and wore Taylor by Taylor Swift for the day. It made me feel extra special. Whenever I wear the perfume now, I think of that holiday magic that I created for myself. As for the actual scent, it is another floral fruity fragrance. Clearly I like those most during the summer months! This has top notes of litchi, tangerine, and magnolia petals, with middle notes of vanilla orchid, peony, and hortensia, and base notes of apricot, sandalwood, cashmere musk, and woody notes. This scent is so warm and inviting, but still bright and fresh. 

Have you tried any of these perfumes? What do you like to wear during the summer months?


  1. I don't wear fragrances based on seasons either but there are some that are more summery than others. You look like you have a great collection!

    Leanne Thompson of

  2. You're right, scents are powerful and do connect us to the past!
    I've got my favourites, but try a new one whenever I'm going on holiday, so that afterwards the scent takes me back there! xxx


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