Monday, August 28, 2023

current obsession: neon makeup products

Summer is officially on the way out. As a fall lover...this thrills me. I know, I know, I know. Most people dread the end of summer (and I have certainly felt that way a time or two in my life) but fall and winter make me positively giddy. I love the clothes and the colours and the festivities. I love the decorations and the traditions. I love pumpkin spice everything. There is so much to look forward to in the months ahead, but before the summer season actually ends, I wanted to focus on a seasonal obsession of mine: neon. It is no secret that neon makes me smile. After all, there have been lots of posts about neon on Mansa Fashion. over the years. It is so bold and vibrant! Yes, neon is hard to ignore. Maybe that is why there have been lots of neon coloured products incorporated into my makeup looks recently. Here is a recent #FOTD and a mini review...

Mini Review: Profusion Cosmetics Bright Lights UV Neon Liner. During my vacation to New York several months back, I decided to browse the drugstore to see what was available in the US compared to Canada. There were a lot of similarities, but a few new-to-me products caught my eye. Like the Profusion Cosmetics Bright Lights UV Neon Liner. There were so many bright neons to choose from! Ultimately, the shades Flash (neon pink) and Strobe (neon orange) came back home with me. What I love? These liners are so colourful, bright, and fun. They are unlike anything else that I have used before. I am obsessed with the colours and the many different ways these neon liners can be incorporated into different makeup looks. The only downside is the fact that the liner can look a bit streaky. You really need a few coats to make sure the colour is right. That means a bit of patience is in order. Despite that, these liners have been a lot of fun to use lately. Below is an example of one of the ways that I have been adding an extra pop of neon to my makeup looks. I love using these liners to add an extra pop of colour.

For this particular makeup look, it was business as usual on the eyes, but then a bit of Strobe was added as an accent to the winged liner. Other makeup looks swapped out the black liner for pink. Though I am still testing out different ways to wear these bright and over the top has been fun to push myself creatively with some neon coloured products. 

#FOTD featuring Rude Cosmetics x Koi Footwear Boots Collection Palette. It is no secret that I have been obsessing over this shoe shaped eyeshadow palette for many months now. This was a random find at Winners that turned out to be a huge success. The colours are so bright and fun...and it is possible to fulfill all of my neon fantasies with these eyeshadows. Every shadow in the palette has been used at this point, but more recently, my focus was on the neon blues and purples.

The reason for all of the purples and blues? I finally was able to see the live action version of The Little Mermaid. I had purchased movie tickets to see it right after returning from New York, but then COVID hit. Two months later, I was shocked that the movie was still in theatres, but was excited to finally be able to see all of the Disney magic on the big screen. (The movie was phenomenal, for the record. It totally exceeded my expectations. I will definitely be adding it to my DVD collection when it is released!) Since I had brought home an Ariel spirit jersey from The Disney Store in Times only made sense to match my makeup to the shirt. For the #FOTD, the shade Fairy Dusted was applied all over the lid and Rain was blended through the crease as well as a bit of Le Femm Boss. On the lower lash line, there was some Scubi to balance out all of that purple with some blue. On the lips, there was a pink shimmery lipstick to finish off this colourful and neon inspired creation. 

Are you a fan of neon makeup products? How will you enjoy the last days of the summer season?


  1. Not sure neon is for me, but I'm loving the look of these products. I would certainly have killed for them in my punk days :-) I'm very partial to that gorgeous purple and blue eyeshadow combo you created, which is absolutely fantastic! xxx

    1. I definitely want to see some photos of you from back then! I'll bet your style was just as fabulous! Thank you <3

  2. The different looks you created with these brightly coloured cosmetics are extremely pretty -
    I love the ways you combined and applied them to achieve these fabulous looks!
    Yes! I am a fan of these neon makeup products!

  3. Boa tarde. Obrigado pelo carinho e felicitações pelo aniversário de 4 anos do Blogger
    grato pela visita e comentário. Luiz Gomes.
    Suas dicas são sempre interessantes e maravilhosas.

  4. Neon color are very interesting and they surely impress. I like both these colors and I really like how they look on you.

    1. Thank you so much! Agree...neon colours are so fun!

  5. neons are fun and definitely eye catching. no wonder you like it so much!


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