Saturday, August 26, 2023

does it work?? lumiere sunless tanning serum

Summer isn't over yet! Despite the fact that I am dreaming about falling leaves and sweater weather...the sunshine is still out in full force. That means there is still a bit of time to put tanning products to the test. The Jergens Natural Glow Daily Moisturizer is my must-have and has been for many years now, but it is always fun to try out something different. Ready to find out how the Lumiere Sunless Tanning Serum performs? Here is everything you need to know about this seasonal product. 

So, what is the Lumiere Sunless Tanning Serum? According to the brand, it makes it possible to create a customized sun-kissed tan. The sunless tanning drops are for face and body and "give your skin a luminous and subtle bronze complexion. Made with color-correcting technology to visibly even skin tone." The serum is formulated with hemp seed oil, is hypoallergenic, and vegan. There are two different options: light/medium and medium/dark. Since I am ultra pale, light/medium was the best option for me. There are still a few weeks left of the season, so I was eager to find out whether the Lumiere Sunless Tanning Serum would help me achieve a fabulous summer tan. There is a fair amount of product (especially since it is recommended that you add only two to four drops to your moisturizer) so this is something that will last all season long...and then some. The serum comes in a glass bottle and there is a dropper inside. It is pretty easy to use, but it does need to be mixed into whatever moisturizer you have on hand. As for the results, these are fairly subtle. I only noticed a very slight difference with two drops of the serum, so the next time, four drops were mixed into the moisturizer instead. This created a lovely sun-kissed glow, but the colour was not too over the top. In the end, I looked more summery and refreshed than straight out tanned. 

So...does it work?? Yes. The results are definitely on the subtle side compared to other tanning products that I have used in the past. To be honest, that is actually a good thing in a way. It means that it is possible to achieve a really light and natural glow without fully committing to a summer-inspired tan. It is something that I can use throughout the year instead of only during the summer season. Extra drops of the serum can be added to the moisturizer for a slightly more noticeable look as well. Though I like that the serum makes it possible to customize the level of the tan, this isn't necessarily something that I would look for again in the future. (Though I am happy to use what I have.) I personally like that the Jergens Natural Glow Daily Moisturizer has the tanner and moisturizer in one...and I love the end result. Since that is also much more affordable than the Lumiere Sunless Tanning Serum ($12 versus $30) it just makes sense to keep reaching for my Jergens in future. 

Have you tried the Lumiere Sunless Tanning Serum? What tanning products do you like to use?


  1. Klingt gut und der Preis ist echt günstig. LG Romy

  2. As a subtle glow is what I'm after, this might work for me. Like you, I am ultra pale, and what with not having been 100% well, I am paler than I usually am this time of year. Thank you for sharing this product review Shannon! xxx

    1. Yes, it's definitely a subtle way to add a bit of colour! Thank you <3

  3. Hello!
    I don't know this product, but I really like tanning cosmetics because I don't sunbathe in the sun :) I like the ones that give a good and natural effect on the skin :)
    Greetings from Poland!


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