Wednesday, August 2, 2023

finding little pockets of meaning.

The summer season always seems to be a little too busy. Isn't this supposed to be a time of rest and relaxation? A time to lounge on the patio with a cold beverage? Unwind in the sunshine? Apparently not! The to-do list is never-ending. For starters, there are responsibilities at work as well as creative projects and long neglected at-home tasks that are simply begging for attention. Then there are all of the social events and invitations out that seemed to have piled up. It really doesn't take much for the summer season to start to feel overwhelming. At least, that is the way it has felt for me the last several weeks. I mean, there is the usual stuff that always seems to keep my schedule full, but then there are all of these milestone moments and major events happening for my loved ones. That means gift shopping and nights out galore. Don't get me wrong...these are wonderful things...but an open schedule and a lighter load would be nice for a little while. Maybe in the fall! At any rate, life has seemed a little busier lately, so I have been holding on to small moments. Little pockets of meaning. It's amazing how even in the midst of feeling overwhelmed, something can appear, and instantly you remember how beautiful it is to be alive. Today, I wanted to share some of the songs, words, and other such things that have added colour to my life lately.

Article: "Book Obsessed: The 430 Books of Marilyn Monroe's Personal Library." I don't exactly remember how this article crossed my path, but I do remember that it was a welcome reprieve on that particular day. My scheduled felt really full and there was a lot to be done before the night ended. Then bam! I found myself escaping for just a few minutes. It was perfect timing. Essentially, the article is about Marilyn Monroe, her love of reading, and her impressive book collection. The article states that "books were a refuge and companion for Marilyn." That is certainly something that I can relate to. It was fascinating to see the books that were included in her massive personal collection. I love that she had such a wide variety, from the classics to art books, biographies, french literature, plays, poetry, and books about politics. Clearly, this iconic actress was curious about all aspects of life and humanity. I don't know that my own bookshelf is nearly as interesting since I am not famous (it is littered with YA books, chic lit, biographies, mysteries, feminist texts, and poetry) but it was lovely to sneak a peek at the books that Marilyn read, collected, and loved. What an unexpected treat this article was on such a jam packed day. 

Lyrics: "The Emperor's New Clothes" by Sinead O'Connor. It goes without saying that the music world lost a true talent. Sinead O'Connor was totally ahead of her time. She was outgoing, true to herself, bold, honest, and brilliant. There have been a lot of posts about her recently, celebrating her life and the legacy of her songs, and as I was scrolling on Twitter, I saw the lyrics above. Again, those lyrics came to me at exactly the right time. The song speaks to power imbalances, the importance of being honest, and the need to live with integrity. Over the last year or so, it has become so much more important to me that I am true to myself. That I use my voice. That I stand against injustice and speak out against power imbalances. There are so many people on this planet that choose to be on the wrong side of history...the wrong side of humanity...and it is painful to witness. But these lyrics are a reminder that I must continue to do what is right and not necessarily what is popular. So, I will call out those who support abusers and predators. I will call out those who want to remove entire groups of people from existence. I will call out those who want to take basic human rights away from others. By doing so, "I will sleep with a clear conscience."

Song: "What Was I Made For?" by Billie Eilish. I am still in full-blown Barbie mode over here. I absolutely loved the movie. I am trying hard not to post any spoilers here, but it was wonderful. It is a must watch for all. Something that I have been listening to over and over again is one of the songs from the soundtrack, "What Was I Made For?" by Billie Eilish. It is breathy, haunting, depressing, and hopeful all at the same time. There are so many standout lyrics, but the whole vibe just feels right somehow. I find myself singing bits and pieces of the song to myself throughout the day. It just stays with you. In addition to listening to songs from the Barbie soundtrack, I have also been reading a lot of different interpretations of the film and some of the different scenes. It is wonderful to see the conversations about feminism, stereotypical gender roles, equality, and even what it means to be human. Barbie may be shiny, pink, and plastic on the surface, but the movie means so much more. 

There you have it. Some little bits and pieces of meaning found in the midst of an overloaded schedule. Be sure to share your own meaningful moments in the comment section below. Whether that is an experience, a song lyric, a poem, a TV show, or anything else. I look forward to hearing all about the things that have been keeping you inspired and hopeful these days.


  1. Oh yes it was a really busy but great week =) Thanks a lot <3 I love my new sunglasses too, it's so cool.
    I love this song too, it makes such a good mood =)
    Nice to hear that you liked the movie too =) Yes the messages were really powerful. I really wanted it but the price was too high :D 80€ is too much for a sweater :D

    Oh yes my life is busy at the time too and I can't wait when it's getting a little bit more relaxed. I loved to do so many things but it's also crazy to be always on the road.
    I like Billie Eillish a lot, she's a really good singer and this song is super cool.

    1. It will definitely be nice when things slow down a bit! You've had such a busy summer! <3

  2. I've been feeling a bit overwhelmed this past month too, and I love the idea of finding little pockets of meaning. Reading is definitely one of my refuges. As is writing. Revisiting my holiday - which seems such a long time ago now, although it was only in June - through my blog has been a joy. Thank you for sharing these words and songs which are your little pockets of meaning, Shannon! xxx

    1. It's been such a busy time! I love that you find little pockets of meaning as well. It makes such a difference <3

  3. The summer never must be busy. Summer must be calmed. And a person must to enjoy a lovelys holidays ever that It was possible.

    Have a very nice summer, and greetings from Mallorca.

    1. I hope that can happen with what remains of the season!

  4. Hello!
    Really great post. I agree with you, the summer season can be overwhelming. It's worth finding inspiration. I usually find it in music or movies. Music is an inseparable element of my life, it has helped me in many situations :)
    Greetings from Poland!

    1. Definitely! There is so much going on all the time. I totally agree with you about music. It is powerful.

  5. Sinnead's early departure is unfortunate, he always seemed to me a somewhat misunderstood person, I hope he has found some peace at the end of his life, I will just see the movie this week, I have read very good comments and I am really looking forward to seeing the movie!

    1. Agree. Misunderstood and totally ahead of her time. <3


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